Vacation/Personal Leave Sample Clauses

Vacation/Personal Leave and other approved absences Employees absent for these reasons will be credited seven (7) hours for a full day or three and one-half (3½) hours for a half day. If, on account of these reasons, the time earned during the accounting period exceeds seventy (70) hours, overtime will not be paid for these hours.
Vacation/Personal Leave. Vacation and accumulated compensatory time off shall normally be scheduled in advance. Management will make every reasonable effort to respond to employee's request for leave within two (2) workdays of receipt of the request. The scheduling of vacation or accumulated compensatory time off shall normally be at the option of the employee during periods of regular academic layoffs (i.e. summer, fall, winter, spring). This applies only to employees who are subject to recall during these regular seasonal layoffs. Leave time requests from such employees shall be approved only in increments of full days (7.5 hours) unless the employee has or will have worked some time in that particular pay period.
Vacation/Personal Leave. Vacation and accumulated compensatory time off shall normally be scheduled no later than two (2) weeks in advance of the requested absence. Management will make every reasonable effort to respond to employee's request for leave within one (1) week of receipt of the request. Vacation requests received later than two (2) weeks prior to the requested absence will be reviewed and approved based on operational needs. During periods of regular academic break layoffs (summer, Christmas, spring), the scheduling of vacation or accumulated compensatory time off shall normally be at the option of the employee. This applies only to employees who are subject to recall during these regular academic break layoffs. Leave time requests from such employees shall be approved only in increments of full days (7.5 hours) during periods of regular academic break layoffs (summer, Christmas, spring), unless the employee has or will have worked some time in that particular pay period.
Vacation/Personal Leave. After having served in the County service for six (6) consecutive full calendar months, full-time employees shall be credited with forty-eight (48) hours of vacation/personal leave, and thereafter leave shall be credited according to the following schedule: Full Months of Continuous Service Leave Per Year 7 months through 12 months (1/2 to 1 year) 6 workdays (48 hours) From 13 through 24 months (1 to 2 years) 96 hours/year From 25 through 60 months (2 to 5 years) 120 hours/year From 61 through 120 months (5 to 10 years) 144 hours/year From 121 through 180 months (10 to 15 years) 168 hours/year From 181 months (15 years +) 192 hours/year An employee will not accumulate vacation credits during a leave without pay or suspension without pay status.
Vacation/Personal Leave. 2.1. Vacation/Personal Leave is earned from the first day of employment in a benefits-eligible position and may be used after it is earned. 2.2. Vacation/Personal leave is taken at a time mutually agreeable to the staff member and the supervisor. 2.3. For employees whose benefits-eligible appointment commenced prior to 7/1/11, the accrual rate will be two (2) days per month. For those whose appointment commenced on or after 7/1/11 the accrual rate is one and one-half (1.5) days per month for the first five years of service and two
Vacation/Personal Leave. Employee shall receive all vacation and personal leave benefits, or any other benefit provided for in the Company Employee Manual. d Expense Reimbursement. Employee shall be entitled to expense reimbursement as set forth in Section V of this Agreement. e Mileage Reimbursement. Employee will be paid mileage for use of her automobile with mileage reimbursement based upon Internal Revenue Service Guidelines applicable at the time of reimbursement. f
Vacation/Personal Leave. On work days where more than minimum staffing is scheduled (i.e. overlap days), no more than 2 Officers will be granted time off for personal or vacation leave, provided that it does not require overtime to meet minimum staffing requirements. Additional Officers may be granted time off at the discretion of the Chief of Police, or his/her designee.
Vacation/Personal Leave. 11 A. Scheduling Leave B. Vacation/Personal Leave Accrual C. Mid-Year Appointments and Exits D. Utilization Limits E. Part-time Employees
Vacation/Personal Leave. A total of eleven (11) vacation days and two (2) personal-leave days will be accrued annually at the combined rate of one-and one-eighth (1.08) days each month of employment. An employee may draw from total vacation/personal leave prior to the actual accrual of such time. However, if for any reason the employee terminates his/her employment prior to one year, any vacation or personal leave expended beyond the actual accrued time shall be deducted from his/her final paycheck at the rate of one-day’s wages for each day. In the event the employee terminates his/her employment with unexpended vacation days, he/she will receive cash payment of the remaining days up to one-year’s entitlement. If an employee has accumulated unused vacation leave time at the end of the year, up to three days will be carried over into the next year; however, all other unused leave will not be carried over.
Vacation/Personal Leave. Sick Leave, and Holiday (a) Vacation: Superintendent shall be entitled to 30 days of vacation time during each fiscal year of his employment under this Agreement, exclusive of legal holidays. Vacation time may be accumulated during the tenure of Superintendent’s employment under this Agreement. Upon his resignation, retirement, or nonrenewal (but not his termination for cause), Superintendent shall be entitled to be paid his then per diem rate of pay for all earned but unused vacation days up to a maximum of 45 days. Should Superintendent be renewed for additional terms of employment at the expiration of his employment under this Agreement, Superintendent may carry forward up to 15 days and to be paid at the per diem rate of pay for all other earned and unused vacation days to a maximum of 45 days. Superintendent shall follow the personal leave schedule of all other administrators.