PTO Scheduling Sample Clauses

PTO Scheduling. The Employer will make a good faith effort to accommodate requests for PTO. Employees will email their supervisor to request all scheduled PTO. For PTO requests greater than (5) days, the employee should make the request no later than two weeks in advance. The supervisor will respond to the employee’s PTO request in writing within five (5) working days for any requests of five (5) days or more. Employees in positions where coverage is required will assist in identifying coverage for scheduled PTO that is less than two weeks in advance. For scheduled PTO that is more than two weeks in advance, employees may choose to assist in identifying coverage but will not be required to do so. If the employee does identify coverage, they will notify their manager. Once PTO is approved, it will not be revoked. For unscheduled PTO, the Employee will notify their supervisor as soon as possible and will not be asked to identify coverage, but may volunteer to do so.
PTO Scheduling. In considering requests for planned time off, the Employer will consider the staffing needs of the department or health center, available PTO balances at the time of the request, the estimated balance at the time of PTO use, and the time the request is made.
PTO Scheduling. The vacation year shall be based upon an employee’s anniversary date. Employees may schedule and take PTO as vacation to the extent it has been earned. PTO shall be scheduled by the Employer in such a way as will least interfere with the functions of the department and the continuity of patient care. The
PTO Scheduling a. By November 15 of each year, the Company will post on appropriate bulletin boards a schedule showing the PTO days, which are available to each employee for the upcoming year. b. Between November 30 and December 31, the Company will route the PTO selection schedule. The first routing will be for weeks only; at this time, each employee shall select no more than two (2) full weeks’ vacation. The second routing will be for additional weeks only. The third routing will be for full days only. c. Employees who have thirty (30) or more PTO days allocated per year may be required to schedule one (1) week (5 days) of PTO during the period January 1 to May 30 annually. d. Half days and hour increments will be considered on a first-come, first-serve basis, and approval is based on the needs of the business. e. Between January 1 and February 1, the Company will establish the schedule for all employees. The Company will give consideration to each employee’s seniority and choice of PTO as is practical and consistent with the needs of the business. Employees not making their PTO selection during the initial routing will forfeit their seniority selection rights. f. On or before February 1, the Company shall post the PTO time schedule for employees. Employees shall make their requests to schedule PTO to their immediate supervisor prior to the beginning of their scheduled tour of duty. Such day(s) of PTO will be granted to employees upon request, needs of the business permitting.
PTO Scheduling a. To the extent possible, PTO is to be requested and approved by the supervisor in advance. Request for approval of PTO must be submitted via email to supervisor at least two (2) working days prior to the first day of the leave. Supervisor must respond via email to PTO request within 48 hours of request. PTO will be scheduled on a first come basis and no bumping of PTO will be allowed. b. Supervisors are responsible for scheduling PTO in a manner which balances the operational, and service delivery needs of the College with the time off preferences of the staff member. The College reserves the right to deny PTO requests which may have an adverse effect on its operations or cancel previously approved PTO requests; if unexpected emergencies, which affect mechanical systems or journeyperson electrician, arise which require the unit employee’s attendance at work.
PTO Scheduling. Any request to use PTO must be made to the employee’s manager as early as possible, unless an illness, injury or emergency exists which prevents giving the required notice. Illness, injury and emergency use of PTO may, upon reasonable request by the manager/Department Head, be made conditional upon the employee furnishing written documentation satisfactory to the Employer. Use of PTO will not be construed to relieve an employee of the responsibility to comply with the Employer's required procedures concerning notification of absence from work. Consideration of employee preferences in scheduling non-emergency use of PTO will be given whenever possible and practical. However, non-emergency use of PTO will be at the discretion of the manager/department head and may be denied if the absence of the employee would unreasonably interfere with the efficient operations of the Employer or the Employer’s obligations to the public. The Employer shall respond to the PTO request within a reasonable amount of time, but no more than fourteen (14) calendar days after the request is submitted. An employee’s request for non-emergency use of PTO will be considered granted if not responded to within ten (10) work days of submission. The date the non-emergency use of PTO was requested and the employee’s length of service may be criteria used for resolving scheduling conflicts when two or more employees request the non-emergency use of PTO for the same periods of time, provided that the request(s) was submitted with as much advance notice as possible. Only accrued PTO from previous pay periods can be utilized for time off. Current pay period accruals cannot be used for current pay period time off. On each employee's anniversary date, unused PTO benefits up to the maximum of stated in Section 15.0 may be carried forward into the following year.
