SICKNESS AND ACCIDENT BENEFITS. (a) In consideration for the program of sickness and accident insurance benefits described in this Section, the parties agree that the former program of paid sick days shall no longer exist after December 31, 2003. No further use of time earned under the prior sick leave program; other than as provided in Sections 9.6 and 12.4 and this Section shall be permitted.
(b) The Employer shall provide sickness and accident benefits for full-time and regular part-time employees covered by this Agreement. This coverage shall become effective following the completion of the employee’s probationary period. Employees who are eligible for disability benefits shall receive weekly indemnity payments consisting of sixty-seven percent (67%) of their normal gross straight time wages. These benefits shall be payable from the first (1st) day of disability due to accident or hospitalization and eighth (8th) day of illness, for a period not to exceed twenty-six (26) weeks for any one period of disability. No sickness and accident benefits will be payable for more than 182 calendar days of disability with the same cause during any 12-month period. Employees are not entitled to sickness and accident benefits for any disability for which they may be entitled to indemnity or compensation under the Employer’s retirement plan, Social Security, Workers’ Compensation or any other disability benefit program.
(c) The employee shall be given pension service credits for the period of time an employee is receiving sickness and accident insurance benefits under the County plan, provided that the employee pays the pension contribution on 100% of the employee’s normal gross weekly wage for the entire period in which S&A benefits are paid.
(d) If an employee is otherwise eligible for Family and Medical Leave all insurance premium payments will be paid while an employee is receiving sickness and accident benefits, not to exceed twenty-six (26) weeks in a rolling twelve (12) month period, subject to the employee making the necessary premium co-payments.
(e) An employee who is receiving sickness and accident insurance benefits shall be eligible to return to his/her former position at any time during the duration of the sickness and accident benefit period provided that the employee is medically cleared to return to work.
(f) Accrued sick leave hours earned prior to January 1, 2003 have been placed in a reserve sick leave bank. The employee may use the hours in the reserve sick leave bank in the fol...
SICKNESS AND ACCIDENT BENEFITS. 1. Active employees who, during their active employment, are forced to be absent from work because of their own illness or their own injury, or death in their immediate families, will receive the benefits described in the following paragraphs. Employees whose services with the Company are terminated for any reason whatsoever shall have no claim against the Company for any benefits provided in the following paragraphs and the accumulated sick leave described hereinafter shall not be considered to constitute any liability on the part of the Company, to such employees, provided, however, that this rule will not be used to discriminate against employees to the extent that they might be dismissed at a time when they might be eligible to apply for such benefits.
SICKNESS AND ACCIDENT BENEFITS. The following are the weekly sickness and accident benefits:
SICKNESS AND ACCIDENT BENEFITS. (a) The Employer shall provide sickness and accident benefits for full-time employees covered by this Agreement. This coverage shall become effective following the completion of six (6) months of service.
(b) Employees who are eligible for disability benefits shall receive weekly indemnity payments consisting of sixty-seven percent (67%) of their normal gross straight time wages. Effective April 1, 2013, these benefits shall be payable from the first (1st) day of disability due to accident or hospitalization or after absence from work for seven
SICKNESS AND ACCIDENT BENEFITS. Three hundred dollars ($300.00) minimum for seventeen (17) weeks, fifty-five percent (55%) of gross earnings to a maximum of five hundred and seventy-five dollars ($575.00) per week, with ten percent (10%) deduction for income tax, subject to carrier ability.
SICKNESS AND ACCIDENT BENEFITS. ▪ shall apply on a pro-rata basis at 1.67 hours for every hour lost.
SICKNESS AND ACCIDENT BENEFITS shall be payable during total disability for a period equal to the greater of an employee's seniority or Years of Participation on the first
SICKNESS AND ACCIDENT BENEFITS. ( a) Employer, at its sole expense, will provide to full-time employes who have completed six (6 ) months of full-time continuous service Group Insur ance sickness benefits as follows: r employees with basic Weekly benefit shall be: weekly earnings of: 66-2/3% of wages up to $30.00 (minimum $10) $30 to $34.99 $24 35 to 39.99 27 40 to 44.99 30 45 to 49.99 33 50 to 54.99 36 55 to 59.99 38 60 to 64.99 40 65 to 69.99 43 70 to 74.99 46 75 to 79.99 50 80 to 84.99 53 85 to 89-99 57 90 to 99.99 60 100 to 104.99 65 105 to 119.99 70 120 or over 75
SICKNESS AND ACCIDENT BENEFITS shall not be paid for any day for which an employee receives holiday pay.
SICKNESS AND ACCIDENT BENEFITS. Employer, at its sole expense, will provide group insurance sickness, and accident benefits to all eligible employees as follows: