TEACHER PERFORMANCE EVALUATION. The Board shall ensure that the Pueblo District 60 written teacher performance evaluation system is in compliance with Colorado State Law, The Pueblo District 60 Educator Effectiveness Handbook, applicable timelines, Colorado Department of Education Guidelines, and this Article. A written copy of these procedures and forms shall be posted annually on the District web site by September 30 each year.
TEACHER PERFORMANCE EVALUATION. 16-1 The Board shall ensure that the Pueblo District 60 written teacher performance evaluation system is in compliance with Colorado State Law, The Pueblo District 60 Educator Effectiveness Handbook, applicable timelines, Colorado Department of Education Guidelines, and this Article. A written copy of these procedures and forms shall be posted annually on the District web site by September 30 each year. 16-2 All teachers shall be evaluated annually in compliance with this Article. 16-3 Consistent with the state law, the purpose of the evaluation system shall be to ensure that all licensed personnel are evaluated using multiple, fair, transparent, timely, rigorous, and valid methods; ensure that all licensed personnel receive adequate opportunity to improve their effectiveness; provide a basis for the improvement of instruction, enhance implementation of programs, provide documentation for unsatisfactory performance and serve as a measure of the professional growth and development of licensed personnel. The steps of the formal evaluation process will be followed by the administration. Only those evaluation forms approved by the Board of Education in consult with the advisory School District Performance Evaluation Council/ HB 1338 Committee shall be used. 16-4 Evaluation of teachers shall be based on the Colorado Model Evaluation System. The evaluation shall be conducted so as to observe the legal and constitutional rights of teacher personnel, and no evaluation information shall be gathered by electronic devices without the prior written consent of the teacher. No informality in any evaluation or in the manner of making or recording any evaluation shall invalidate such evaluation. 00-0 Xxx Xxxxxxxx shall impanel an Advisory School District Performance Evaluation Council/HB 1338 Committee of between five (5) and ten (10) members which shall include a minimum of two (2) teachers, one (1) administrator, one (1) principal from the District, one (1) resident of the District who is a parent of a child within the District, and one (1) resident of the district who is not a parent of a child within the District. The council shall perform all of the duties required by the Educator Effectiveness Act. This council shall meet as required by statute or more often as needed and minutes of each meeting shall be provided to all HB1338 committee members. 16-6 Evaluation reports and all public records used in preparing the evaluation report shall be exempt from public inspect...
TEACHER PERFORMANCE EVALUATION. This language is intended only as a summary of Board policy 3220, the portions referring specifically to teachers as defined
TEACHER PERFORMANCE EVALUATION. The parties agree that only procedural items in the Teacher Performance Evaluation are subject to the Grievance Procedure. In partnership with families and community, Zion Elementary School District 6 strives for educational excellence for every child in every classroom by providing a dynamic educational system in which learners actively participate, staff are caring, ethical and highly competent, and innovative instruction meets the diverse needs of students. In keeping with the vision of the Zion Elementary School District 6, the Zion Elementary Schools are committed to providing a superior education for the youth of Zion. To meet this commitment District 6 must have an effective program of evaluation. To be effective, evaluation must contribute to continuous improvement. Evaluation must provide the needed data to identify and implement appropriate instructional programs and techniques so that all students can succeed. The evaluation of job performance in the school setting will contribute to the advancement of District goals, District beliefs and each School Improvement Plan. Furthermore, evaluation will lead to the goal of No Child Left Behind. The District 6 Evaluation Plan for Teachers is the result of a collaborative effort of the District 6 Board of Education and administration, with the Zion Education Association to provide for “Excellence without Exception” for the children within our community. One of the established District 6 goals is that District 6 must establish outstanding staff evaluation processes that truly measure performance in an objective and student-centered manner. Staff development that corresponds to these evaluative processes is also essential to individuals, schools, and the district as a whole. We realize that the daily work which our teachers perform is vitally important to the growth of our children in Zion; there is no greater priority than our responsibility to provide for their ongoing development as teachers.
TEACHER PERFORMANCE EVALUATION. 1. The purpose of supervision and evaluation is to promote and reinforce good instruction. 2. A teacher evaluation may be conducted at any time but it is expected that a teacher new to the district will be evaluated in their first year of employment and other teachers at least once every five years. A teacher who has more than one year's teaching experience with the district shall be notified, in writing, by no later than October 31 (except pursuant to School Regulations 5.2 and 6.4 or Article C.22 (Dismissal for Teaching Performance)), if an evaluation is to be done in that school year. 3. The evaluator shall be an administrative officer from the school to which the teacher is assigned, a district administrative officer, or a Superintendent of Schools. Except where Article E.
TEACHER PERFORMANCE EVALUATION. The Board shall develop a written teacher performance evaluation system in compliance with the “Certified Personnel Performance Evaluation Act,” School District 60 Procedures for Teacher Appraisal, Colorado Department of Education Guidelines, and this Article. A written copy of these procedures and forms shall be posted on the District web site by September 30 each year.


