AFFIRMATIVE ACTION POLICY. Contractors, subcontractors, sub grantees, and other firms doing business with the City of Missoula must be in compliance with the City of Missoula's Affirmative Action Plan, and Title 49 Montana Codes Annotated, entitled "Human Rights" or forfeit the right to continue such business dealings.
AFFIRMATIVE ACTION POLICY. Contractors, subcontractors, sub grantees, and other firms doing business with the City of Missoula must be in compliance with the City of Missoula's Affirmative Action Plan, and Title 49 Montana Codes Annotated, entitled "Human Rights" or forfeit the right to continue such business dealings. The City's Affirmative Action Policy Statement is: The Mayor of the City of Missoula or the Mayor's designee may adopt an affirmative action plan to provide all persons equal opportunity for employment without regard to race, ancestry, color, disability, religion, creed, national origin, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, marital status. In keeping with this commitment, we are assigning to all department heads and their staff the responsibility to actively facilitate equal employment opportunity for all present employees, applicants, and trainees. This responsibility shall include assurance that employment decisions are based on furthering the principle of equal employment opportunity by imposing only valid requirements for employment and assuring that all human resource actions are administered on the basis of job necessity. Specific responsibility for developing, implementing, monitoring and reporting are assigned to the City Personnel staff under the supervision and direction of the Chief Administrative Officer and the Mayor. It is the policy of the City of Missoula to eliminate any practice or procedure that discriminates illegally or has an adverse impact on an "affected" class. Equal opportunity shall be provided for all City employees during their terms of employment. All applicants for City employment shall be employed on the basis of their qualifications and abilities. The City of Missoula, where practical, shall utilize minority owned enterprises and shall ensure that subcontractors and vendors comply with this policy. Failure of subcontractors and vendors to comply with this policy statement shall jeopardize initial, continued, or renewed funds. Our commitment is intended to promote equal opportunity in all employment practices and provide a positive program of affirmative action for the City of Missoula, its employees, program participants, trainees and applicants
AFFIRMATIVE ACTION POLICY. Contractors, subcontractors, sub-grantees, and other firms doing business with the City of Missoula or any agency connected with the City of Missoula must be in compliance with the City of Missoula’s Affirmative Action plan and Title 49, MCA, or forfeit the right to continue such business dealings. See Attachment A.
AFFIRMATIVE ACTION POLICY. All reasonable efforts shall be made to recruit employees whose ethnic and social backgrounds are representative of the community and students served by the College.
AFFIRMATIVE ACTION POLICY. Employees of the Phoenix Union High School District and applicants for employment within the District will be given equal opportunities regardless of race, creed, religion, sex, national origin, ethnic identity, age, marital status, or handicap. The District will continue to cooperate with agencies of the federal and state governments in fulfilling its legal and moral obligation in the area of equal employment opportunity. It is the responsibility of each and every member of the administration of this District to ensure that meaningful equal employment opportunity exists and to develop a work force which reflects appropriate distribution of women and racial minorities all levels of employment throughout the entire District. The Governing Board and administration pledge to improve the employment of women and racial minorities through the various programs of the District’s Affirmative Action Program. Any conduct, which constitutes sexual harassment, is prohibited.
AFFIRMATIVE ACTION POLICY. As a company we comply with the requirements as set by the legislation for affirmative action. Our affirmative action program is committed to ensure that women have fair and equal access to employment opportunities and benefits, and are not inhibited or prevented from taking up those opportunities and benefits through the operation of barriers. If anyone is experiencing barriers to their development opportunities, or is aware of inequities which others may be experiencing, they are to speak to the Employee Relations Manager or the nominated E.E.O. contact officer. All discussions will be treated in the strictest of confidence.
AFFIRMATIVE ACTION POLICY. It is the policy of the Library to be in full compliance with all Federal, state, and local non-discrimination and equal opportunity laws, orders and regulations relating to race, sex, creed, religion, color, culture or ethnicity, sexual orientation, individual lifestyle, political affiliation, physical limitation, age, national origin, or status as a disabled veterans or veterans of the Vietnam era.
AFFIRMATIVE ACTION POLICY. The City shall take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, ancestry, color, physical or mental disability, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital or familial status, creed, ex-offender status, physical condition, political belief, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or public assistance status. . Such action shall include, but is not limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other forms of compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. The City agrees to post in conspicuous places, available to employees and applicants for employment, notices setting forth the provisions of this non- discrimination clause.
AFFIRMATIVE ACTION POLICY. The Partners recognize the benefits of affirmative action in fostering opportunities for the equal participation of minority and women-owned business enterprises, and minority and women employees and principals are given the opportunity to participate in the performance of contracts entered into by the Company. This Company believes the opportunity for full participation in the free enterprise system by persons traditionally, socially and economically disadvantaged is essential to obtain social and economic equality. Accordingly, it is the policy of the Company to xxxxxx and promote the participation of such individuals and business enterprises in its contracts. The Company expects all concerned to afford all persons equal employment opportunities without discrimination.
AFFIRMATIVE ACTION POLICY. In matters including, but not limited to, recruitment, employment, layoff, transfer, reappointment, promotion, tenure, professional development, assignments, all forms of compensation, and partic- ipation in institution sponsored programs, neither The Xxxxxx Union nor the CUFCT shall dis- criminate against any employee in the bargaining unit because of sex, race, age, national origin, religious preference, sexual orientation, marital status, or disability as defined by applicable law; and furthermore The Xxxxxx Union is committed to providing educational excellence and en- richment in an educational environment based in part on a diversity of cultural and ethnic differ- ences. To achieve the above objectives, the following position and procedures shall be implemented and the CUFCT shall be furnished with copies of advertisements, postings, lists, etc. as appropriate:
A. Affirmative Action Officer (AAO). An AAO shall be appointed by the President of The Xxxxxx Union.