FULL TIME OFFICERS. (a) The parties agree that the Union President shall be a full-time position, subject to the following terms of reference: (i) The President shall be placed on a leave of absence for the term of their elected office. During the noted leave of absence, the President shall continue to accrue seniority and all benefits, save and except Short Term Disability, Long Term Disability and Worker’s Compensation Benefits. (ii) Short Term Disability and Long Term Disability shall be the responsibility of the Union. The Union and the President hold the Employer harmless of any Short Term and Long Term Disability claims that occur during the noted period of elected office. (iii) Workplace Safety and Insurance Board Benefits shall be the responsibility of the Union. The Union and the President hold the Employer harmless of any Worker’s Compensation claims that occur during the noted period of elected office. (iv) The Employer agrees to continue to pay the regular salary (wages), which shall include any salary increases affected pursuant to the Collective Agreement during the period of elected office. The Employer agrees to continue to deduct statutory deductions from the Union President’s pay. The Union agrees to reimburse the Employer 50% of the above noted wages and statutory deductions. (v) The position of Union President shall be full time working for the Union. The Employer agrees that any change in wage grade to the position that the President occupied in the bargaining unit, shall also be applied to the President’s wages subject to the provisions of iv) above. (vi) The Employer agrees to continue the benefits as follows: Extended Health, Dental Plan, Life Insurance, OMERS (in accordance with OMERS regulations), and Employer Health Tax, during the period of elected office. The Union agrees to reimburse the Employer 50% of the Employer’s costs for the provision of such benefits. (vii) It is understood by the parties that no claim shall be made on the Employer by the Union for the following: attendance at meetings with the City, overtime and work performed on Statutory Holidays, shift differential, meal allowance, week- end premium, standby and call-out pay, travel and business allowance, mileage and car allowance with respect to the President’s position. (viii) Vacation entitlement will continue in accordance with the Collective Agreement. The Union agrees to reimburse the Employer for 50% of all costs incurred for vacation earned and taken. The Union President will...
FULL TIME OFFICERS. The Company recognizes the Local Union shall require a full-time officer paid for by the Company. The salary of which will be paid for at the rate of 90% by the Company and 10% by the Local Union. The rate of pay for the Unit Chair position shall be equal to that of the Customer Connections Field Representative 3 covered by the Collective Agreement.
FULL TIME OFFICERS. Full-time members shall work a rotating schedule, which reflects four days on and two days off.
FULL TIME OFFICERS. Employees who act as full-time officers of the Union, Local or National, will be placed on leave of absence with the time involved considered as service with the Employer. On conclusion of such leave of absence Employees shall return to the job classification they previously held without loss of the Employer Accredited Service as used to determine vacation and welfare plan entitlements (see Article G 9.01).
FULL TIME OFFICERS. Subject to the 74 Agreement Prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement.
FULL TIME OFFICERS. The Village will staff the police department with adequate personnel to assure the safety and integrity of the residents and the officers of the department.
FULL TIME OFFICERS. Full time officers must be certified through a “full-time” police academy or equivalent if from another state. Covered officers may choose to receive pay for 80 (eighty) hours from any 84 (eighty four) hour pay period, with the remaining four (4) hours added to their compensatory time bank to be used as outlined in Section 7.9.
FULL TIME OFFICERS. These are employees of the trade union at national or regional level who may, from time to time, advise the Branch and/or deal with high level or significant issues, for example discipline of a Branch Official, Industrial Action Resolution etc. The regional or national full-time officer will be notified at the earliest available opportunity where the disciplinary procedure is to be invoked against the nominated trade union official or other branch official.