  • Annual Performance Evaluation On either a fiscal year or calendar year basis, (consistently applied from year to year), the Bank shall conduct an annual evaluation of Executive’s performance. The annual performance evaluation proceedings shall be included in the minutes of the Board meeting that next follows such annual performance review.

  • Performance Evaluations Employee performance shall be evaluated and communicated on a yearly basis as required under County policy. Performance evaluations are used to demonstrate to employees that they are valued; record how an employee’s performance meet the requirements of the job; create a job history record; identify employee strengths and areas for enhancement; assist the employee and supervisor in an effort to attain the highest level of performance; and reinforce performance standards. Every effort will be made to include substantiated information within an employee’s performance evaluation. Non-recurring discipline history which is more than two (2) years old will not be referenced in performance evaluations. The County shall ensure employee performance evaluations are conducted in accordance with County and departmental policy. Performance evaluations and disciplinary matters shall only be conducted by County employees. When an employee who does not agree with the overall rating he/she receives on his/her written performance evaluation, he/she shall discuss and attempt to resolve the differences with his/her immediate supervisor. If discussion with his/her immediate supervisor does not result in resolution of the differences, the employee may file a written request to meet with the next level of management. Said request shall state the unresolved issues and the specific changes in the written performance evaluation the employee is seeking. The appropriate manager shall meet with the employee to discuss the unresolved issues. If the issues are not resolved to the employee’s satisfaction following discussion with the appropriate manager, the employee may within thirty (30) working days file a written request for a meeting with the department head. Within fourteen (14) working days of receipt of a written request stating the unresolved issues and the desired changes in the written performance evaluation, the department head shall meet with the employee to discuss the issues. Within ten (10) working days of said meeting, the department head shall respond in writing to the employee. The decision of the Department Head shall be final and not subject to the grievance procedure. An employee may submit a written response to his/her evaluation that shall be placed in his/her personnel file.

  • Performance Evaluation The Department may conduct a performance evaluation of Contractor’s Services, including Contractor’s Subcontractors. Results of any evaluation may be made available to Contractor upon request.

  • CONTRACTOR PERFORMANCE AUDIT The Contractor shall allow the Authorized User to assess Contractor’s performance by providing any materials requested in the Authorized User Agreement (e.g., page load times, response times, uptime, and fail over time). The Authorized User may perform this Contractor performance audit with a third party at its discretion, at the Authorized User’s expense. The Contractor shall perform an independent audit of its Data Centers, at least annually, at Contractor expense. The Contractor will provide a data owner facing audit report upon request by the Authorized User. The Contractor shall identify any confidential, trade secret, or proprietary information in accordance with Appendix B, Section 9(a), Confidential/Trade Secret Materials.

