BASIC SCOPE OF SERVICES. The basic scope of services proposed for this project includes the following:
BASIC SCOPE OF SERVICES. Consultant services generally include, but are not limited to: Construction engineering; project management; pre-construction staking; traffic control plans; conducting the preconstruction conference; preparing daily work reports; construction staking and inspection, and materials sampling and testing during project construction; monitoring environmental commitments; preparing as-built plans; progress computations; final computations; preparing contractor change orders and work orders; and all project communications, including any necessary communication regarding federal-funding project eligibility questions, issues and concerns.
BASIC SCOPE OF SERVICES. The following Task Series describe the Basic Scope of Services to be provided by the DP under the Project.
BASIC SCOPE OF SERVICES. 23.1 Audit financial statements of the governmental activities, the aggregate discretely component units each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information as of September 30, 2020 and for the year then ended, and the related notes to the financial statements, which collectively comprise the County’s basic financial statements.
23.2 Audit the County’s compliance over major federal and state award programs for the year ended September 30, 2020.
23.3 Audit to be conducted with the objectives of firm’s expressing an opinion on each opinion unit and an opinion on compliance regarding the County’s major federal and state award programs.
23.4 Accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America require that the management’s discussion and analysis be presented to supplement the basic financial statements. Such information, although not a part of the basic financial statements, is required by Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB), who considers it to be an essential part of financial reporting for placing the basic financial statements in an appropriate operational, economic, or historical context. Firm will apply certain limited procedures to the required supplementary information (RSI) in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. These limited procedures will consist primarily of inquiries of management regarding their methods of measurement and presentation, and comparing the information for consistency with management’s responses to inquiries. Firm will not express an opinion or provide any form of assurance on the RSI. The following RSI is required by accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America:
23.4.1 Management’s Discussion and Analysis 23.4.2 General Fund Budgetary Schedule 23.4.3 Required Supplementary Pension System Information
23.4.4 Other Post-Employment Benefit (OPEB) Information
1. Once a notice to proceed has been issued, JACOBS will attend one
(1) kick-off meeting with City representatives to identify the program, goals, scheduling, and points of communication.
2. JACOBS will utilize available survey data and site information provided by the City as the basis for the park improvements, without independent verification of accuracy. Based upon the existing information and any additional information provided by the City, JACOBS will prepare an existing conditions base map(s) for use in design concepts and final Construction Documents.
1. Once a notice to proceed has been issued, JACOBS will attend one
(1) kick-off meeting with City representatives to identify the program, goals, scheduling, and points of communication.
2. Perform a field topographic survey that is in compliance with the standards and specifications of a Category 6, Topographical Survey as defined in the current MANUAL OF PRACTICE for Land Surveying in the State of Texas, published by the Texas Society of Professional Surveyors. Unless otherwise specified, the survey will be established using existing physical monumentation to identify the horizontal and vertical control for the project area. The project will then be adjusted horizontally to client specifications and vertically to the North American Vertical Datum (NAVD) 88 for orthometric heights and GEOID 12A for geoidal separations with references to a published benchmark, if available. Provide topographic mapping with a minimum of one foot contour intervals depicting, but not limited to, the following information: Positions and elevations of natural ground features, edge of pavement, curb islands, top back of curb with flow lines, valley gutters, cross sections of roadways, median openings and intersections of adjacent streets and roads, top of block wall footings, 020336001.P08 1 flow lines, top of bank and toe of slope of creeks, canals, or ditches; exterior edges of water; sign and fences; and any other above ground visible features. The location, elevation and description of all surface visible utilities (i.e., manholes including inverts, flow line elevations and pipe sizes, inlets, fire hydrants, water valves, street lights, vaults and meter locations). We will locate any pin flags, paint markings of utilities. The utilities must be xxxx xxxxx to us commencing the topographic surveying. Return trips will be addition services and will be billed at our current hourly rates. The scope also includes 4 (four) creek cross section 60 feet from the center of Fish Creek Trail.
B. Design Development
1. JACOBS assumes the trail will be constructed within the current alignment of the existing trail.
2. Utilizing the base map, JACOBS will prepare existing site conditions base maps for use in the preliminary design, Schematic Design and Construction Documents. These base maps will be provided to the City for approval prior to proceeding with the preparation of design concept plans.
3. JACOBS will identify potential permitting requirements and issu...
BASIC SCOPE OF SERVICES. Basic Scope of Services shall be as outlined in AIA Document C401 - 2017 Edition - Standard Form of Agreement Between Architect and Consultant, Article 3. TLC shall provide professional engineering review services for:
BASIC SCOPE OF SERVICES. Task 1.0 ‐ Phase 1C WTP Expansion Insert Task 1.6 as follows:
BASIC SCOPE OF SERVICES. The FHO physicians shall provide medical services as further defined herein and as required by the FHO agreement, and the CKFHT shall provide the facility (including lease obligations), staff, services, and equipment as further defined herein. The obligations of the FHO are as one group with the elected Lead Physician acting on behalf of the entire FHO. Individual physician responsibilities are laid out in the FHO Governance Agreement (separate document not attached). A full time practice provides the FHO physician with 10 x 4 hour blocks per week, Monday to Friday, with 5 blocks from 8:00 a.m. to noon, and 5 blocks from 1PM to 5PM. Changes in the above hours may be negotiated with the CKFHT administration and altered with approval. The CKFHT agrees to provide the following resources to the FHO physicians in exchange for fulltime overhead payment: Facility at which to provide medical services, as determined by the CKFHT, with a waiting room and reception area. Allied health professional services as approved and funded by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Nursing support services. Secretarial support services. Routine medical supplies. 2 furnished exam rooms with routine medical equipment as determined by the CKFHT. Office space for the physician. EMR software license and service support along with remote EMR access. Computer and printer in each exam room and office. Roster size up to a maximum of 2400 patients per physician qualifies for full-time practice at the overhead rate of 100%. What about non rostered? Phone in office. Stationery supplies as determined by the CKFHT. Billing submission. The physician is responsible for entering xxxxxxxx and correcting billing errors. Staffing for after-hours urgent care clinics. All listed resources (supplies, equipment, computer, and licence) are the property of the CKFHT. The FHO physician acquires no right, title, or interest in CKFHT property except for the right to use such property as expressly set out in this agreement. The part time FHO physician is provided with the same services as outlined above but receives 5 x 4HR blocks per week. These 5 blocks must be provided as either all morning blocks, all afternoon blocks, or 2 full days plus one half day in order for the FHT to supply regular nursing support. An alteration in the above schedule may be negotiated with the FHT. Any new part time FHO physician joining a CKHFT practice site must co-ordinate their schedule with any existing part time practic...