Project Performance Measures must link project performance measures to the following OEJ Program Performance Measures: • Empowered Communities • Stakeholder Consensus Project Performance Measures – must link project performance measures to the following OEJ Program Performance Measures: • Empowered Communities • Stakeholder Consensus • Environmental Results • Sustainability For more information about the EJSG and the EJCPS Programs visit OEJ’s Web site at: xxxxx:// technical-assistance
Project Performance Measures. The District will track the linear feet of sewer lateral repaired or replaced and the number of laterals that have been replaced/repaired by the Program. $50,000 in administrative civil penalty will be suspended pending successful completion of the program that equates to the satisfactory repair or replacement of a total of 29 defective private sewer laterals and compliance with the SEP provisions in the Settlement Agreement for this matter, which include the requirement that the District demonstrate that it has expended a minimum of $50,000 to implement the SEP project. Up to the full amount of the SEP will be suspended if the District satisfactorily demonstrates to the Regional Water Board in the Final Report that the above Program performance measures were met. If the Program terminates before completing the 29 private lateral performance measure, then the amount suspended will be up to $25,000 if the District demonstrates that at least 15 private laterals were replaced/repaired.
Project Performance Measures. Describe measures or indicators for the success of the SEP and procedures to evaluate compliance with the performance measures or indicators. The bank and gully repair sites will be inspected after winter floods, annually for three years. The repairs will be considered successful if they are built in conformance with the description provided in the application for Clean Water Act 401 water quality certification and comply with all conditions in the 401 water quality certification. Plant survival monitoring will be completed annually for three years. The number of plants installed shall be tracked in order to determine survival rate. At the end of three years (by July 31, 2019), planting will be considered successful if 75% of plantings have survived. If natural recruitment of native plants (i.e., willows and alders become established from the natural seed pool) occurs in planted areas, success will be based on a canopy cover of at least 75%. If the plant survival performance measure is not achieved, dead plants must be replaced in kind. In the event monitoring establishes that a site is not conducive to the survival of a particular species, alternative species may be used as replacement after receiving concurrence from the Water Board staff. Replacement plants are subject to the same performance criteria as the initial plantings. If the bank repair performance measure is not achieved, additional repairs will be made until the performance measure is achieved. Repairs will address the causes of channel instability or excessive erosion or deposition of sediment.
Project Performance Measures. The SEP must achieve all the following performance measures to be deemed complete:
a. Milestone 1: Submit signed teacher contracts and schedules of activities, collect at least ten gallons of trash for each trash cleanup, submit survey results to city Clean Water Program, and identify and report location of any trash hotspots to city services for cleanup as applicable.
Project Performance Measures. Project Performance Measures: The Project Performance Measures and Targets describes what outcome- based performance measure(s) the PROJECT SPONSOR plans to evaluate to ensure that the project/program is meeting its objectives. [USE one of the following tables to identify specific performance measures or for projects with no specific targets/measurable statistics. Delete the table not used) XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX
Project Performance Measures. The Discharger will be deemed to have fully performed its SEP-related obligations at such time that it has completed the actions described in the milestones above, including the reporting and accounting obligations. At a minimum, the SEP must achieve all of the following performance measures to be deemed complete:
a. The updated BMPs Manual that is published and used for the Operator training required herein shall contain the following:
i. Methods for early water main leak detection;
ii. Methods for effectively responding to unplanned or emergency discharges and implementation of corrective actions, including notification to regulatory agencies, inspection, and adequate and timely biological assessment;
iii. Methods for identifying and mapping environmentally sensitive water bodies;
iv. BMPs for prioritization of main replacement program that include an environmental risk assessment component; and
v. BMPs for prioritization of main replacement program that include a number of leaks per 100 miles/year component.
b. The Discharger or CA-NV AWWA shall conduct at least two Operator training events (one in Northern California and one in Southern California) on the updated BMPs Manual. No less than 50 Operators shall attend each training event.
Project Performance Measures. The SEP must achieve all of the following performance measures per the VIMP to be deemed complete:
a. Task 1a: SVE Well Installation (including site characterization described in the “Amendment to Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Plan.”)
b. Task 1b: SV Probe Installation
c. Task 2a: Permitting
d. Task 2b: System Construction
e. Task 3: System Installation
f. Task 4: System Start-up
g. Task 5: Workplans, Reports and Project Management
h. Task 6: Public Participation
i. Task 7: Professional Consulting
j. Task 8: Monthly Operations & Maintenance (each month for 6 months)
k. Task 9: System Status Reports (One Report)
l. Task 10: Indoor Air Sampling (One Round)
Project Performance Measures. Within the context of the “Continuum of programs and services” identified in this Statement of Work, the following project outputs and outcomes shall be documented; additional performance measures may be requested by the Agency.
Project Performance Measures. The City will measure the success of the Private Sewer Lateral Grant Program by tracking the number, length, location, and cost of repairs/replacements of defective private laterals. Suspension of $199,622 in administrative civil penalty shall occur after successful completion of the program that equates to the satisfactory repair or replacement of a total of 115 defective private sewer laterals and compliance with the SEP provisions in the Settlement Agreement for this matter, which include the requirement that the City demonstrate that it has expended a minimum of $199,622 to implement the SEP project. If the program results in a lesser number of private laterals repaired or replaced, the suspended amount shall be determined by this equation: suspended amount in dollars= (number of private laterals repaired or replaced) * ($1,700 per private lateral). The difference between $199,622 and the suspended amount shall be paid by the City to the State Cleanup and Abatement Account (CAA). For example, if the City only repairs or replaces 78 private laterals, then the City would pay $67,022 to the CAA ($67,022 = $199,622 – (78 * $1,700)). In addition, the City will gather pre rehab flow monitoring data by April 1, 2012. Within two years following exhaustion of the grant funds and no later than October 1, 2015, the City will commence post rehab project flow monitoring at the Sharp Park Pump Station using existing flow meters to measure flow reductions and will prepare a brief summary report of its findings. If the City’s monitoring results indicate that the Private Sewer Lateral Grant Program did not reduce I/I , the City will recommend further studies in the area and complete those studies before December 1, 2016 at the City’s cost.
Project Performance Measures. This table describes measures or indicators for the success of the SEP and procedures to evaluate compliance with the performance measures. The success will be documented by photos, as-built drawings, and vegetation surveys presented in the final report. Vegetation surveys will be conducted each September for three years following planting. If permits are received by 10/15/2013, construction will be completed by late January 2014. If regulatory agencies cannot process applications and issue approvals by then, the work would be delayed one year because the xxxxxxx rail nesting season requires that work be done between September 1 and January 31. Replace old culvert (original x-sec area ~20 sq ft) with new culvert(s) (x-sec area ~35 sq ft) Increased tidal exchange from 11.0 ac-ft/day to 15.4 ac-ft/day; increased wetted area from 8 acres to 12.8 acres (daily average) Install pressure transducers that measure water depth to record increased tidal prism. Plant at least 500 square feet of mid-to-high-xxxxx plain native plants in suitable bare areas. The community is expected to be dominated by Xxxxxx and xxxxxxxxxx, with some Frankenia and Limonium. Provide 50% coverage of native mid-to-high xxxxx vegetation after 3 years. Measure plant coverage annually in September for 3 years; install additional plants if coverage is less than 40% after two years.