Extended Health Leave Sample Clauses
Extended Health Leave. Each tenure teacher may be granted a leave of absence, without pay, due to physical or mental causes. The request shall be in writing and shall be accompanied by a doctor's statement detailing the extent of the illness. Such leave of absence shall be for a period not to exceed one (1) year, subject to renewal for an additional period of one (1) year. Upon return from such leave, which shall only be at the beginning of a semester/trimester, the BOARD shall place the teacher in a position similar to the position s/he left, if one is available. If no such position is available s/he shall then be placed in another position, to be determined by the BOARD.
Extended Health Leave. Extended health leave due to physical or mental causes not falling within the sick leave policy may be granted by the Board of Education or its designate without pay upon request by the employee. Such request shall be in writing and shall be accompanied by a written evaluation by the attending physician. Such extended health leave shall be considered for renewal annually.
Extended Health Leave. A. An employee who is unable to perform his/her duties because of a serious health condition may be granted a leave of absence up to one (1) school year beyond the school year in which leave began whether through use of available paid leave or unpaid leave. A portion of the Extended Health Leave may include time designated as Family Medical Leave under the FMLA and/or Washington Family Leave Act. Additional leave beyond one (1) calendar year may be granted in unusual circumstances by mutual agreement of the District and the Association. The employee shall have the option of using eligible paid sick leave or may take unpaid leave under FMLA.
B. The District will require certification by a licensed health care provider that the health reason is valid and will also require that the employee present a written release for return to duty by his/her licensed health care provider before returning to active service.
C. Application for such leave shall be made in writing to Human Resources, and submitted in advance of the commencement of the Extended Health Leave whenever possible.
Extended Health Leave. Any employee whose personal illness extends beyond the period compensated under Paragraph 7.1 above, and has a minimum of one (1) year continuous employment in the School District, shall be granted a health leave, upon written request, and a physician's recommendation for the time period necessary for the employee to recover from the illness or disability, but in no event shall the leave extend a maximum of one (1) year without the approval of the Board, or its designee. Any health leave granted under this section shall be without pay or fringe benefits except for Article 11.8.
Extended Health Leave. A. Extended health leave due to physical or mental causes not falling within the Sick Leave Policy may be granted by the Board of Education or its designate without pay upon request by the employee. Such request shall be in writing and shall be accompanied by a written evaluation by the attending physician. Such extended health leave shall be considered for renewal annually.
B. Any employee who returns from a leave of absence, before ninety (90) calendar days, and who already has a route, will return to that route. An employee who returns from a leave of absence without a route assignment, within the first ninety (90) calendar days of such leave shall be entitled to exercise his/her seniority rights to bid/bump onto a route within his/her classification for which he or she is eligible. The returning employee must work in their classification ninety (90) calendar days to set their leave count back to zero. If the employee should go on another leave of absence within ninety (90) calendar days of their return (not to include board paid sick days) then their previous calendar day count will continue to accrue. If accumulated leave time exceeds ninety (90) calendar days, the employee, upon return to work, will be placed on a route per Article X, Section 16 (A)(5). (EXAMPLE, An employee on a leave for 80 calendar days, returns to work in his/her classification, then goes on another leave within 90 calendar days of his/her return, loses their route and the right to bump on the 11th calendar day of the second leave i.e., 80 + 11 = 91).
Extended Health Leave. Extended Health Leave may be used when employees need to take time away from work that is not covered under the Family Medical Leave policy. This time away from work may be with pay, as in the case where accrued compensatory time or PTO is used by the employee to continue on a paid status, or the leave may be without pay. The following conditions apply:
Extended Health Leave. (1) Leave may be granted based on mental or physical illness of an administrator.
(2) Request for Extended Health Leave shall be accompanied by a written statement from the attending physician indicating basis for leave request.
(3) Requests for return from Extended Health Leave must be accompanied by a written statement from the attending physician stating the administrator's fitness to return to employment.
Extended Health Leave. A. Extended health leave due to physical or mental causes not falling within the sick leave policy may be granted upon request by the employee, provided the criteria used in granting such leaves shall be uniformly applied to all applicants. Such requests shall be in writing to the Superintendent and shall be accompanied by a written evaluation by the attending physician. Such extended health leave may be considered for renewal annually.
B. If extended health leave is granted without benefit of written request, or in the absence of written request by the employee, no final action shall be undertaken until the Union has had the opportunity to verify that all rights the employee may have accrued under this agreement have been protected, provided such time allocated to said Union to make such verification shall not exceed fifteen (15) calendar days.
Extended Health Leave. A teacher who is unable to perform his/her duties because of health reasons may be granted a leave of absence up to one (1) year without pay. The District may require certification by a licensed health care provider that the health reason is valid and may also require that the employee present written permission by his/her licensed health care provider before returning to active service. Application for such leave shall be made in writing to Human Resources.
Extended Health Leave. Extended Health Leave may be used when employees need to take time away from work that is not covered under the Family Medical Leave policy. This time away from work may be with pay, as in the case where accrued compensatory time or PTO is used by the employee to continue on a paid status, or the leave may be without pay. The following conditions apply:
1. Contracted employees are eligible to request an extended leave of absence from the District. This request must include an assurance the employee intends to return to work at the end of the leave and the time will not be used for the purpose of obtaining employment outside the District.
2. In no instance will combined PTO, Family Medical Leave of Absence, Extended Health Leave, or any combination of paid or unpaid leaves be for more than 12 months. The extended health leave will be granted for the remaining period of the school year once Family Medical Leave is exhausted.
3. The employee must provide medical certification for the extended health leave period. Failure to submit a timely request for leave or an appropriate medical certification may result in a denial of the leave.
4. There will be no loss of salary status and PTO balances will not accumulate.
5. A leave of absence for personal health reasons will not count as a year of credit for experience.
6. An employee may elect to pay for his/her insurance premium(s) at the group rate.
7. An employee must submit a letter of intent to return to work no less than three (3) weeks prior to the intended return, if practical. Every effort will be made to place the employee in an open position for which he/she is qualified and is of like status and pay.