School Trips. During the academic year, your child may be expected to participate in a school trip, such as a sports event, academic trip, community project or weekend trip. Transportation could be in a hired bus, in a school bus, in a car from a local care service or ride-share platform like Uber / Lyft or in a vehicle driven by an EF staff member. By signing this agreement, the student has permission to participate in off campus travel as set forth in this Agreement. If you would like to restrict your child’s participation in activities in any way, you are required to state any such restriction in writing in English attached to this document. Please contact the EF Academy office in your home country or the school directly to discuss further. EF Academy will take reasonable steps to enforce any restrictions to off-cam- pus travel; however, EF Academy will not be responsible if your child fails to adhere to restrictions relating to off-campus travel. Students will be subject to disciplinary sanctions if they are found to have violated restrictions or to have behaved in a way to risk the safety of themselves or others while off-campus. Fees and payment terms Tuition Fees Ahead of each academic year, students will receive an invoice spec- ifying the fees for the coming year. Tuition and other applicable fees may change from year to year. By paying the First Installment to confirm your place at EF Academy, EF Academy is reserving a space for your child and may be forgoing another applicant. You understand that the overhead expenses of EF Academy will not diminish should a student choose not to attend or to leave during the term. Therefore, once you have paid the First Installment to confirm your place at one of EF Academy’s campuses you are responsible for the full cost of tuition regardless of whether the student chooses to withdraw prior to the start of the term or is withdrawn, absent, or is involuntarily separated from EF Academy. Refunds will be available only as outlined in this Agreement. EF Academy reserves the right to adjust the program content, program fees and other fees due to international currency fluctuations, increase in trans- portation costs or any other factors beyond its control (including but not lim- ited to force majeure events). Fees are subject to change during the period of enrollment. The published fees are valid for the academic year for which you enroll. Fees are normally reviewed annually but EF Academy reserves the right to change the annual...
School Trips. 13.4.1 Details of school trips and excursions will be provided to you. You agree that the School may operate and manage the transport and attendance of the school trip in accordance with those details. By completing the annual consent online you agree to your child attending School visits and trips, unless you notify the School to the contrary. Please refer to the Educational Trips and Visits Policy for more detail.
School Trips. 15.1 School Trips will be charged as extra to the fees but your prior consent will be sought for a trip costing more than £100. Any cost incurred to protect the Pupil’s safety and welfare, or to respond to breaches of discipline, will be charged additionally. Where a trip is to be run or supervised by a third party that is duly qualified or licensed to conduct the activity in question, the liability of the School will be restricted to matters arising before and after the Pupil is subject to such third party supervision.
School Trips. All Regular Drivers are eligible for trip time. Regular bus drivers wanting to drive extra trips shall, be given a position on the rotation by seniority, when the drivers name appears the driver may pick from the trips for that week. Each year the rotation shall be started on the basis of employee seniority, then each week thereafter the wheel shall rotate to the next senior driver to select from the trips.
School Trips. A variety of school trips will be provided for your child while a pupil here. Bills include a charge to cover the cost of School trips and outings. Parents' prior consent will be sought for a trip. The Pupil is subject to school discipline in all respects whilst engaged in a school trip.
School Trips. (i) You consent to your child taking part in School trips which do not involve an overnight stay or travel abroad, and consent to your child being carried by public transport or School transport driven in a responsible manner by an adult who is suitably qualified and insured.
School Trips. A Xxxxxxxx trip is one that is sponsored by a faculty member, uses the school’s name, and has the recommendation of the appropriate division head and the approval of the Head of School. Such an enterprise is undertaken with the clear understanding that school regulations apply. Teachers who undertake such a trip accept the responsibility of acting in loco parentis. Students who violate school regulations may be sent home immediately, unaccompanied, at the parents’ expense. Upon return of that student, all major infractions of behavior or conduct will be subject to consideration for further disciplinary review by the Division Head and Head of School. Off-Campus Activities: Our general policy with respect to off-campus activities is to presume that parents are responsible for the behavior of their children. To presume otherwise is to invite parental abdication of authority and accountability. However, if Xxxxxxxx’x students, individually or in a group, engage in on- or off-campus activity that brings notoriety to themselves and/or discredit to Xxxxxxxx, the school may exercise jurisdiction, applying severe individual penalties up to and including expulsion.
