Quality Provision. A strong focus is being placed on development of Quality Assurance during 2018 with some re- organisation of the quality function within LWETB. A next three years LWETB will strengthen its links with HE institutions as a progression option for its learners. XXXXX also has representation on the FE to HE Network with Maynooth University. The Adult Guidance Service will make a major contribution to the promotion of clearer learner pathways both within FET and onto HE. However, it is important to note that while XXXXX is committed to maintaining and establishing HE links, SOLAS and the ETB sector need to work together to ensure an approach that facilitates the movement of FET learners from FET provision along clearly articulated pathways into all HE institutions.
Quality Provision. A key organisational goal is continuous improvement and further development in Quality Assurance. As discussed under Priority 2 in Section 4.1, in 2018 Xxxxx ETB will establish a new overarching FET quality assurance system, governance structure and bolster the organisation’s curriculum development capacity and resources though the new Xxxxx ETB Quality Council and QA Unit. A key action will be implementing the new Quality Improvement Plan in line with QQI requirements and subsequent monitoring and continuous QA Self Evaluation. Other key initiatives that will help us in the Quality area in the next 3 years are: ― Internal Xxxxx ETB course approval process at levels 4, 5, 6 ― Implementation of the SOLAS Professional Development Strategy ― Implementation of the SOLAS TEL Strategy ― Integrated FET guidance plan ― On-going risk management strategies ― In-depth health and safety audit and new management plan
Quality Provision. In continuing to evolve its quality assurance system CDETB will enhance its services for learners and deliver programmes which reflect the needs of learners, society and industry. As noted in section 4.1.5, CDETB is committed to implementing a more unified quality assurance system (across AES, Colleges, Training Centres and Youthreach), with strong corporate oversight and self-evaluation, thus enabling it to achieve strategic and operational goals. CDETB undertook an extensive Self-Evaluation exercise in accordance with QQI requirements, from which its Quality Improvement Plan has been developed and approved by QQI. Core to its QA approach is a centralised corporate model of strategic and operational planning, taking account of how the quality enhancement agenda can be used to achieve the necessary strategic aims of CDETB’s FET services. The Quality and Strategy Planning Council is chaired by a FET Director where recommendations of QA sub-groups (comprising staff from colleges and centres) and centre level quality teams are considered for recommendation to the Senior Management Team. A key feature of CDETB QA is data collection and self- evaluation at all levels of the organisation. Specific procedural reviews also take place in relation to assessment and learner supports. Implementing effective and improved mechanisms to facilitate these processes is a priority for CDETB. CDETB has a centralised, scheme-wide approach to developing/revising programmes that ensures curriculum development is in line with learner, societal and labour market needs including progression within CDETB and to higher education courses and to work. CDETB aims to improve the quality of teaching and learning and active inclusion of vulnerable groups, through the use of technology enhanced learning, blended approaches and creating more flexible delivery models. CDETB has developed quality assurance procedures for blended learning, in consultation with the SOLAS, QQI and other ETBs. All of these initiatives are embedded within the CDETB Enhancing Teaching, Learning and Assessment through Technology Strategy 2018 – 2023.
Quality Provision. MSLETB FET will provide high quality education and training programmes and will meet the appropriate national and international quality standards. Key actions to support the objectives within the FET strategy around quality provision are set out below.
1. MSLETB will continue to review and provide programmes that are current, relevant and fit for purpose. 2. MSLETB programmes will enable learners progress to employment or a higher-level qualification in FET or HET.
Quality Provision. WWETB has a Quality Improvement Plan (QIP) in place which includes the five key steps set out below.
1. Review and enhance FET QA Governance ― Review existing policies and procedures and amend or create new policies and procedures where needed; with a view towards one overarching Total Quality Assurance System. ― Identify & collate all existing legacy policies and procedures (both FE & TQAS) to be reviewed. ― Create Terms of Reference for the QA Steering Group and Programme Approval committee. ― Consider how other Awarding Bodies and non- certified programmes can be included in policies and procedures.
Quality Provision. LOETB established a QA Department in 2016. This department is currently responsible for: ― Implementation of the QQI Executive Self Evaluation & Programme Improvement Plan ― Preparation for the forthcoming Statutory Review ― Implementation of LOETBs FET strategy in relation to Quality Provision ― Overseeing the development of the new Scaffolding Apprenticeship ― Managing the increased reporting required through PLSS and FAR and recognising the importance of data as a driver of knowledge and ensuring the quality of data input around PLSS. LOETB has identified the following improvements in relation to Quality Provision: ― Implementation of the agreed Quality Improvement Plan by end 2018 ― Implementation of QQI Statutory Review, 2019- 2020 ― In 2019, LOETB will assign a member of staff to the post of CPD Co-ordinator charged with developing an annual CPD calendar for all staff, researching and scheduling appropriate professional development courses and working with the SMT to ensure that all CPD is in line with the strategic direction of the organisation. ― A pilot TEL CPD project is underway in one centre, which will be rolled out in other centres from September 2018. ― Priorities have been identified in terms of the TEL CPD needs of FET Staff, ranging from basic IT needs to more advanced TEL planning. A Business Case will be made to SOLAS to obtain sanction for the expansion of the QA Department to include a Training Standards Officer and related clerical support in order to ensure the smooth introduction and running of the Phase 2 Electrical Apprenticeships and expansion beyond.