  • Quarterly Contractor Performance Reporting Customers shall complete a Contractor Performance Survey (Exhibit I) for each Contractor on a Quarterly basis. Customers will electronically submit the completed Contractor Performance Survey(s) to the Department Contract Manager no later than the due date indicated in Contract Exhibit D, Section 17, Additional Special Contract Conditions. The completed Contractor Performance Survey(s) will be used by the Department as a performance-reporting tool to measure the performance of Contractors. The Department reserves the right to modify the Contractor Performance Survey document and introduce additional performance-reporting tools as they are developed, including online tools (e.g. tools within MyFloridaMarketPlace or on the Department's website).

  • Annual Performance Review The Employee’s performance of his duties under this Agreement shall be reviewed by the Board of Directors or a committee of the Board of Directors at least annually and finalized within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the annual audited financial statements. The Board of Directors or a committee of the Board of Directors shall additionally review the base salary, bonus and benefits provided to the Employee under this Agreement and may, in their discretion, adjust the same, as outlined in Addendum B of this Agreement, provided, however, that Employee’s annual base salary shall not be less than the base salary set forth in Section 4(A) hereof.

  • Historical Performance Information To the extent agreed upon by the parties, the Sub-Advisor will provide the Trust with historical performance information on similarly managed investment companies or for other accounts to be included in the Prospectus or for any other uses permitted by applicable law.

  • SCHEDULE FOR PERFORMANCE REVIEWS 7.1 The performance of the Employee in relation to his performance agreement shall be reviewed for the following quarters with the understanding that the reviews in the first and the third quarter may be verbal if performance is satisfactory:

  • TEACHER EVALUATION A. The administration will be evaluating the teacher’s performance within the time of formal responsibility. The evaluation process and form will be shared with the Association Building Representatives at the beginning of each school year. (a) Probationary teachers shall be evaluated at least two (2) times a year. The first evaluation will be completed prior to December 1st and the second prior to April 15th. Each evaluation will be based upon announced, unannounced, informal observations, on the performance of other duties and responsibilities and the goals developed in the Individualized Development Plan (IDP). The announced and unannounced observations should be a minimum of thirty (30) minutes in length. The observations may occur at anytime prior to the development of the written evaluation, but at least one of them must be planned in consultation with the probationary teacher. The results of formal observations will be discussed with the teacher in a timely manner. The information gathered during the observations will be used to write the evaluations. (b) Tenured teachers will be evaluated on a rotating schedule, but no less than once every three- (3) years. The administration reserves the right to evaluate a tenured teacher more often. The evaluation will be based upon announced, unannounced, informal observations and on the performance of other duties and responsibilities. The announced and unannounced observations should be a minimum of thirty (30) minutes in length. The observations may occur at any time prior to the development of the written evaluation, but at least one of them must be planned in consultation with the tenured teacher. The results of formal observations will be discussed with the teacher in a timely manner. The information gathered during the observations will be used to write the evaluations. 2. The administrator shall prepare and submit a written evaluation and recommendations to the teacher prior to May 30th of the year they are evaluated. The administrator shall hold a conference with the teacher to discuss the written evaluation and recommendations. 3. Upon receipt of the evaluation the teacher will sign the form indicating his/her receipt of the report. The signature on the form does not constitute his/her approval unless specifically noted. 4. Teachers involved with the instruction of Advanced Placement courses will be evaluated. This evaluation in the first year will be made part of the formal evaluation only at the request of the teacher. B. A teacher who disagrees with the content or procedure of evaluation may submit a written answer which shall be attached to the file copy of the evaluation in question and/or submit any complaints through Level 4 of the grievance procedure. C. If an administrator believes a teacher is doing unacceptable work, the reasons shall be set forth in specific terms. Included will be examples of specific ways in which the teacher is to improve and assistance may be given by the administrator and other staff members. In subsequent conferences it shall be the responsibility of the individual teacher to inquire whether adequate improvement has taken place. D. Monitoring and observation of the work performance of the teacher shall be conducted openly. The public address or audio system or similar types of communications will not be used for the purpose of evaluation. E. The Board and the Association recognize that the ability of pupils to progress and mature academically is a combined result of the school, home, economic and social environment and that teachers alone cannot be held accountable for all aspects of the academic achievement of the pupil in the classroom. Test results of academic progress of students shall not be used as the sole determinant or in isolated instances to evaluate the quality of a teacher's service or fitness for retention. F. All communications, including evaluations by Milan Administrators, commendations, and documented complaints directed toward the teacher which are to be included in the personnel file shall be made available for review of the teacher prior to placement in the file; a copy of any such communication will be provided to the teacher at this time. Pre-placement information such as confidential credentials, letters of reference from universities, individuals, or previous employers are exempt from such review. A written statement for inclusion in the personnel file may then be made by the teacher in regard to materials that were not signed by the teacher. A representative of the Association may accompany the teacher. G. Ordinarily, observations of teachers shall not be for less than a full class period or for the duration of a particular teaching lesson.

