SCHOOL STAFFING COMMITTEES. L20.1 A School Staffing Committee shall be established in every school.
SCHOOL STAFFING COMMITTEES. 17.01 A school Staffing Committee shall be elected in every school. The Union members of the school shall elect 20% of its members to the School Staffing committee. The Union representatives on the committee shall be in place by October 1. The Principal, Vice-Principal, and the School Xxxxxxx shall automatically be members fo the School Staffing Committee and shall not be included in the 20% named above, except by mutual consent of the Teachers. The secretary of the School Staffing Committee shall be a Union member. If any Union representatives resign from the committee or are transferred to another school, the Union members of the school shall elect a replacement. The principal has the final responsibility for school organization subject to Senior Administration and the Board. 17.02 The Responsibilities of the School Staffing Committee shall be as follows: 17.02.01 To review the current school staffing allocation from the JSC and deployment in the school and to propose any such modification as may be required to create and maintain the best teaching and learning environment, to make the most effective use of all staff who are allocated to schools, and to comply with the terms of the Collective Agreement. 17.02.02 To consider and respond to organizational proposals and/or suggestions submitted by staff members to the committee throughout the year. 17.02.03 To analyze the staffing allocation from the Joint Staffing Committee based on projected enrolment and Teacher allocation formulas for presentation to the total staff prior to the Transfer and Surplus Process. 17.02.04 To recommend to the Principal, if necessary, any modifications to be made to in-school timetabling at any time during the school year. 17.02.05 To assist in the development and completion of a September school timetable based on the Joint Staffing Committee’s (JSC) staff allocations and the school’s programming needs and priorities as identified by the school’s administration and teaching staff. 17.02.06 To assist in the development of a supervision schedule which is equitable, includes all teaching, school support staff, and administrative staff (unless specifically excluded by the School Staffing Committee) and meets the guidelines as developed by the Joint Staffing Committee. Where the Joint Staffing Committee supervision recommendations cannot be met by the School Staffing Committee, the School Staffing Committee will make recommendations to the Joint Staffing Committee concerning addit...
SCHOOL STAFFING COMMITTEES. L17.01 There shall be a School Staffing Committee in each school. The School Staffing Committee will advise the Principal in the staffing and organization of the school. The School Staffing Committee shall make every effort to reach consensus. The Principal has the final responsibility for school organization subject to Senior Administration.
SCHOOL STAFFING COMMITTEES. 23.03.01 The School Staffing Committee shall be established for each school by February 28 annually and maintained from year to year. 23.03.02 The School Staffing Committee shall be comprised of the following school personnel: • two (2) school administrators • two (2) OSSTF representatives selected by the School Branch President. 23.03.03 It is understood that the Principal is responsible for the school organization and assignment of staff.
SCHOOL STAFFING COMMITTEES. The Principal will consult with the Union Xxxxxxx on staffing issues. The Principal and Union Xxxxxxx may consult with the school staff as necessary. The consultation will include: • The most effective use of staff allocated to the schools and to comply with the terms of the Collective AgreementResponding to suggestions submitted by staff members • Input into the development of a staffing model based on projected enrollment and allocation of the teaching complement for consideration by May 15. • Input into the development and completion of a school timetable by June 15 • Assisting in developing measures to help alleviate workload issues faced by teachers (combined grades. new teacher challenges) • Input into a supervision schedule with assignments as equitable as possible.
SCHOOL STAFFING COMMITTEES. The Principal will consult with the Union Xxxxxxx on staffing issues. The Principal and Union Xxxxxxx may consult with the school staff as necessary. The consultation will include:  The most effective use of staff allocated to the schools and to comply with the terms of the Collective AgreementResponding to suggestions submitted by staff members  Input into the development of a staffing model based on projected enrollment and allocation of the teaching complement for consideration by May 15  Input into the development and completion of a school timetable by June 15  Assisting in developing measures to help alleviate workload issues faced by
SCHOOL STAFFING COMMITTEES. The Principal will consult with the Union Xxxxxxx on staffing issues during the spring staffing process. The Principal and Union Xxxxxxx may consult with the school staff as necessary. The consultation will include: • The most effective use of staff allocated to the schools and to comply with the terms of the Collective AgreementResponding to suggestions submitted by staff members • Input into the development of a staffing model based on projected enrollment and allocation of the teaching complement for consideration by May 15 • Input into the development and completion of a school timetable by June 15, with the distribution of the tentative timetables to Members by the last working day in June. • Assisting in developing measures to help alleviate workload issues faced by teachers (combined grades. new teacher challenges) • Input into a supervision schedule with assignments as equitable as possible.
SCHOOL STAFFING COMMITTEES school shall establish in November an In-school Staffing of In-school Staffing shall be selected by and shall of that committee until next is as long as they in school. minimum of the committee include: Union Xxxxxxx from each in the school one non-classroom Principal and Vice-principal provide information to the District on the impact of the staff the school received; provide input for the on the ofclassroom staffallocated to school; the of staffing school during school year, including surplus and redundancy declarations, and hirings; report in writing to the teaching staff of the school on their the committee, in consultation with affected, may to the class size maximums in clause This ability that classroom staff allocated to the school may not be used for any other to advise on matters pertaining to supervision, lunch and After determining the daily enrolment for the system, number of full time equivalent Classroom Teachers for shall not than less the students in self-contained special classes and divided by E.g. Classroom * Subject to the same change in maximum as in The Teacher-librarians for the system shall not less than shall not be less than Teacher-librarian time to any one school, allotted time shall be used for the of program and of’ library services and planning The maximum amount of that Teacher-librarians will to provide planning time shall be limited to the equivalent of The number of Special Education Teachers available to the system will be determined by Board. The allotted time shall be used for the development of program and of special services. This time shall not be to provide for teachers or be by the In-school Staffing and/or Principal.



  • Advisory Committees The Board may appoint Advisory Committees to review design review applications, or provide input on other issues of concern to the Board or the Commission. These Advisory Committees include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following: 1. Cameron Park Design Review Committee 2. El Dorado Hills Design Review Committee 3. Xxxxxxx Pines Design Review Committee 4. The County’s Economic Development Advisory Committee (“EDAC”)

  • Labour Management Committee (a) Where the parties mutually agree that there are matters of mutual concern and interest that would be beneficial if discussed at a Labour Management Committee Meeting during the term of this Agreement, the following shall apply. (b) An equal number of representatives of each party as mutually agreed shall meet at a time and place mutually satisfactory. A request for a meeting hereunder will be made in writing prior to the date proposed and accompanied by an agenda of matters proposed to be discussed, which shall not include matters that are properly the subject of grievance or negotiations for the amendment or renewal of this agreement. Any representative(s) attending such meetings during their regularly scheduled hours of work shall not lose regular earnings as a result of such attendance. (c) It is agreed that the topic of a rehabilitation program for drug and alcohol abuse is an appropriate topic for the Labour-Management Committee. It is also agreed that the topic of the utilization of full-time and part-time staff is an appropriate topic for the Labour-Management Committee. The committee shall have access to work schedules and job postings upon request. (d) It is understood that joint meetings with other Labour-Management Committees in the Hospital may be scheduled concerning issues of mutual interest if satisfactory to all concerned. (e) Where two or more agreements exist between a Hospital and CUPE the Committee may be a joint one representing employees under both agreements, unless otherwise agreed.