SITE-BASED DECISION MAKING. A. The District shall provide the training and staff development to support accountability/site- based decision-making activities. Teachers shall be given release time to attend these programs.
B. Participation on the SAC shall not serve as a basis for the evaluation of any teacher.
C. A minimum of three (3) to a maximum of five (5) teachers from each school shall serve on their school’s budget advisory committee formed for the purpose of making recommendations on the school’s general fund budget. Teacher members shall be elected by the faculty. Minutes from such meetings may be requested by the faculty and may be posted on the CTA bulletin board at the school by the Association Representative.
SITE-BASED DECISION MAKING. Decisions made by instructional leadership teams shall be consistent with the rights, privileges and protections contained in this agreement.
SITE-BASED DECISION MAKING. 18.1 SITE-BASED DECISION MAKING (SBDM): The District and the Association believe that Site-Based Decision Making, a governance model in which unit members (teachers) and other stakeholders are given increased responsibility for making decisions with regard to their day-to-day affairs, has the potential to improve education, xxxxxx mutual respect, provide greater employee empowerment, improve the quality and extent of parent involvement, create an environment which is more responsible to the client needs and concerns, and encourage the collegial exchange of ideas. To this end, the parties pledge themselves to an honest and mutual examination and trial of site-based decision making.
18.2 THE DISTRICT SITE-BASED STEERING COMMITTEE (STEERING COMMITTEE): This collaborative Committee shall be established for the purpose of helping guide and assist District staff with SBDM and shall be composed of the following:
SITE-BASED DECISION MAKING. It is agreed that any site based decision shall not impact the contractual rights or affect the negotiable issues of Local One bargaining units. It is agreed that the District and Local One may, by mutual agreement, open negotiations on the issue of inclusion of classified employees in site based decision making programs.
SITE-BASED DECISION MAKING. 1. The Gladwin Community School Board and the Gladwin Education Association (GEA) agree to explore a process of decision making that will place greater authority and responsibility for educational decisions within building sites. The Association agrees to establish within each building site, a building council which shall include representatives from each grade and/or department and an administrator from that site.
2. It shall be the responsibility of each council to address the concerns of staff and administration at that building site including those concerns related to contract language and Board policies. Requests for temporary waivers of policy or contract language shall be directed to a joint committee of School Board and Association representatives. Committee recommendations for temporary changes in Board policies or contract language must be approved by the Board and Association prior to implementation.
SITE-BASED DECISION MAKING. Site-based decision making is a joint planning and problem solving process that seeks to improve the quality of working life and education.
SITE-BASED DECISION MAKING. The conditions which follow shall govern teacher participation in any and all plans, programs or projects included in the terms site-based decision making, building- based decision making, school improvement, effective schools and all other similar descriptions.
1. Teacher participation is voluntary.
2. The Master Agreement may not be modified in whole or in part inclusive of any consideration of past practice, except by mutual, written agreement by the Board and Association.
3. Upon written notice, the Board and Association reserve the right to unilaterally terminate their involvement in said process.
SITE-BASED DECISION MAKING. 25.1 The Del Mar California Teachers Association and the Del Mar Union School District believe the goal of site-based decision-making is to increase autonomy and shared decision-making, as well as professional responsibility, authority, and accountability among all personnel. It is believed that the best way to facilitate the school and organizational change needed to improve education for children is to expand the involvement of those closest to the situation through joint planning and problem solving. It is agreed that consensus will be used to achieve the goals of site-based decision-making whenever possible.
25.2 School site proposals shall not contain any provisions contrary to, or in conflict with, any article or section of this Agreement unless specific waivers to such Agreement articles and sections must be agreed to by the Association (Site Representative) and the District (Site Administrator) prior to a site vote. A waiver request requires a seventy-five percent (75%) majority vote of the unit members at a school site.
25.3 When a school site wishes to implement a site-based decision-making proposal that would require the waiving of any provision(s) of the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Association and the District, the following steps shall be taken:
25.3.1 The school site representatives shall send a letter to the Association and the District requesting which provisions of the Collective Bargaining Agreement may need to be waived in order to implement the plan. (The parties involved at the site level will refer to DMCTA’s standing rules for site-based decision making). Waiver approvals must be mutually agreed upon by the district and the association prior to implementation.
25.3.2 The waiver shall be in effect for a maximum of one (1) year. The waiver can be renewed by following the same procedure outlined above unless specified by the waiver and agreed upon.
SITE-BASED DECISION MAKING. A. The District and the Council agree that programs which provide increased opportunities for teacher involvement in building level Site Council decision making can xxxxxx the collegial exchange of ideas and information so necessary for effective professional practice, and can improve the educational process. Site Councils will operate in accordance with District policy IFCA, section titled Duties as Adopted 2/24/04 and State law. The duties of the Site Council are defined in ORS 329.704(1). Site based decision making shall be limited to site specific issues raised by the site council related to site council duties and (except as provided below or otherwise by this agreement) shall not interfere with the duties, responsibilities and rights of the Board including (but not limited to) the Board’s right to establish and revise the school calendar and schedule classes as set out in Article 3.
B. The School Board shall appropriate one hundred fifty dollars ($150) per teacher in each building for each school year. The Site Council may expend this money for its own operating expenses and/or to fund site-based decision- making arrangements at individual schools.
C. To facilitate the activities of the Site Council, each Site Council shall receive thirty (30) days of teacher release time to be used at the discretion of the Site Council.
D. The Collective Bargaining Agreement will remain in full force and effect and have full application to the employees who are affected by a site-based decision making program, except as modified by mutual agreement by GPEA, the Council and the District.
E. In the case of a secondary schedule change (other than a schedule change that places teacher preparation outside of the instructional day)1, the school recommending a change will develop a schedule change committee that is comprised of no less than 60% certified staff. The committee representatives will be comprised of:
i. Administration; and
ii. Association departmental and grade-level members who are mutually agreed upon by the association and administration. The committee will work collaboratively with all association members at the school to develop a schedule. Committee representative roles will include gathering input from staff, sharing committee work, and administering votes by secret ballot. The committee will determine operational ground rules to include a consensus model and timeline for developing schedule changes. When developed, proposed schedule changes will be revi...