Pay Procedure Sample Clauses

Pay Procedure. 15.01 NORMAL a) Employees shall be paid weekly and payment for any given week will be made not later than the sixth working day after the close of the payroll period, but in any event not later than Thursday of the following week. Except as provided for in 15.01(c) employees who are at work on Thursday and are not paid will be paid on Friday. Such employees will be released one ( l ) hour, with pay, prior to normal quitting time on Friday to enable them to cash their cheque. b) Wages shall be paid by the Employer on the job site, before quitting time, in cash or by cheque, payable at par in the locality of the job site. Accompanying each payment of wages shall be a statement, in writing, which can be retained by the employee, setting forth. i) The period of time or the work for which the wages are being paid; ii) The rate of wages to which the employee is entitled; iii) The amount of wages to which the employee is entitled; iv) The amount of each deduction from the wages of the employee and the purpose for which each deduction is made; v) Any allowance or other payment to which the employee is entitled; vi) The amount of vacation pay for which the employee is being credited; vii) The amount of statutory holiday pay for which the employee is being credited; and viii) The net amount of money being paid to the employee. c) In cases of inclement weather being declared on payday, employees will receive their pay before leaving the site provided it is available on the site.
Pay ProcedureEmployees shall receive on the last office day preceding commencement of their annual vacation any monies which may fall due during the period of their vacation, if requested by the employee at least two (2) weeks prior to commencement of the vacation.
Pay Procedure. 11.1.1 A Staff Member will be paid on the 15th of each month. If the 15th occurs on a Saturday, Sunday, or during a break, Staff Members will be paid on the last school day preceding the 15th. 11.1.2 For purposes of initial salary schedule placement a new Licensed Staff Member to the District will be granted year for year credit for Licensed experience, as determined by the District, in the field of education. 11.1.3 For purposes of initial salary schedule placement an ESP (other than bus drivers) cannot be given more than year for year credit for the years of job-related experience, as determined by the District.
Pay Procedure. If requested in writing, twelve-month employees shall receive, on the last pay day preceding commencement of their annual vacation any monies that may fall due during the period of their vacation.
Pay ProcedureEmployees will continue to receive their pay cheques as per present practice. However, where a pay day falls on an EDO that employees at City Hall are taking, the pay day will be observed on the day before the EDO. · Upon termination, an employee shall be paid for actual hours worked during the last pay period. Any final adjustments regarding disposition of time owed to/by the City will be reconciled at that point in time.
Pay Procedure. 1 A Bargaining Unit Member will be paid on the 15th of each month. If the 15th occurs on a Saturday, Sunday, or during a break, Maintenance Workers will be paid on the last school day preceding the 15th.
Pay Procedure. (1) The Employer agrees to pay all employees, in twenty-four (24) equal installments on the fifteenth and the last day of each month, beginning in September of each school year, unless this day falls on a Saturday, Sunday or bank holiday, in which case salary will be paid on Friday, or the day preceding the bank holiday. Upon written request from the employee made prior to the commencement of any given school year, the July and August salary will be paid on June 30. Payment elections shall remain in effect for each individual employee unless changed on or before August 15 of any given school year, and may not be withdrawn or changed during any given school year. Failure to submit an election will result in payments being made over a twelve (12) month period. (2) The Employer agrees to deduct from the pay of an employee, who so authorizes in writing, the following payroll deductions: a. Health benefits b. Tax sheltered annuities (subject to a maximum of twelve (12) such plans) c. United Way d. Professional organization membership dues e. Credit Union f. Flexible Spending Account (FSA) g. Health Savings Account (HSA) The Business Manager will issue one monthly payment to the designated officer of the bargaining agent to cover the combined professional membership dues. (3) Requests for reimbursement for credits and for payment for work under supplemental contracts must be documented and received by the Business Manager: (i) on or before the first day of the month for payment on the fifteenth of the month; or (ii) on or before the fifteenth day of the month for payment on the last day of the month. (4) The Employer agrees to pay supplemental contracts in nearly equal payments according to the following schedule: Fall Activities Winter Activities Spring Activities 10-Month Activities September December March September October January April thru November February May June
Pay ProcedureAll contracts will be paid on a twelve-month basis on or before the 15th day of the month of the contracted year. Lump sum payments will be available in accordance with applicable Kansas statutes.
Pay Procedure. A. The number of pays for all employees within the bargaining unit shall be twenty-six (26) per contract year through June 30, 2022. For contract year July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023, the number of pays for employees within the bargaining unit shall be twenty-six (26) except twelve (12) month employees shall receive twenty-seven (27) pays for this contract year. B. Pay dates from July 1, 2020, through June 30, 2023, will be as shown on the following schedule. (Appendix H) C. All employees shall participate in direct deposit. D. All employees must use electronic notification (email) for pay stubs. Board agrees to provide access and assistance to employees in the bargaining unit.