  • SYSTEM PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS Certain functions of the Platform are subject to the service level agreement described in the Agreement. The following additional terms apply to Electronic Communication Services (as defined below). Such terms control in the event of a conflict with the terms of the Agreement. 1. These terms apply only to NCR Voyix’s provision of electronic communication services, such as NCR Voyix Pulse Real Time Text Paging, certain NCR Voyix online ordering functionalities and NCR Voyix Consumer Marketing (collectively, “Communication Services”). The Communication Services may enable you to send communications to your patrons, end-users or other recipients (collectively, “Recipients”), including e-mails, text messages or other electronic messages (collectively, “Communications”). Communications may be routed through wireless or mobile carriers, internet service providers or other communication service providers (each, a “CSP”). 2. You are entirely responsible for your use of the Communication Services, including, but not limited to: (a) proper account setup and configuration settings; (b) obtaining consents or opt-ins from Recipients to receive Communications; (c) compliance with requests to opt-out or unsubscribe from Communications; (d) providing all required disclosures; and (e) use of valid phone numbers, e-mail addresses or other communications identifiers as appropriate for the particular type of Communication. You are responsible for compliance with (i) all laws, rules, regulations and ordinances (including, without limitation, the Telephone Consumer Protection Act, the Federal Trade Commission Act, and the CAN-SPAM Act) and (ii) all industry standards and CSP requirements and policies (including, without limitation, all “S.H.A.F.T” rules and similar standards), in each case, as applicable to your use of the Communication Services or the conduct of your business (collectively, “Applicable Legal Requirements”). You will not use the Communication Services in violation of Applicable Legal Requirements or to engage in any illegal or unethical activity. You are solely responsible for the content and accuracy of your Communications and any products or services offered for sale therein. You will not send any misleading, inaccurate, threatening, libelous, obscene, harassing, or offensive Communication. If NCR Voyix provides images or other materials as part of the Communication Services, you may only use them for your permitted use of the Communication Services. Further, you may not use any third-party or purchased e-mail list(s) in connection with the Communication Services. NCR Voyix may immediately suspend or terminate your use of the Communication Services if you breach any obligation under this Section. You agree to immediately report any violation of this Section to NCR Voyix and provide cooperation, as requested by NCR Voyix, to investigate and/or remedy that violation. You are responsible for any and all charges (including, but not limited to, fees associated with text or email messaging) imposed by your CSP. Message and data rates may apply. Such charges include those from your mobile carrier or other CSP. 3. Communications may not be encrypted, so you should use appropriate care when determining the content of any Communications. Delivery and receipt of Communications may be delayed or impacted by technical or other issues with CSPs or other third parties or due to other reasons outside of NCR Voyix’s control. NCR Voyix will not be liable for any losses or damages arising from the disclosure of any Communication to any third party or the non-delivery, delayed delivery, misdirected delivery or mishandling of, or inaccurate content in, any Communication sent via the Communication Services. 4. You will indemnify, defend and hold harmless NCR Voyix and its affiliates, suppliers, agents and representatives against any and all claims, losses, costs, fines, fees, liabilities or obligations arising from: (a) your use of the Communication Services or the conduct of your business; or (b) your violation of Applicable Legal Requirements. The indemnified parties hereunder are intended third-party beneficiaries of this Section.