SICKNESS AND INJURY. 10.1 If you are absent from work as a result of sickness or injury you will:-
(a) notify the Company by telephone on the first day of your absence or in the event of being unable to do so, as soon as practicable thereafter;
(b) if the period of absence is less than 8 consecutive calendar days, submit to the Company on your return a certificate of sickness completed by yourself;
(c) if it is 8 consecutive calendar days or more, submit to the Company without delay a medical certificate signed by a practising medical practitioner in respect of each week of absence after the first;
(d) you will, on request by the Company, allow yourself to be examined by the Company doctor who shall report to the Group Chief Executive as appropriate.
10.2 You will, subject to compliance with sub-clause 10.1 above and to Clause 16 below, be entitled to:-
(a) payment of salary at the full basic rate and maintenance of other contributions and benefits contractually provided by the Company (less any social security or other benefits payable to you) during any period of absence from work as a result of sickness or injury up to a maximum of a continuous period of 180 days or for an aggregate of 130 working days in any 12 consecutive months;
(b) payment of salary at half the full basic rate in addition to other contributions and benefits (less any social security or other benefits payable to you) during any such periods of absence in excess of a continuous period of 180 days or for an aggregate of 130 working days in any 12 consecutive months; but you will not be entitled to any payment of salary or maintenance of benefits during any absence in excess of 12 months.
10.3 The Company will pay statutory sick pay, where appropriate, in accordance with the legislation in force at the time of absence, and any payment of salary in accordance with Clause 10.2 will go towards discharging its liability to pay statutory sick pay.
1. The enterprise pays wages during the employee’s absence due to sickness for a period of up to four weeks starting from the first whole day of absence. The enterprise pays wages during the employee’s absence due to injury for a period of up to eight weeks starting from the first whole day of absence.
SICKNESS AND INJURY. 5.1. We will make payments of such statutory sick pay (‘SSP’) as may be due to you in respect of any period of absence. Should you recover damages from any third party in respect of any period of absence you will repay any sums paid to you under this clause. We do not make any payment for sickness and injury beyond statutory sick pay as required by law. For SSP, qualifying days are your normal working days.
5.2. If you are absent from work for any reason and absence has not previously been authorised by us, you agree to inform us and the End Client as early as possible. In the case of an absence of uncertain duration you agree to keep us regularly informed of its expected duration.
5.3. If you are absent from work due to sickness or injury which continues for more than five working days (excluding weekends) you agree to provide us with a medical certificate from your doctor on the sixth day of sickness or injury. Thereafter medical certificates must be provided to us on a weekly basis.
5.4. Sickness absence related to an injury or accident at work must be reported to our HR team immediately or, in the case of incapacity, as soon as if reasonably practical.
5.5. Immediately following return to work after a period of absence which has not previously been authorised you are required to complete a self-certification form stating the dates of and the reason for absence, including details of sickness on non-working days (this information is required by us for calculating SSP entitlement).
5.6. In relation to any medical conditions or other circumstances known to you that might adversely affect your ability to perform the duties of your position/role, and/or of any Assignment we may propose to allocate to you, you warrant that you have disclosed to us such circumstances and on an ongoing basis will promptly disclose to us such circumstances.
SICKNESS AND INJURY. While serving on board, a sick or injured Officer is entitled to treatment at the Company's expense. The company is not responsible for conservative dental treatment. If the Officer is sick or injured at the termination of the service period, he has the same entitlement for a maximum period of one hundred and twenty (120) days from the date of signing off. In accordance with the POEA's rules and regulations, the Officer must submit to a post employment medical examination within three (3) working days after his return to the Philippines to obtain these benefits. If he should be unable by reason of physical incapacity to do so, a written notice to the agency within the same period is deemed as compliance provided the incapacity is certified by a Company´s representative onboard or an authorized physician. In the event of sickness or injury necessitating signing-off, the Officer is entitled to travel to Manila at the company's expense.
SICKNESS AND INJURY. (1) If the Executive is prevented by illness (including mental illness), accident or any other cause beyond his control from performing his duties properly he shall report this fact promptly to the Company by telephone on the first morning of absence or as soon as reasonably practicable thereafter. If the Executive is absent for more than three working days he must complete a self-certification sickness form on his return and deliver it to the Company. If the absence continues for six or more working days the Executive shall provide an appropriate medical certificate from his doctor. Thereafter the Executive must submit further appropriate medical certificates covering the whole period of absence.
(2) Provided that the Executive has complied with the notification rules set out in sub-clause (1) of this clause the Company will continue to pay him at his normal, basic rate of pay during any unavoidable absence through sickness or injury (whether continuous or intermittent) up to a maximum in any calendar year of six weeks at full pay and a further seven weeks at half pay. Thereafter any further Company sick pay will be at the absolute discretion of the Company. Any payment made to the Executive under this provision will include any entitlement which he may have to receive statutory sick pay from the Company. Company sick pay will be reduced by the amount of any Social Security benefits recoverable by the Executive (whether or not so recovered) in respect of his illness or injury.
