Personal Professional Development. Teachers are encouraged to engage in personal professional development activities in accordance with Article 10.16, Conference Leave, and funding for such activities shall be provided as prescribed under Article 10.16.
Personal Professional Development. Personal Professional Development (PD) is defined as an activity that enhances a teacher’s qualifications, skills and/or abilities. Teachers may use money allocated by the Division for personal professional development for conferences, mentorship, peer coaching, professional reading materials, membership fees and university tuition. Professional Development Committee
1. Each school or site shall establish a professional development committee consisting of the principal and two (2) teachers to review and approve professional development requests.
2. The principal on behalf of the committee will submit to the Director by November 30 and May 31 of each year a summary of approved professional development.
3. Applications that have been denied can be sent directly to the Director of Education by the Applicant.
10.1 The use of funds allocated to professional development should be guided by those areas of targeted professional growth identified in the Teacher’s Professional Growth Plan.
10.2 Each teacher employed on a continuing or replacement contract will receive one-thousand, two-hundred dollars ($1,200) per year for professional development.
10.3 Teachers on a continuing or replacement contract of fifty percent (50%) or more shall receive full professional development funds.
10.4 Teachers on a continuing or replacement contract of less than fifty percent (50%) shall receive six-hundred dollars ($600) per year for professional development.
10.5 Annually, each school or site will be allocated a professional development fund equal to two-hundred ($200) per FTE, as of September 30, to be used to supplement personal professional development for teachers. As per the associated administrative procedure.
10.6 The Board shall cover substitute costs to a maximum of two (2) days per teacher per school year for professional development.
10.7 Teachers on a temporary contract will apply to the professional development committee and a recommendation will be provided to the Director for approval.
10.8 For the purposes of this article, prior approval from the Director is required for out-of-country travel. Requests for out-of-country travel must be submitted for consideration a minimum of one (1) month prior to the scheduled event.
10.9 PD Travel When travelling to Director sponsored meetings and/or professional development, carpooling is encouraged, unless circumstances warrant otherwise and will be compensated at the Board Rate. All other expenses incurred will be reimbur...
Personal Professional Development. Demonstrated experience and understanding of the need for continuation of both personal and professional development. Attend all compulsory training sessions provided by the College. Actively seek performance feedback and other opportunities for personal and professional development. Attend professional courses where applicable
Personal Professional Development. Both parties to this agreement recognize that personal professional growth in the areas of techniques 21 of instruction, management of instructional setting, preparation, pupil-teacher relationships and 22 character development, knowledge of subject matter, pupil evaluation, building and district 23 effectiveness, and community relations are related to teacher performance and in turn to student 24 achievement.
Personal Professional Development. Effective January 1, 2011 the employer shall provide each employee with reimbursement of up to $200 per year to cover tuition or registration costs associated with a course or program. The course or program is subject to approval however it need not be related to employment with FRESC. Reimbursement will be made on proof of successful completion of the course or program.
Personal Professional Development. Upon the submission of appropriate documentation and approval by the City, employees represented by the Union shall be eligible to receive up to $750 per calendar year for personal and professional development, or purchase of computer hardware or software. Of this total, up to $250 may be used for items directly related to a regular, continuous physical fitness program (no clothing); for example, fitness center dues or exercise equipment.
Personal Professional Development. Effective strategic planning and business development of the HCP program. To promote BSHS as a package provider of choice Experience working with Department of Health funded Home Care Packages Guidelines, and Quality of Care Principles. High level strategic, leadership and management skills. Provides monthly report to Director. Evidenced high level consumer advocacy. Demonstrated effective consumer directed service delivery to meet each HCP client’s needs. Experience managing a caseload of clients from consumer directed care principles, and evidenced based best practice. Maintain current and complete records and statistics/data on all patient contact and clinical support activity as required. To provide case management for home care package clients Develop, implement and evaluate all client focused care plans To ensure the client is referred to all appropriate services and that these services are taking place. To document all aspects of client care in the clients record Ensure appropriate reporting to Finance to allow for client invoicing and budget reporting Ensure clients are receiving their monthly financial statements Ensure the BSHS portal in My Aged Care is kept current To review all referrals for Home Care Packages through My Aged Care or other referral pathways Completed risk assessment or referral for risk assessment for each HCP client. IT literacy and the ability to adapt to using new IT programs Effective operational (financial, case/clinical, workforce and administrative) management of the HCP program and staff. High level communication skills including the ability to build rapport with clients and their families and/or carers and advocate for their needs. Demonstrated adherence to safe practice standards and policies for the HCP service Appropriate Qualification compliant with Australian Qualifications Framework (e.g. Diploma of Case Management and/or Community Services /Nursing/ or related field, or Tertiary Qualification in a health related field). Compliance with all BSHS Policies and Procedures. At all times practices works within the vison, mission and values of Beaufort and Skipton Health Service. Adherence to infection control policies and procedures as identified in the Beaufort and Skipton Health Services Infection Control Manuals. Participation in the BSHS risk management and quality improvement systems by being aware of responsibilities to identify, minimise and manage risks and...
Personal Professional Development. Personal Professional Development (PD) is defined as an activity that enhances a teacher’s qualifications, skills and/or abilities. Teachers may use money allocated by the Division for personal professional development for conferences, mentorship, peer coaching, professional reading materials, membership fees and university tuition. Professional Development Committee Each school or site shall establish a professional development committee consisting of the principal and two (2) teachers to review and approve professional development requests. The principal on behalf of the committee will submit to the Director by November 30 and May 31 of each year a summary of approved professional development. Applications that have been denied can be sent directly to the Director of Education by the Applicant.
Personal Professional Development. Personal Professional Development (PD) is defined as an activity that enhances a teacher’s qualifications, skills and/or abilities. Teachers may use money allocated by the Division for personal professional development for conferences, mentorship, peer coaching, professional reading materials, membership fees and university tuition.
Personal Professional Development. Resident will receive $1,000 over a course of three years (PGY1, PGY2 and PGY3) for use towards Personal Professional Development.