Parent-Teacher Conference a. The times for parent-teacher conferences shall be arranged by mutual consent of teacher and Building Level Administrator.
b. If the teacher or parent requests, he/she may have attendance of a Building Level Administrator, Department Head and/or Counselor at parent-teacher conferences.
c. No Building Level Administrator or guidance counselor shall have conferences with parents concerning pupil-teacher problems without the teacher being advised of the nature and outcome of the conference.
d. Teachers will meet with parents, at parents’ or teachers’ request, at a reasonable time to discuss concerns. The scheduled parent/teacher conference day, referenced in section 4, shall not eliminate the continuing responsibility of teachers to meet with parents when requested by either the parent or teacher.
Parent-Teacher Conference. 1. The Board shall endeavour to provide time during normal instructional hours for teachers to confer with parents on parent/teacher conference days.
Parent-Teacher Conference a. Parent Teacher Conference days will support the teacher and building in providing opportunities for families to learn about their students’ growth, work, and successes. October 14, 2021 October 15, 2021 (Teacher Exchange) March 3, 2022 (pm -bldg. time) Schools may use this time for parent/teacher conferences. March 4, 2022
Parent-Teacher Conference. With prior approval and supporting documentation, the Employer shall grant employees reasonable time off for the annual parent/teacher conference or IEP/IFSP without loss of pay.
Parent-Teacher Conference. 1. Every effort will be made for teachers to receive sibling conference schedules from the site administrator two (2) weeks before scheduled conference days. Teachers shall submit their conference schedules to the site administrator not fewer than two (2) work days before the scheduled conference days.
a. Parent/teacher conferences shall normally be scheduled for all students on the dates established by the District.
b. Teachers shall submit to the site administrator a parent/teacher conference report at the end of the second parent/teacher conference day, accounting for all students, number of conferences held, percentage of total conferences completed, and reason for any conferences not held.
c. Teachers shall be relieved of further obligation for a parent conference after the following steps have been taken: Notices sent home, telephone calls, and reschedule conference.
d. Teachers may leave the school site on District scheduled parent/teacher conference days no earlier than 12:00 p.m. Teachers shall notify school site office staff of any off-campus time prior to leaving.
e. Teachers may not utilize their personal day or personal necessity leave for personal compelling reasons on parent teacher conference days.
Parent-Teacher Conference. The school shall regularly notify parents of their right to schedule a parent teacher conference. Upon a parent's request, the teacher will have a conference with said parent at a mutually acceptable time. At times parents and teachers recognize the need to meet with each other to discuss matters pertaining to the student. The teacher shall attempt to initiate a Parent-Teacher Conference under such circumstances. All conferences shall be held at the discretion of the employee with prior approval of the Superintendent.
Parent-Teacher Conference.
A. Parents will be notified of conference dates. Every attempt will be made to schedule conferences for all students. Conference times shall be arranged to accommodate both parents and teachers, whenever possible.
B. If a conflict in the conference schedule cannot be resolved, the principal will make the final determination.
C. Release time during the day will be provided for evening conferences. Teachers must be present even when conferences are not scheduled, in order to fulfill the contract day. Specifically, if a teacher participates in an afternoon/evening session of conferences, they will be released early on the Friday of conference week.
Parent-Teacher Conference. 1. Elementary and Middle School - Teachers shall participate in parent conferencing as scheduled by the District. No more than two (2) conference days in the fall nor two (2) conference days in the spring will be scheduled. At least two (2) hours of student-free conference preparation time shall be included in the schedule for every day of scheduled conferencing.
2. Each high school may schedule up to three (3) nights for parent contact/conferences (Unless release time is given, these three (3) nights would be included in the three unpaid nights in Article 10-A-3).
Parent-Teacher Conference a. Parent Teacher Conference days will support the teacher and building in providing opportunities for families to learn about their students’ growth, work, and successes. 2018-2019 2019-2020 October 12, 2018–Teacher Exchange October 11, 2019 – Teacher Exchange February 28, 2019 (p.m.-bldg. time) February 27, 2020 (p.m.-bldg. time) Schools may use this time for Schools may use this time for parent/teacher conferences. parent/teacher conferences. March 1, 2019 February 28, 2020 16-1-5. Wednesday Building Time The intent of this time is to bring staff together on a consistent basis to better meet the needs of our students, staff, building, and district. The use of this time will be determined using the Site-Based Shared Decision Making Model (SBSDM) and should be communicated to the staff no later than the last day of August. Meetings during this time could be but are not limited to building specific initiatives, celebration, collaboration time, committees, cross content/like content, department/team, just-in-time training, mentor/mentee, personalized time, PLCs, updates, etc. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list, but rather examples to which buildings may refer when making decisions.
Parent-Teacher Conference. Day In the event there is no professional development activity scheduled during this day for Employees and in the event certified employees are given the opportunity to flex their time for Parent/Teacher Conference Days, the same opportunity is to be given to the Employees covered by this Agreement. In the event a professional development activity will be scheduled, Employees will be given four weeks’ notice.