Trade Union Activities Sample Clauses
Trade Union Activities. These are referred to in Partnership Accord #9, Section 6.2. The annualised commitment is set out in the table “POA(S) Scottish National Committee Trade Union Activities”. It is expected that the requirement for authorised time off will be relatively stable from year to year. The allowance for each Scottish National Committee member (excluding the Chairman) shall be 60 days per annum.
Trade Union Activities. The specific agreements on membership of Trade Union Governing Bodies and time off that accompany the activities set out below are shown in Annexes A and B.
6.2.1 Participating as a delegate at Annual Conferences within the terms of the recognised Trade Union’s constitution.
6.2.2 For the POA(S) a national total of up to two Branch Committee Members (who are not delegates) may provide scrutineering, counting and administrative support at Annual Conferences. A National total of up to two other Branch Committee members may be released for development purposes as part of their annual allocation for time off in relation to learning and development (see Annex E).
6.2.3 Participating as a designated member of a Trade Union’s Governing Body, and within the terms of its constitution, assisting in the preparation of the business of the Trade Union’s Annual Conferences when required.
6.2.4 Participating at meetings of a Trade Union’s Governing Body at national level as a designated member of that body.
6.2.5 Participating at meetings of a Trade Union’s Governing Body at local level as a designated member.
6.2.6 Participating at meetings of the national TUS as a Constituent Trade Union’s delegate member of that body.
6.2.7 Attending annual conferences of the TUC or STUC where the Trade Union holds seats that are required to be filled by SPS employed delegates.
6.2.8 Representing the Trade Union externally by invitation on issues relevant to employment in the SPS.
6.2.9 Undertaking duties specific to the office of Secretary or Chairman of a Trade Union’s Governing Body at local or national level.
Trade Union Activities. A. Trade Union Activities regarded as On-Duty An Association delegate will be released from the performance of normal duty when required to undertake any of the activities specified at (i) to (viii) below. While undertaking such activities on a normal rostered day on duty, the Association delegate will be regarded as being on duty and will not be required to apply for leave. The delegate will not be entitled to overtime at the end of the roster cycle as a consequence of undertaking these activities. In circumstances where an Association delegate is not rostered for duty or is on an allocated/additional day off and is not required by HammondCare to undertake these activities, such time will not be counted as time worked.
(i) Attendance at meetings of the workplace's Occupational Health and Safety Committee and participation in all official activities relating to the functions and responsibilities of elected Occupational Health and Safety Committee members at a place of work as provided for in the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 2000 and the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 2001;
(ii) Attendance at meetings with workplace management or workplace management representatives;
(iii) A reasonable period of preparation time, before:
(a) meetings with management;
(b) disciplinary or grievance meetings when an Association member requires the presence of an Association delegate; and
(c) any other meeting with management, by agreement with HammondCare, where operational requirements allow the taking of such time.
(iv) Giving evidence in court on behalf of HammondCare;
(v) Presenting information on the Association and Association activities at induction sessions for new staff. The Association shall have up to one half-hour made available for a presentation in such a program provided to employees. If such programs are provided to employees by electronic or remote means, the union‟s presentation and associated literature will also be included; and
(vi) Distributing official Association publications or other authorised material at the workplace, provided that a minimum of 24 hours notice is given to the relevant Operations Manager/DON, unless otherwise agreed between the parties. Distribution time is to be kept to a minimum and is to be undertaken at a time convenient to the workplace.
Trade Union Activities. Trade union representatives and members may be allowed time off without pay to participate in trade union activities. Examples of trade union activities include: -
1. Meetings with other trade union representatives convened to discuss issues, which may or may not be directly related to industrial relations in Bexley
2. Clerical tasks associated with the internal administration of the union
3. Taking part as a representative in meetings of official policy making bodies of the trade union such as executive committee or annual conference
4. Representing the trade union on external bodies 5. Attendance at training courses, which have no bearing on the role of the representative at the workplace
Trade Union Activities. To operate effectively and democratically, trade unions need the active participation of members. It can also be in the Trust’s interest that participation is assured, and help is given to promote effective communication between trade union representatives and their members within the Trust. Under section 28 of the Employment Protection (Consolidation) Act 1978, an employee who is a representative or a member of a recognised trade union is entitled to a reasonable amount of time off to participate in any trade union activity. There is no statutory requirement that trade union members or representatives be paid for time off taken on trade union activities.
a) Attending workplace meetings to discuss and vote on the outcome of negotiations with the Trust.
b) Voting in trade union elections.
c) Meeting trade union full time officers to discuss issues relevant to the Trust.
a) Taking part in trade union branch, area or regional meetings where the business of the union is under discussion.
b) Taking part in meetings of official policy making bodies such as the executive committee or annual conference.
c) Meeting trade union full time officers to discuss issues relevant to the Trust.
Trade Union Activities. Under the ACAS Code of Practice on time off for trade union duties and activities. Trade Union officers and members are permitted reasonable time during working hours to take part in trade union activity. The OU and the OUAUT note that the minimum legal requirement is as set out below. The OU and the OUAUT agree that in the interests of good industrial relations this minimum legal entitlement will be enhanced as set out in paragraph 6.
Trade Union Activities. The following list is neither exclusive or exhaustive but illustrates the nature of the trade union activities for which time off with or without pay may be granted:-
Trade Union Activities taking part as a representative in meetings of official committees of the union attendance at national or Group conferences of the union attendance at suitable training courses in representational duties organised by the union or by the TUC representing the union on external bodies relevant to employment in the Civil Service. The employee will provide as much notice as possible and managers recognise that unexpected events can make it difficult to plan Local paid absences from work will be granted where the duties detailed above are of a limited extent (normally for absences of up to half a day) with the approval of local, i.e. line management, who will not withhold approval unreasonably. Where justified by the extent of these duties an agreed regular paid facility time allowance may be agreed locally Where a manager declines a request, this should by in writing (letter or email) making clear their reasons based around the delivery of the team’s objectives Managers will not unreasonably decline a request for facility time. If there is a dispute then it will be resolved between HR and representatives from the national trade unions Accredited representatives are required to account for time spent on activities through the reporting arrangements set out below.
Trade Union Activities. A. Trade Union Activities regarded as On-Duty
(i) Attendance at meetings of the workplace's Work Health and Safety Committee and participation in all official activities relating to the functions and responsibilities of elected Work Health and Safety Committee representatives at a place of work as provided for in the
(ii) Attendance at meetings with workplace management or workplace management representatives;
(iii) A reasonable period of preparation time, before:
(a) meetings with management;
(b) disciplinary or grievance meetings when an Association member requires the presence of an Association delegate; and
(c) any other meeting with management, by agreement with management, where operational requirements allow the taking of such time.
(iv) Giving evidence in court on behalf of the employer;
(v) Presenting information on the Association and Association activities at induction sessions for new staff. The Association shall have up to one half-hour made available for a presentation in such a program provided to employees. If such programs are provided to employees by electronic or remote means, the union’s presentation and associated literature will also be included; and
(vi) Distributing official Association publications or other authorised material at the workplace, provided that a minimum of twenty four hours notice is given to workplace management, unless otherwise agreed between the parties. Distribution time is to be kept to a minimum and is to be undertaken at a time convenient to the workplace.
Trade Union Activities. 6.1 In addition to the above, there is an entitlement to reasonable time-off for Trade Union activities.
6.2 This may cover such things as Trade Union Regional meetings, Conferences etc., but unlike duties, this time-off need not be paid.
6.3 The ACAS Code covers this issue.
6.4 The Council allows each recognised Union a limited amount of paid time-off for some Trade Union Activities, as follows: -