Salary Provisions Sample Clauses

Salary Provisions. A. Employees shall be compensated in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement for all hours worked. B. Salaries contained in Appendix A shall be for the entire term of this Agreement, subject to the terms and conditions of Article 26. Should the date of execution of this Agreement be subsequent to the effective date, salaries, including overtime, shall be retroactive to the effective date. C. Retroactive pay, where applicable, shall be paid on the first regular pay day following execution of this Agreement, if possible, and in any case not later than the second regular pay day. In the case of retroactive pay resulting from negotiations pursuant to Article 26, such retroactive pay shall be paid on the first regular pay day following agreement on such schedule, if possible, and in any case not later than the second regular pay day.
Salary Provisions. Extended Day General 1 Athletic Extended Day 3 Non-Athletic Extended Day 4 Salary Schedule 5 Supervision Pay 7 Stipends 8 Buy Back Days 8 Extended School Year 8 Article 20: 1 Class Size Article 21: 1-2 Laws Regarding Special Education Article 22: 1-4 Just Cause Discipline Article 23: 1 Calendar Appendix A: 1-3 Extended Day Appendix B: 1 Salary Schedule Appendix C: 1 Calendar Appendix D: 1-10 Teacher Evaluation Procedures Appendix E: 1 Sick Leave Bank Donation Request Form Appendix F: 1 Sick Leave Bank Withdrawal Request Application Appendix G: 1 Catastrophic Illness or Event Notification Process Appendix H: 1-38 Historical Section Appendix I: 1-15 Historical MOU’s
Salary Provisions. When permission for leave has been granted no deductions from salary shall be made when teachers are absent for the following reasons:
Salary Provisions. 9.4.1 Base salary, and “grandfathered” educational stipends earned before 2001, shall be paid in twelve (12) equal monthly installments. For less-than-annual employees, vacation pay and holiday pay shall also be paid in twelve (12) equal monthly installments. 9.4.2 Salaries contained in Appendix B for non-technology and Appendix D for technology employees shall be for the entire term of this Agreement, subject to the terms and conditions of Article XV. Should the date of execution of this Agreement be subsequent to the effective date, salaries, including overtime and standby pay, shall be retroactive to the effective date, unless the parties have specifically agreed otherwise. 9.4.3 Retroactive pay, where applicable, shall be paid on the first regular pay day following mutual ratification of this Agreement, if possible, and in any case not later than the second regular pay day. In the case of retroactive pay resulting from negotiations pursuant to Article XV, such retroactive pay shall be paid on the first regular pay day following mutual ratification of such schedule, if possible, and in any case not later than the second regular payday. 9.4.4 An employee whose position is reclassified to a higher classification or an employee who moves to a higher classification shall be placed on the appropriate step which will result in a salary equal to or greater than the salary that would have been paid on the previous classification, plus onestep. 9.4.5 An employee whose position is involuntarily reclassified to a lower classification and whose salary exceeds the salary of the new classification shall be grandfathered at his/her current salary. An employee who voluntarily moves to a lower pay classification shall be placed on the step closest to but not less than the rate of pay the employee was receiving in his/her former position except that the employee shall not receive an amount greater than the highest salary within the classification. 9.4.6 Any employee required to return to work on callback or required to travel from one site to another in a private vehicle during work hours shall be reimbursed for such travel on a per-mile basis at the IRS rate. 9.4.7 Employees who travel outside the District on District business must complete an “Employee Travel Request” form and shall be reimbursed for expenditures in accordance with District policy. 9.4.8 Employees may choose to participate in the District’s electronic program, pursuant to Payroll office procedures. Che...
Salary Provisions. 17.2.1 Employees shall be compensated in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement for all hours worked. The District will annualize an employee’s regular wages. Said wages will be paid in twelve (12) equal installments on or before the last work day of the month. 17.2.2 Salaries contained in Appendix A shall be for the entire term of this Agreement. Should the date of execution of this Agreement be subsequent to the effective date, salaries, including overtime, shall be retroactive to the effective date. 17.2.3 Retroactive pay, where applicable, shall be paid on the first regular pay day following execution of this Agreement, if possible, and in any case not later than the second regular pay day. In the case of retroactive pay resulting from negotiations pursuant to Article XVIII, such retroactive pay shall be paid on the first regular pay day following agreement on such schedule, if possible, and in any case, not later than the second regular pay day. 17.2.4 Completed qualified work experience will be calculated as of the first day of school and used for salary placement in the given year. Experience calculation is based on the employee’s work calendar for their position. Employees will be placed on the salary schedule as follows: A. 0.0-1.79 years of experience = Step 1 B. 1.80 -3.79 years of experience = Step 2 C. 3.80- 5.79 years of experience = Step 3 D. 5.80 or more years of experience = Step 4 Experience for work in public schools will be granted for prior classroom experience for paraeducator positions or for prior office experience for office positions. Employees with prior experience in both classroom and office positions will be credited for the specific time worked in each position and applied specifically to the paraeducator or office position and may not be combined. 17.2.5 Step placement shall be retained during all transfers, promotions and reclassifications. 17.2.6 An employee who moves to a different classification shall remain at the same increment step. An employee who is involuntarily reclassified to a lower pay classification and whose salary exceeds the salary of the new classification shall be grandfathered at her/his current salary until the salary schedule is equal or greater than the grandfathered salary. 17.3.7 If a classification review results in pay reclassification, the new pay rate will be retroactive to the date the completed job analysis questionnaire was received by Human Resources. 17.2.8 Any employee who is int...
