Teachers’ Salary Schedule. 14.1.1 The teachers’ salary schedule for the term of this agreement shall be listed as Appendix B-
1. Teachers shall be paid from the applicable schedule for all work performed on and after July 1 of each year.
14.1.2 For the 2017-18 school year, a three and one half percent (3.5%) increase to all DTA bargaining unit member salary schedules retroactive to July 1, 2017. Payment shall be made no later than sixty (60) calendar days from DTA and DJUSD agreement ratification and adoption by the Board of Education. For the 2018-19 school year, a one-time off schedule payment to all DTA bargaining unit members equivalent to two percent (2%) of their 2018-2019 annual salary. Payment shall be made no later than sixty (60) calendar days from September 15, 2018.
Teachers’ Salary Schedule. Those teachers presently receiving additional remuneration for hours beyond a Bachelor’s degree will continue to do so until they qualify for movement to the next lane on the salary schedule. (Example: 5 hours @ 7.50 until he reaches 10 hours)
Teachers’ Salary Schedule. See Salary Schedule A.
Teachers’ Salary Schedule. Agreed as per PDT agreement (See Schedule "A" attached).
Teachers’ Salary Schedule. A. Employees will be placed on the Salary Schedule (Appendix A) consistent with the rules and regulations for placement on the LEAP schedule as promulgated by the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction and contained in the S-275 Placement Criteria Document for 2017-18, except as may be otherwise described in this section.
B. The calculation of years of service for occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech- language therapists, audiologists, nurses, social workers, counselors, and psychologists regulated under Title 18 RCW will include experience in schools and other non-school positions as occupational therapists, physical therapists, speech language therapists, audiologists, nurses, social workers, counselors, or psychologists. The calculation shall be that one year of service in a non-school position counts as one year of service. For the purpose of computing a year of experience, a full year will be deemed to be 1,440 or more hours within a twelve-month period.
C. The calculation for years of service for Career and Technical Education instructors will include all years worked within the instructor’s career field, regardless of whether the service occurred within an educational setting. For the purpose of computing a year of experience, a full year will be deemed to be 1,440 or more hours within a twelve-month
Teachers’ Salary Schedule. Each unit member who is under contract with the District in the 2016-17 school year shall receive a one-time, off-the-salary-schedule payment equal to one percent (1%) of the unit member’s 2016-17 school year base salary and earned Appendix A stipends, prorated for less than full-time service. The one-time, off-the-salary-schedule payment shall be made at the end of the school year, as determined by the language in Section 4 of this Article.
Teachers’ Salary Schedule. 1. The Salary Schedule(s) is shown in Appendix A.
2. All unit members are assigned to the Teachers’ Salary Schedule(s) except Permit Teachers, Nurses, School Psychologist and SLPs.
3. The salary schedules attached hereto consist of six (6) groups, arranged in horizontal order, which are based on numbers of units of acceptable postgraduate study, and various vertical steps which are based upon the number of years of acceptable teaching or nursing experience. The six groups and their requirements are as follows: Group A Requires a B.A., B.S., or equivalent degree and holds a regular credential. Group B Requires holding a regular credential and fifteen (15) semester hours credits of acceptable upper division and/or postgraduate college course work in addition to and beyond (after date of) a B.A., B.S. or equivalent degree. Group C Requires holding a regular credential and thirty (30) semester hours credit of acceptable upper division and/or graduate college work in addition to and beyond (after date of) a B.A., B.S., or equivalent degree. Group D Requires holding a regular credential and either (a) forty-five (45) semester hours credit of acceptable upper division and/or graduate college work in addition to and beyond (after date of) a B.A., B.S., or equivalent degree, or (b) a Master’s degree in addition to and beyond (after date of) a B.A., B.S. or equivalent degree. Group E Requires holding a regular credential and either (a) sixty (60) semester hours credit of acceptable upper division and/or graduate college work in addition to and beyond (after date of) a B.A., B.S. or equivalent degree or (b) Master’s degree and forty-five (45) semester hours credit of acceptable upper division and/or graduate college work in addition to and beyond (after date of) a B.A., B.S. or equivalent degree. Group F Requires holding a regular credential and either (a) a Master’s degree and sixty (60) semester hours credit of upper division and/or graduate college work in addition to a B.A., B.S. or equivalent degree, or (b) seventy-five (75) semester hours credit of acceptable upper division and/or graduate college work in addition to and beyond (after date of) a B.A., B.S., or equivalent degree. Courses beyond sixty (60) semester hours of acceptable upper division and/or graduate college work must be or have been in pursuit of a credential, certificate, or degree.
Teachers’ Salary Schedule. The base salary amounts listed below shall be based on the index stated hereafter. SALARY SCHEDULE INDEX Experience Bachelor’s Degree 5-Year Training Master’s Degree Master’s +15 0 1.000 1.038 1.095 1.133 1 1.038 1.081 1.143 1.186 2 1.076 1.124 1.191 1.239 3 1.114 1.167 1.239 1.292 4 1.152 1.210 1.287 1.345 5 1.190 1.253 1.335 1.398 6 1.228 1.296 1.383 1.451 7 1.266 1.339 1.431 1.504 8 1.304 1.382 1.479 1.557 9 1.342 1.425 1.527 1.610 10 1.380 1.468 1.575 1.663 11 1.418 1.511 1.623 1.716 12 1.456 1.554 1.671 1.769 13 1.494 1.597 1.719 1.822 14 1.532 1.640 1.767 1.875 15 1.570 1.683 1.815 1.928 20 Step 15 + $500 25 Step 20 + $500 30 Step 25 + $500 At step 20, teachers will receive their step 15 salary and $500. At step 25, teachers will receive their step 20 salary and an additional $500. At step 30, teachers will receive their step 25 salary and an additional $500. The years of teaching service do not all have to have been completed at Adena in order to count. Unpaid leaves of absence from the Adena Schools do not count towards the time needed to total a year of service. Paid leaves of absence from the Adena Schools do count towards the time needed to total a year of service. Conditions for Five (5)-Year Training: 15 semester hours in college or university level courses in the education field. Conditions for MA +15: All semester hours beyond the Master’s column shall be course work in the area of certification, or in an area in which the teacher wishes to become certified and shall be semester hours earned subsequent to receipt of the Master’s degree. Other courses which would benefit the school district may be taken upon approval of the Superintendent. Board approval for academic stipend shall not be considered an automatic qualification for column advancement or salary schedule credit.
Teachers’ Salary Schedule. The salaries of all teachers covered by this Agreement are as set forth in Appendix A attached hereto and made a part of this Agreement.
Teachers’ Salary Schedule a. Effective July 1, 2023, the Teacher’s Salary Schedule shall be modified as set forth in Attachment A. Columns A and B have been eliminated. This means that all teachers now start no lower than the old Column C.