LEADERSHIP TEAMS. 14.1 Each site may establish Leadership Team. The Leadership Team is an advisory board, offering suggestions and ideas of how to improve the site and student learning. The team shall be comprised of at least two teachers and the site Principal. The group will meet at least once per year.
14.1.1 Any teacher serving on the Leadership Team will be volunteering his/her time.
LEADERSHIP TEAMS. District Leadership Team (DLT) primary functions: Building Leadership Team (BLT) primary functions:
LEADERSHIP TEAMS. The majority of the site Leadership Team shall consist of full-time or shared contract classroom teachers with representation from each grade level or department. The classroom teachers shall be selected by their peers. The site administrator shall designate the other members of the site leadership team. The Adult Education Program Leadership Team shall consist of a majority of Adult Education teachers. Each team shall develop a protocol for communicating the recommendations and decisions of the team to the staff.
8.1 District Leadership Team (DLT)
8.2 Building Leadership Team (BLT)
8.3 Mentor Program Every building will have a program, developed by the Administration, for the purpose of supporting and mentoring new employees.
LEADERSHIP TEAMS. The District and the Association agree to establish a team of teachers, principals, and district/union leadership to determine an appropriate role responsibilities and job duties (eg. leadership, PLC activities, school improvement plans, scheduling, budget, etc.) and fair stipends for those individuals responsible for those tasks. This will be completed prior to the 2021.22 school year.
LEADERSHIP TEAMS. A. The All District Leadership Team (ADLT) will be composed of the Superintendent, building Principal(s), other Administrators deemed necessary, and two (2) Teachers from each building. The ADLT will meet at least three times a year. The ADLT provides an opportunity for a joint focus on District wide topics that will further unify the building level teams and the District. The ADLT will, establish a plan for a school wide satisfaction survey and review the data from the survey which will be used for District improvement. The ADLT is not a forum for on-going negotiations or to address other issues found in or relating to the collective bargaining agreement. Meetings that occur outside the Teacher work hours will be compensated at the curriculum rate.
B. A Building Leadership Team (BLT) will be established in each school building and will be composed of the building Principal and volunteer staff members of the building. The number of staff members on each BLT will be determined by the building Principal. The BLT will function as an advisory committee to the building Principal and focus its work on examining building issues/concerns involving teaching and learning, building climate and culture, and other issues agreed to by BLT members. The BLT will meet monthly or as otherwise agreed by BLT members. Meetings will occur outside Teacher work hours and be compensated at the curriculum rate. The administration will endeavor to schedule the meeting dates of the teams referenced in this section by September 15. The scheduled meetings may be rescheduled as needed.
C. A professional Learning Planning Team (PLPT) will be comprised of District Administrators, Teachers, and Paraprofessionals. The number of staff members on the PLPT will be determined by the Administration. Every effort will be made to ensure that there are teacher representatives from each of the following groups, EC-second grade, third grade-fifth grade and jr high. The PLPT will develop the goals, objectives, topics and plan for the District sponsored professional learning meetings. Beginning with the 2022-23 school year, the plan including tentative dates, the overarching goal for the year, as well as the tentative topics will be communicated to the staff by the end of the school year. The PLPT will meet monthly or as otherwise agreed by PLPT members. Meetings will occur outside the teacher work hours. Teachers will be compensated at the curriculum rate and paraprofessionals will be compensated at t...
LEADERSHIP TEAMS. Structure and Compensation
6.13.1. Building Administrators will establish paid leadership positions within each building.
6.13.2. Initially, the Building BTN team along with the building administrator, will determine the number of positions and duties of those positions. After the first year, positions and duties will be determined by the building administrator and leadership team at the end of each school year.
6.13.3. Openings will be advertised at the end of each school year as determined by the Leadership Team along with the Building Administrator.
6.13.4. Administration will choose from among the pool of applicants for a term of one year.
6.13.5. The minimal number of team members and total compensation for the team is determined from the following table: BHS 8 $15,000.00 XxXxxxx/Xxxx 6 $5,250.00 Elementary 4 $3,500.00
LEADERSHIP TEAMS. The CB actively engages a District Leadership Team and School Leadership Team that meets at least twice per month to focus on the work of improvement.
LEADERSHIP TEAMS. Structure and Compensation
6.16.1 Building Administrators will establish paid leadership positions within each building.
6.16.2 Positions and duties will be determined by the building administrator and leadership team at the end of each school year.
6.16.3 Openings will be advertised at the end of each school year as determined by the Leadership Team along with the Building Administrator.
6.16.4 Administration will choose from among the pool of applicants for a term of one year.
6.16.5 The minimal number of team members and total compensation for the team is determined from the following table: BHS 8 $15,000.00 XxXxxxx/Xxxx 6 $5,250.00 Elementary 4 $3,500.00
LEADERSHIP TEAMS. The Association and Employer are committed to a model of building leadership designed to collaboratively influence the building culture and support best practices designed to increase student achievement. Effective leadership requires the involvement of those who are impacted so that all voices are heard on the direction of the school. The teams will provide input, collaborate and build consensus on relevant topics.
1. Each building or work site shall have two teams aimed at supporting the Bremerton School District Strategic Plan: (1) Environment and Relationship (ER) Team (Goal Two of the Strategic Plan) and (2) Learning and Empowerment (LE) Team (Goals One and Three of the Strategic Plan). Collectively, the work of the building leadership teams supports Goal Four of the Strategic Plan. The selection of members of these teams shall be determined collaboratively between the principal and the representative group. On an annual basis, the principal will initiate the collaborative process to seek members for these teams and an opportunity for discussion regarding team membership. The purpose of the ER team is to create safe, supportive, consistent and socially- just learning environments where all staff and students feel a sense of belonging and connection. Areas of responsibility of the ER team are the building learning environment, promoting positive relationships, and providing behavioral support. Stipend as outlined on Appendix B-1. The purpose of the LE team is to support the professional learning communities of their representative group in creating academically engaging, relevant and responsive instructional experiences in which all students learn at high levels. Areas of responsibility for the LE team include PLC support of student learning, increasing student empowerment, and academic support. Stipend as outlined on Appendix B-1.
2. The role of the teams is to make thoughtful decisions within the group's area of responsibility as defined above, within budgeted limits of discretionary spending authority, and to the extent that the decision does not create an undesirable impact on some other unrepresented individual or group. Throughout the school year, these teams will make joint decisions on the spending of discretionary funds outlined in Appendix B-1. Such decisions must be consistent with the terms and conditions of local collective bargaining agreements and school board policy. Waivers of the BEA Collective Bargaining Agreement and District policy...