PTO Scheduling. The Employer shall retain the right to determine policies of scheduling of PTO. Employees shall present written requests for PTO as far in advance as is possible, but not less than two (2) weeks before the schedule is posted. Employees shall be notified in writing within one (1) week after the request is submitted whether the PTO is approved. In the case of conflicting requests by employees for PTO or limitations imposed by the Employer on PTO requests, seniority shall prevail in assigning PTO provided the skills, abilities, experience, competence or qualifications of the employees affected are not significant factors as determined by the Employer. PTO requested during the Christmas or New Year’s holiday periods shall be assigned on a rotational basis. Employees requesting PTO at least ninety (90) days in advance will be notified in writing at least sixty (60) days in advance of the requested PTO whether this request is approved. Approved PTO shall not be affected by later requests unless mutually agreeable. The Employer will make a good faith effort to schedule weekends off before and after PTO. Employees shall not be required to find their own replacements for any PTO requests.
PTO Scheduling. PTO is intended to compensate employees who are absent from work for time they would have been scheduled to work. Except in cases of illness or other personal emergency, requests for PTO must be made at least thirty (30) days in advance. Employees who submit a written request prior to March 1 for paid time off of at least five (5) consecutive eight (8) hour days will receive priority and be scheduled by seniority with their department and shift. After March 1, paid time off will be scheduled in the order in which employees submit requests. In the case of illness or other personal emergency, the employee is required to notify their supervisor immediately, but not less than two (2) hours prior to the beginning of that shift in order to be eligible for PTO. In all cases, the Employer retains the right to determine the number of employees who may be allowed time off within a department or shift at any given time.
PTO Scheduling. PTO schedules shall be established taking into account the wishes of the employees and the needs of the employer. Requests for PTO will be considered on first-come-first-served basis. Where there is a conflict in choice of vacation time among employees, seniority shall prevail. All requests for PTO must be approved by the supervisor of the work site and/or administration prior to becoming effective. Employees will be notified in writing as soon as feasible but no later than within seven (7) calendar days after the request is submitted as to whether the PTO is granted. Reasonable effort will be made by the Employer to approve request for PTO. Adult Day Health: To provide a fair method of allowing ADH employees to schedule PTO during the traditional winter holiday season, PTO will be scheduled as follows: a) No employee will be granted the same holiday off two (2) years in a row. b) No employee will be granted two (2) consecutive holidays off in a row (for example: an employee may request time off at Christmas every even year and the same employee may request time off at Thanksgiving every odd year). c) Conditions listed in a) and b) may be nullified if agreed to by all affected staff in a specific site. d) Each employee will be guaranteed no less than one (1) of the above holidays off, except in extreme circumstances beyond the Employer’s control. Paid Time Off can be taken in 1-hour increments.
PTO Scheduling. Paid Time Off scheduling will generally be determined on a first come - first served basis. Conflict in PTO requests submitted on the same workday will be resolved by giving preference to the employee with the greatest seniority who is requesting to take off at least five consecutive workdays. Consideration of employee preference in scheduling PTO shall be given when possible and practical, but PTO scheduling shall be at the discretion of the Employer with primary consideration given to the requirements of the Employer. The Employer will not cancel previously approved PTO except in emergency circumstances. An employee who has exhausted earned PTO benefits shall not be permitted to take PTO, even if previously approved, but may request a leave of absence. Employees may not use PTO benefits while on layoff or disciplinary suspension. Except when approved by the Employer due to extraordinary circumstances, PTO may not be scheduled more than six months in advance.