Personal/Family Leave. 18.4.1 Upon approval of the Xxxx, Administrative Head or designate, an employee shall be granted up to two days personal/family leave per year (to be deducted from the employee’s sick leave accrual) to attend to personal/family related situations which require the employee’s involvement.
18.4.2 Where no one other than the employee can provide for the needs of a member of the employee’s immediate family during a serious illness, the employee may apply (by telephone, confirmed later in writing) to their Xxxx, Administrative Head or designate for permission to have up to five days of accumulated sick leave per illness for this purpose. Serious illness need not mean life threatening and it is understood the seriousness of the illness may be related to the age of the family member. The employee may be required to provide medical evidence of the serious illness.
Personal/Family Leave. Where an Employee is required to provide for the needs during illness of their spouse, child, stepchild, parent, sibling, mother-in-law, father-in-law, common-law partner, same sex partner, any other relative or a close friend who has been residing in the household, an Employee shall be entitled, after notifying their Employer, to use a maximum of five (5) accumulated sick leave days per illness.
Personal/Family Leave a) Employees shall be allowed to take up to five (5) days of Personal Family Leave, and provided that the employee has at least three 3 months of continuous service, the first three
Personal/Family Leave. Each employee shall be entitled to six (6) Family days per year to be used at their discretion. If an employee requests they shall be entitle to draw on their vacation pay to be paid out in an amount equal to their normal hours for those days.
Personal/Family Leave. Council acknowledges the relationship of work and family and the importance of the effective combination of both in increasing productivity and reducing absenteeism and staff turnover rates in the Council. In order to achieve these goals there will be no change in the current sick leave entitlement (nor the accrual of untaken sick leave from year to year) for employees. A provision shall be made for a maximum of 10 days sick leave, personal or family leave combined together upon the requirements of the employee.
16.2.1 In the matter of Xxxxx's leave, where the employee can identify as being the only carer, ten (10) days being the normal sick leave credit, can be taken (or parts thereof) for immediate family needs that would require the employees to be in personal attendance with access being through certification by way of a Medical Practitioner's authority or by mutual agreement.
16.2.2 Prior notification to employer should apply in a timely manner (other than emergencies) to allow for the allocation of leave in both instances of personal and Xxxxx's Leave.
Personal/Family Leave. L18.1.0 Personal/Family leave may be granted for reasons which are unavoidable or extraordinary to a total of five (5) days per school year. Such leave shall be granted at the discretion of the designated Superintendent, in consultation with the Principal and the Teacher may have recourse to the Superintendent of Human Resources Services. Personal leave is not accumulative.
Personal/Family Leave. An employee may be permitted by the Employer to use two (2) days sick leave credits per fiscal year for personal/family responsibilities. Personal/Family Leave is used for carrying out a personal or a family responsibility within the context of today’s societal demands and pressures.
Personal/Family Leave. Upon approval of the supervisor, an employee shall be granted personal/family leave (to be deducted from the employee’s sick leave accrual) to attend to personal/family related situations which require the employee’s involvement. Where no one other than the employee can provide for the needs of a member of the employee’s immediate family during a serious illness, the employee may apply (by telephone, confirmed later in writing) to their supervisor for personal/family leave. Serious illness need not mean life threatening and it is understood the seriousness of the illness may be related to the age of the family member. The employee may be required to provide medical evidence of the serious illness.
Personal/Family Leave. Personal/Family leave for up to five (5) consecutive days may be granted at the discretion of the Employer for personal or family reasons.
Personal/Family Leave. The parties recognise that absenteeism is costly, affects efficiency and is disruptive to the whole operation in terms of work not undertaken and loss of service. Accordingly, the following arrangement will apply to assist employees to reconcile their family and work responsibilities.