Vacancies During the School Year Sample Clauses

Vacancies During the School Year. Employees may apply for vacancies which occur during the school year.
Vacancies During the School Year. Employees may apply for vacancies which occur during the school year. Accepting a vacant position during the year does not invalidate contract status (provisional or continuing) should the position be discontinued the following year.
Vacancies During the School Year. A vacancy shall be defined as a position previously held by a bargaining unit member or a newly created bargaining unit position. The administration will strive to fill vacant positions as soon as possible. Posting information shall contain, at minimum, the job title, classification, and hours to be worked. 1. If there are no qualified candidates within the job classification, then the Employer will consider other qualified candidates from within the bargaining unit. If qualifications are relatively equal among two or more candidates, then the candidate with the most bargaining unit seniority will be selected. 2. If there are no qualified candidates within the bargaining unit, the Employer may seek candidates from outside the bargaining unit.
Vacancies During the School Year. When vacancies and newly created positions in the professional staff are determined to exist, notices shall be prominently posted in an appropriately designated place in each school or department for not less than six (6) business days prior to the closing date for filing application. A copy of said notice shall be sent to the Association at the time of posting. The Board recognizes the advantage of having experienced teachers fill teaching vacancies that occur in the district. To that end, the Board agrees to post all vacancies with the MEA/NEA office simultaneous with posting outside the district. The Board further agrees to give consideration to the applicants from MEA/NEA.
Vacancies During the School Year. (a) When the Board determines that, following the correction of staffing imbalances as per Article 29.08, there is a teaching vacancy which arises during the school year, and for which a Bargaining Unit teacher is required, this vacancy will be posted. (b) Subject to seniority and qualifications, applicants will be considered in the following order: i) Teachers wishing to transfer will be considered and if successful, will transfer to the new location the following September, subject to Articles 25, 28 and 33; ii) Part-time teachers who wish to increase their employment status will be considered. Successful applicants may immediately assume all or part of the vacancy, provided the provisions outlined in Article 26.06 can be met. iii) Occasional teachers; iv) External hires. (c) Teachers transferring during the school year under the provisions of Article 29.10 (b) (i) and for whom there is no longer an assignment at their new school shall have the right to: i) elect to maintain their seniority rights at their school of origin; or ii) be declared surplus and have access to the placement process of Article 29.04.
Vacancies During the School Year. When vacancies in bargaining unit positions occur during the school year, the position(s) may be posted at that time according to the provisions of Section 9.02 or a substitute may be hired at the discretion of the Superintendent. If a substitute is hired to fill the position for the remainder of the year, and if the position is to be filled for the following year, the position will become a vacancy at the end of the school year. The posting for such a position will be made no later than June 1 for the subsequent school year.
Vacancies During the School Year. 1. In the event a vacancy occurs during the school year, the vacancy shall be posted describing the school duties and salary for the position. The vacancy shall be posted no later than thirty (30) days after the vacancy occurs. The most senior qualified Nurse desiring the position shall be transferred. If no member of the bargaining unit bids for the vacancy, then such vacancy shall be with a “new hire”. 2. Any subsequent vacancy created by the transfer of a bargaining unit member as provided in F.l. (above) shall be posted and filled as provided within Article 14 A., of this Agreement.
Vacancies During the School Year. Vacancies that occur after the first day of the school year up to October 14 shall be filled with a new hire. Vacancies that occur October 15 and up until the end of the school year shall be filled with either a new hire or a long-term substitute as circumstances warrant. Any position declared vacant October 15 and thereafter will again be declared vacant at the end of that school year. The newly-hired teacher who filled that position will be guaranteed a position in the county, assuming ratings warrant such placement, but will not be guaranteed the same position. The newly-hired teacher may apply for the position along with all other teachers requesting transfer. The principal must interview three (3) candidates (provided there are three) for transfer before offering the position to the newly-hired teacher.
Vacancies During the School Year. Filling of vacancies during the school year will be at the discretion of the Superintendent or her/his designee(s). The District may initially post the position(s) externally and qualified paraprofessionals may apply along with external applicants.
Vacancies During the School Year a. In the event a leave of absence is granted during the school year, that position may be left vacant or filled with a non-continuing contract employee. b. Vacancies occurring during the school year shall be opened. 1. If a District employee is selected, he/she shall be transferred at the beginning of the ensuing school year. The District may fill said vacancy with a non-continuing contract employee, provided there shall be no more employees on a leave of absence compared to the number of employees on a non-continuing contract. 2. A vacancy for which no in-District employee applies or no qualified employee applies shall be filled with a regular contracted employee.