(3) The Executive shall undergo a medical examination by a doctor appointed by the Company at such time or times as may be required by the Company and hereby consents to a report of any such examination being provided to the Company. The Company shall supply a copy of any such report to the Executive upon request.
SICKNESS AND INJURY. 8.1 If the Appointee is absent from work as a result of sickness or injury he will:
(a) notify the Company by telephone as soon as practicable on the first day of his absence;
(b) if the period of absence is less than eight consecutive calendar days, submit to the Company on his return a certificate of sickness completed by himself,
(c) if it is eight consecutive calendar days or more, submit to the Company without delay a medical certificate signed by a practising medical practitioner in respect of each week of absence after the first.
8.2 The Appointee will, subject to compliance with clause 8.1 above and to clause 14 below, be entitled to payment of his salary at the full rate (less any social security or other benefits payable to him) during any periods of absence from work as a result of sickness or injury up to a maximum of 26 weeks in aggregate in any twelve consecutive months but he will not be entitled to any payment of salary during any absence in excess of that maximum.
8.3 The Company will pay statutory sick pay in accordance with the legislation in force at the time of absence subject to the following conditions:
(a) the Appointee must take all proper steps to claim any of and all statutory sick pay and any national insurance or social security benefit to which he is entitled.
(b) the Appointee may from time to time be required to produce the certificate of a medical practitioner certifying the reason and need for his absence and the Company will reimburse the reasonable cost of any certificate so provided.
(c) payment of the Appointee's salary under clause 8.2 shall satisfy any liability the Company may have to pay statutory sick pay under the legislation from time to time in force;
(d) the qualifying days for payment of statutory sick pay are Monday to Friday inclusive.
8.4 if the sickness or injury arises or occurs in circumstances giving rise to a claim by the Appointee against a third party, any payment (save for statutory sick pay) under this clause shall be regarded as a loan by the Company to the Appointee and if at his absolute discretion he recovers any damages from such third party (whether under a judgment of any court or by agreement) he shall repay the Company the amount of such payment provided however that if the claim is settled on a compromised basis for less than its value on full liability or if any court awards the Appointee less than such value on full liability and provided further that the Appointee has taken all reason...
SICKNESS AND INJURY. A. Any federal or state law (e.g. FMLA, ADA) that provides greater protection than provided by this Agreement shall govern an employee’s rights.
B. In case of sickness or injury, which does not exceed one (1) year, the employee shall utilize his seniority to bump into the unit which he was in prior to his absence, but only if he is physically fit and able to perform his regular work to the satisfaction of the Company. To determine physical fitness, it is agreed that the services of a physician may be secured, such physician to be agreed upon by the Union and the Company. If the employee is out greater than one (1) year and they are released to return to work, they will be returned to Packaging at the Packaging rate.
C. During such sickness or injury the employee will retain his seniority, and will be allowed to accumulate additional seniority, for a period of twelve (12) months. At the end of the twelve (12) months period, his seniority shall cease to accumulate but he will retain the accrued amount. If the sickness or injury is an event covered by workers compensation, the accumulation period will be twenty-four (24) months.
SICKNESS AND INJURY. 9.1 If you are absent from work due to sickness or injury, you must inform the Company as soon as possible and ordinarily no later than 8.00am on the first day of absence.
9.2 If you are away from work for seven calendar days or less, you must complete a self-certification form. For absences of more than seven calendar days you must provide a medical certificate from your doctor. Further medical certificates will be required for the remainder of the period of your absence.
9.3 The Company reserves the right, at any time, to require you to undergo a medical examination at the Company’s expense. You agree that the medical adviser may disclose and discuss the results of the examination with the Company and, subject to your statutory rights, you further agree that you will provide, at the Company’s request, a copy of any report produced by your doctor on any medical condition, illness or injury relevant to your continued employment.
8.01 Purpose The purpose of the plan is to provide regular and probationary employees with pay continuity and job security during periods of sickness or injury.
SICKNESS AND INJURY. 11.1 If the Executive is absent from work due to sickness or injury he will be paid sick pay (at the rate of the Executive's then current salary and benefits but excluding bonus) for up to twenty six weeks by the company. Payment of company sick pay will be based on a 12 month rolling period (i.e. any paid absence for sickness or injury in the 12 months immediately preceding the commencement of a new period of such absence will be deducted from the sickness payment above).
11.2 The Executive shall comply with the Company's illness and sickness reporting requirements as are notified to him in writing and in force from time to time.
11.3 The Company shall be entitled (but no more frequently than once in any twelve month period) to require the Executive to submit himself to a medical examination at the expense of the Company. Back to Contents