Scheduling Guidelines. The following provisions shall apply to full-time and part-time Nurses:
(a) The work schedule shall be posted four (4) weeks in advance of the posted schedule. This schedule shall include weekend and standby/on call assignments.
Scheduling Guidelines. The Hospital will provide the Association with a written description of current unit guidelines regarding the scheduling and utilization of standby time. The guidelines are to include the required number of standby hours, if any, per nurse per posted cycle. The guidelines for a unit will be made available to the nurses in the unit.
Scheduling Guidelines. Group Self-Scheduling is intended to promote, recruit, retain, engage and offer nurses the opportunity to have flexibility in their work schedules. This is balanced with the unit/worksite/program being staffed properly to ensure patient/resident/client care requirements are met.
1. The Employer established Master Rotation will be used as the basis for each nurse within the Group Self-Scheduling unit/worksite/program. Only occupied Master Rotation lines can be used for Self-Scheduling.
2. A Self-Scheduling Group can consist of two (2) or more nurses on the same unit/worksite/program who agree to work together and take responsibility for coordinating and selecting their scheduled shifts within the combined Master Rotation schedules of the group over the scheduling period. Each nurse must meet their current EFT requirement within the posted shift schedule and the additional requirements contained herein.
3. The out-of-scope Manager/designate has the responsibility of overseeing the process and has final authority in resolving issues. However, such authority is to be exercised reasonably and in accordance with the principles described herein.
4. To form a self-scheduling group, nurses must be of equal competency and skill sets. Where necessary, consideration must also be given to ensuring that there are nurses who are able to take charge/special skill assignments (e.g. triage, LDRP, OR, clinic, etc.) based on the Employer Master Rotation requirements.
Scheduling Guidelines. Normally, two (2) consecutive days off will be scheduled during each work week, however, schedules may be agreed upon to provide for more than five (5) consecutive days of work, but not more than seven (7) consecutive days of work without days off as long as four (4) days off are scheduled each fourteen (14) days.
Scheduling Guidelines. 4 on 5 OFF SCHEDULE
(a) The 4 on 5 off Schedule may be introduced into any unit when:
i) Fifty-one percent (51%) of the Full-Time and regular part-time Nurses specifically assigned to such units so indicate by secret ballot; and
ii) The Hospital agrees to implement the shift schedule in the unit. It is understood such agreement by the Hospital shall not be withheld in an unreasonable or arbitrary manner.
(b) The 4 on 5 off Schedule may be discontinued in any unit when:
i) Fifty-one percent (51%) of the Full-Time and regular part-time Nurses specifically assigned to such unit so indicate by secret ballot; or
ii) The Hospital determines that the schedule:
A) Causes adverse effects on patient care; or
B) Results in the inability to provide a workable staffing schedule; or
C) Results in other undesirable outcomes that are neither unreasonable nor arbitrary.
(c) The secret ballot referred to above, shall not take place unless six (6) months has elapsed from the date of any such previous secret ballot within such unit.
(d) If the 4 on 5 off Schedule in a unit is discontinued in accordance with (b) above, it is agreed that:
i) The Parties shall meet within two (2) weeks of the decision to discontinue the extended shift in such unit to review the decision, and
ii) The affected unit shall be given sixty (60) days notice before the schedules are so amended.
(e) In reference to Article 14.12, tours scheduled and days off will be posted at least four (4) weeks in advance. Requests for change in posted time schedules must be submitted in writing and co-signed by a Nurse willing to exchange days off or tours. It is understood that such changes in schedules initiated by a Nurse and approved by the Hospital shall not result in overtime or scheduling violation premium. Requests for shift exchanges will be considered and a decision provided to the Nurse within seventy-two (72) hours of the manager receiving the request for the exchange that has been signed by both Nurses. Shift exchanges will not be unreasonably denied. Requests for shift exchanges requested with less than seventy-two (72) hours notice will be considered on an individual basis by the manager or designate. Full-Time employees may request a shift exchange with employees who are not working the same number of hours on that shift however, in order to maintain full time hours (1950 per year) the Full-Time employee will request banked lieu time (including stat holidays) or vacation for the remaining hours.
(f) A ...
Scheduling Guidelines. 4 on 5 OFF SCHEDULE
(a) The 4 on 5 off Schedule may be introduced into any unit when:
i) Fifty-one percent (51%) of the Full-Time and regular part-time Nurses specifically assigned to such units so indicate by secret ballot; and
ii) The Hospital agrees to implement the shift schedule in the unit. It is understood such agreement by the Hospital shall not be withheld in an unreasonable or arbitrary manner.
(b) The 4 on 5 off Schedule may be discontinued in any unit when:
i) Fifty-one percent (51%) of the Full-Time and regular part-time Nurses specifically assigned to such unit so indicate by secret ballot; or
ii) The Hospital determines that the schedule:
A) Causes adverse effects on patient care; or
B) Results in the inability to provide a workable staffing schedule; or
C) Results in other undesirable outcomes that are neither unreasonable nor arbitrary.
(c) The secret ballot referred to above, shall not take place unless six (6)months has elapsed from the date of any such previous secret ballot within such unit.
(d) If the 4 on 5 off Schedule in a unit is discontinued in accordance with
Scheduling Guidelines. 4 on 5 OFF SCHEDULE
(a) The 4 on 5 off Schedule may be introduced into any unit when:
i) Fifty-one percent (51%) of the full-time and regular part-time nurses specifically assigned to such units so indicate by secret ballot; and
ii) The Hospital agrees to implement the shift schedule in the unit. It is understood such agreement by the Hospital shall not be withheld in an unreasonable or arbitrary manner.
(b) The 4 on 5 off Schedule may be discontinued in any unit when:
Scheduling Guidelines. The Hospital will provide the Association with a 17 written description of current unit guidelines regarding the scheduling and utilization of 18 standby time. The guidelines are to include the required number of standby hours, if 19 any, per nurse per posted cycle. The guidelines for a unit will be made available to the 20 nurses in the unit.
Scheduling Guidelines. Regular part time employees will be scheduled by order of seniority up to and not exceeding twenty-two and one-half (22.5) hours per week. All other shifts that are available will be scheduled until all employees have reached up to and not exceeding twenty-two and one- half (22.5) hours per week. Any remaining shifts will be scheduled to top seniority and down one (1) day at a time.
Scheduling Guidelines. A review of PTO scheduling guidelines will occur under the following two circumstances:
a. When a question/concern is raised regarding adequate PTO opportunities for employees in a specific department/unit.
b. If either party proposes changes to the current scheduling guidelines regarding how many employees may be granted time-off at a time. This review will occur jointly and where appropriate will include a retrospective review of PTO requests approved and denied on a department/unit specific basis. Consensus decision making will be used and PTO scheduling guidelines may be adjusted to fill the demonstrated needs as identified in review.