Salary Provisions. Section 1. Placement on the salary schedule shall be determined by the Superintendent at the time of initial employment as an Administrator in the District. Prior experience credit may be allowed by the Board acting on the recommendation of the Superintendent. An Administrator may not be granted credit for experience in excess of their actual previous administrative experience. For work performed in the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015, an Employee who is not yet on Step 6 of the salary schedule, will be placed one step higher than the step (s)he had been on June 30, 2013 or upon date of hire. Section 2. Placement on the salary schedule of an Administrator reassigned within the District shall be determined at the time of reassignment. Administrators who are reassigned for reasons other than performance, demotion, mutual agreement or as a result of downsizing shall retain their salary schedule status at the time of the reassignment. An administrator reassigned to a position paying a higher salary shall be placed on a salary schedule for the new position. Prior administrative experience credit may be allowed by the Board acting on the recommendation of the Superintendent on behalf of said Administrator pertaining to their placement on the scale.
Salary Provisions. The School Committee agrees to include in its budget requests for each year of the Agreement, sufficient monies to fully fund the economic provisions of this Agreement, and submit such budget requests to the appropriate Town Meeting in Plymouth for funding. In the event that the submitted budget is not fully funded in any year of the Agreement, the parties to this Agreement agree to negotiate over the impact of that failure to fully fund. Following these negotiations, if the School Committee determines that it cannot fully honor the general wage increase of this Agreement, the parties will reopen the entire Agreement for negotiations for the year in which the budget was not fully funded. The following provisions are understood to accompany this salary schedule: A. Increments and salary adjustments are not to be considered automatic; they shall be reviewed annually and approved by the Superintendent. Among the factors to be considered by the Superintendent in making his decision shall be the attendance record of the employee. Any employee whose increment or salary adjustment is to be withheld shall be advised of such decision, in writing, on or before May 15th of the prior work year. If the recommendation to withhold an increment or salary adjustment is approved by the Superintendent of Schools, the employee shall be entitled to have the decision to withhold an increment or salary adjustment reviewed by the Superintendent prior to the close of the work year in which the notice was given. If the increment or salary adjustment is withheld, a decision whether to reinstate one- half (1/2) of the increment or salary adjustment will be made by January 31st of the year in which it is withheld. A similar decision regarding reinstating the second one-half (1/2) of the increment or salary adjustment will be made prior to the close of school during the work year in which the increment or salary adjustment is withheld. The employer agrees that increments and/or salary adjustments shall not be unreasonably withheld. B. All teachers will be on proper step, subject to (A) above and, if applicable, subject to Article XXVIII. C. In order to be placed on a new salary column, a teacher must submit to the School Department by September 15th a request for such placement. There are two opportunities during the school year for salary column changes. Provided official transcripts detailing credits for said move are submitted by September 30th the salary column change will be effec...
Salary Provisions. Movement between columns will occur and will be effective for the entire school year if a bargaining unit member files an official transcript (or other evidence of completion of course work such as an official grade slip form the university) on or before September 1 of a given school year. If, however the official transcript is not on file with the treasurer by October 1, such advances and higher pay will be subtracted from future pays until balance is rectified. An employee will be placed in the appropriate column effective with the second semester if an official transcript or other evidence of completion of course work is filed after September 15 but on or before January 15 of a given school year. Part-time bargaining unit members shall move up one (1) experience step annually if contracted for one hundred twenty (120) days or more per year with the Monroeville Board of Education. Bargaining unit members who hold LD tutoring positions shall be paid according to the negotiated salary schedule for certified personnel and are entitled to all other rights and benefits provided for in the negotiated agreement.
Salary Provisions. A teacher on sabbatical leave will be considered under contract to the Van Buren Board of Education and will receive one-half (1/2) the base salary they would receive as a full-time teacher for that year. Base salary includes the regular salary schedule and increment.
Salary Provisions. The Administrator on sabbatical leave shall receive as compensation during the period of absence from his/her position one-half (1/2) of the regular salary that he/she would have received during the leave period, and continuation of insurance’s at full coverage where permitted by the carrier under its uniform rules and included in the participation agreement with the School District.