Quality Provision. CETB has established a centralised QA function from internal resources. The development of this function is critical to the overall quality and success of CETB FET activity. In June 2018 QQI approved CETB’s application under the 2012 Act for recognition (re-engagement) which establishes CETB QA procedures with QQI in accordance with Section 30 of the Qualifications and Quality Assurance (Education and Training) Act 2012. The agreed re-engagement process required CETB to develop an Executive Self Evaluation Report (ESER) addressing QQI’s Core Statutory QA (Quality Assurance) guidelines and other QA guidelines as appropriate; and a Quality Improvement Development Plan (QIDP). This formal recognition by QQI is an important event and one milestone on the roadway towards a single, integrated set of QA procedures, development of an effective governance model, Devolved Responsibility and possibly Delegated Authority in the future. Cork ETB will shortly commence preparation with the other ETBs for Statutory Review which is scheduled to take place in 2020, by consulting with stakeholders, including employers, staff and learners. CETB has and is developing a SharePoint site for the centralised hosting of its QA policies and procedures, and this will be expanded to encompass beyond assessments to include all CETB FET governance information for all CETB FET services. To date the focus has been on standardising assessment procedures, with procedures then to be formalised on governance, access, transfer and progression and teaching and learning. The SharePoint site also hosts all programme and component descriptors to ensure version control and related resources Robust governance structures are being established for FET quality assurance. Terms of reference have been finalised for the Executive Group, FET Steering Group, Programme Approval Group, QA Steering Group and the Assessment Working Group. Further developments are planned in line with the ETBI Establishing a FET QA Governance System handbook. The Director of FET is developing a Cork ETB FET Strategy which will review sector-based strategies, incorporate the Cork ETB Statement of Strategy and provide a clear roadmap for the service. Monitoring of assessment activity and ensuring standards is ensured through the centralised coordination and reporting of EA and RAPS to the QA Office. This allows for areas of good practice and of concern to be highlighted to be addressed by the FET Steering Group. Cork ETB will roll...
Quality Provision. Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board is committed to quality assurance of all its provision and support services. The FET Division established a Quality Assurance Support Service (QASS) in 2015 with responsibility for the development, implementation, evaluation and review of an effective Quality Assurance system across all its Further Education and Training Centres. The QASS developed and submitted to QQI in October 2017 the Executive Self-Evaluation Report (ESER) and Quality Improvement Plan (QIP). The Executive Self- Evaluation was conducted in line with QQI Statutory Core Quality Assurance and Sector Specific Quality Assurance Guidelines for the Education and Training Boards, and within nationally agreed Terms of Reference. The QIP covers the period October 2017 – December 2018 and will be monitored on a quarterly basis by the FET Steering Group with progress updates against the planned outcomes and activities being provided by the QA Officer. One key objective is to establish a single QA System to meet the requirements of QQI and ensure excellence across all FET provision.
Quality Provision. Quality Provision is one of the five strategic goals in the CMETB FET Strategy. A Quality Assurance, Active Inclusion and Reporting Working Group and a QA Department have been formed and are working to implement the strategic actions. A robust infrastructure is in place to support the development of relevant, effective and responsive FET programmes at all levels. A rigorous programme approval process ensures that new programmes are based on the specific needs of the local economy, while also ensuring that CMETB has the requisite skills, resources and facilities for quality and effective training delivery. Equally robust processes are in place for ensuring a fully transparent, quality assured assessment process, and results approval process is in place at all levels of the FET service. On-going training of staff and other relevant personnel ensures that QA capacity building is consistently embedded at all times. CMETB has developed a Quality Improvement Plan, which has been agreed with QQI. Five priority areas are identified through this plan: ― Review and enhancement of the FET QA governance structures ― Improved use of management information tools ― Development of integrated policies and procedures with a view to integrating all policies and procedures under a CMETB framework. ― Integrated planning and management of CMETB programme related activities ― Staff and Stakeholder consultation and communication to deliver quality, relevant curriculum. These priority areas and corresponding actions are aligned to CMETB’s FET Strategic Goals and Key Performance Indicators. In addition, as noted in section 4.1.5 and 4.1.6, CMETB is committed to the full realisation of the TEL Strategy and CPD strategy. Strategic Performance Agreement 2018 – 2020 19 Cavan and Monaghan Education and Training Board
Quality Provision