School Trips. A risk assessment will be carried out for all new activities and for any activity which is infrequent. Frequent re-occurring activities will have assessments reviewed on a regular basis. • The Principal will ensure that the person assigned with the assessment understands the risks and is familiar with the activity that is planned. The findings of the completed risk assessment must be recorded. • It is not necessary to complete individual risk assessments for activities that usually form part of the school day, for example, taking pupils to local venues, such as a swimming pool or sports ground. Any risks of these routine activities will be monitored by regular checks. Staff must report any incidents or changes in the situation which will prompt a review of the risks. • Prior to any trip staff must ensure that the required risk assessment has been carried out and approved, adequate supervision has been arranged, first aid equipment and individual children’s medication is available, Children with specific health and / or SEN care plans have appropriate needs met.
School Trips. All Regular Drivers are eligible for trip time. Regular bus drivers wanting to drive extra trips will, be given a position on the rotation by seniority, when the drivers name appears the driver may pick from the trips for that week. Each year the rotation will be started on the basis of employee seniority, then each week thereafter the wheel will rotate to the next senior driver to select from the trips.
1. Each Wednesday all available trips will be posted for review prior to the PM route. The Supervisor and shop xxxxxxx will mutually agree upon a time and day to select trips. This time and day will be as consistent as possible the drivers present will choose trip in accordance with the rotation.
2. If a driver is currently driving on an assigned route, or on approved leave (driver must inform Supervisor that they wish to be eligible for trip opportunities) the driver is responsible to contact the Supervisor prior to drivers picking trips.
3. Cancelled trips the driver has no recourse. If canceled less than thirty
School Trips. For overnight school activity trips, the Board will reimburse all reasonable expenses for meals and single occupancy lodging supported by receipts for each hour period maximums according to Board Policy. Drivers who require expense money prior to departure on a trip shall be advanced expense money in accordance with the number of days they will be away from their home terminal. Footnote: Breakfast Lunch Dinner Maximum per day Present Board Policy SHOP TRIPS: Drivers taking buses in for shop trips will be paid the greater of per trip or their hourly rate based on travel time spent to and from the School District Bus Garage. PLUG-INS: Rural bus drivers will be paid per year for the use of their plug-ins for the buses. (Reviewed March, To be reviewed two years.) The amount as calculated shall be paid to each driver at the end of March of each year. A prospective bus driver who accompanies a School District bus driver to familiarize with any given bus route will be paid a flat rate of for a complete run or for either of the a.m. or runs. MONTHLY PAYROLL WILL BE BASED ON DAYS PER MONTH. LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN: THE BOARD OF SCHOOL TRUSTEES OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. (PEACE RIVER NORTH) AND: THE UNITED BROTHERHOODOFCARPENTERSAND LOCAL RE: Teacher Assistant Placement of trainees in schools or classrooms will be based on the skills and abilities they must develop in order to complete the requirement of their They may or may not be placed in classrooms or libraries with teachers who have support staff assigned. Trainees will not be used as substitutes for employees. Employees will not have their hours of work decreased or positions eliminated due to placements. The classroom teacher will be responsible for the day-to-day supervision of the trainee. While the college is responsiblefor evaluatingthe performance of the trainee, the College may request input from the sponsor teacher. If problems arise with the performance of the trainee, the teacher will notify the Administrative Officer. Trainees have been instructed in the importance of confidentiality, however, trainees must be made aware of individual schools' procedures. When an employee is completingthe portion of the Teacher Assistant Program in their regular Union position, they will be given educational leave with pay for the time period that they are required to perform duties that may contravene the Collective Agreement. These employees will not be replaced. DATED THIS DAY OF FEBRUARY, SIGNED FOR: BOARD ...