Virtual Academy. Factors Exiting a specially designated program for any reason other than voluntary withdrawal effectively cancels the transfer agreement and the District shall withdraw the student from enrollment in the Dis- trict at the end of the school year. In approving transfers, the Superintendent or designee shall con- sider the availability of space (program and physical) and instruc- tional staff, as well as the student’s disciplinary history, academic records, and attendance records. An eligible student also must have passed all classes and all applicable portions of the most re- cent state-mandated assessments. Additional factors may apply based on the specific designated program. A student who lives outside the boundaries of the District but within the boundaries of the cities of Grapevine or Colleyville may apply to attend the District’s ASPIRE Academy. For this academy, stu- dents must apply and be accepted based on admission criteria ap- plicable to the academy’s program. A nonresident student accepted into the District’s ASPIRE Acad- emy shall be responsible for payment of all fees required for partic- ipation in the program. In approving transfers, the Superintendent or designee shall con- sider the availability of space (program and physical) and instruc- tional staff, as well as the student’s disciplinary history, academic records, and attendance records. An eligible student also must have passed all classes and all applicable portions of the most re- cent state-mandated assessments. A nonresident student may apply to attend the District’s virtual academy as a transfer student. In addition to other factors ad- dressed in this policy, transfer approval for this purpose shall be contingent upon the student’s acceptance into the virtual academy. The District may require an interview of the student and the stu- dent’s parent as part of the application process. On at least an an- nual basis, students shall be evaluated to determine their eligibility to remain a student in the academy. A nonresident student accepted into the District’s virtual academy shall be responsible for payment of all fees required for participa- tion in the program. In approving transfers for the virtual academy, the Superintendent or designee shall consider the availability of instructional staff, ca- pacity with the academy, as well as the student’s disciplinary his- tory, academic records, and attendance records. An eligible student must have passed all classes and all applicable po...
Virtual Academy. The parties agree to the updated version of the January 31, 2022 “Virtual Academy” sideletter agreement, attached as Exhibit B.
Virtual Academy. (a) If permitted by CPS, the Employer and the Union will reopen negotiations on the terms of the Virtual Academy.
Virtual Academy. 34.9.1 All bargaining unit members working at Xxxxxx Xxxxxx Virtual Academy (TGVA) shall continue to be entitled to all the provisions outlined in this agreement.
34.9.2 Unit members in this program shall not be assigned to any daily/weekly duties related to being on a shared campus with other programs, including, but not limited to meetings, period substitution, or supervision duties for the shared campus. However, should a serious emergency arise on campus all unit members may be enlisted to assist students as needed.
34.9.3 Unit members shall not be required to provide concurrent virtual and in-person instruction.
34.9.4 A separate workspace will be provided for each unit member. If there are not soundproof barriers between work spaces, noise cancelling headsets will be provided.
34.9.4 All necessary technology required to teach virtually shall be provided by the district, including a laptop with camera and microphone, external monitor, and document camera.
Virtual Academy. 58 10.02 College Credit Plus .................................................................. 58 10.021 ...................................................................................... 58 10.022 ...................................................................................... 58
Virtual Academy. For the 2021-2022 school year, in order to address continuing impacts from COVID-19, the District will offer a BSD virtual placement for students for one (1) year only (using Alternative Learning Experience funding). This learning model is not intended to be used for anything other than students who choose a 100% virtual schooling option for the school year. The District and Association have committed to adding a 0.4 FTE (full time equivalency) counseling position and up to 1.0 FTE elementary position districtwide to support the integration of students into the school environment. FTE at school sites will not be reduced as a result of this one (1) year emergency program. Workload impacts on in-person educators related to services for students in the virtual environment are subject to remediation through the IAP process. Monitoring and oversight of Virtual Academy impacts will occur through the Meet and Confer process.
Virtual Academy. The Board of Education may offer Virtual Academy classes on a limited basis to students in need of remedial work that is needed in order to graduate. Virtual Academy positions will be posted according to Article 6, Sections 6.09 and 6.10, and will be available only to bargaining unit members. Courses will be offered to students on an individual basis; at no time shall a full class load of students enroll in a Virtual Academy class. Bargaining unit members hired to teach Virtual Academy classes shall maintain a log of their time, including dates, activity, and hours spent working with students. Compensation shall be based upon the records kept by the instructor, and shall be paid at the bargaining unit member’s hourly per diem rate.
Virtual Academy. The virtual academy will have an elementary and secondary component.
a. Staff will be assigned at the Virtual Academy using the following priority order:
i. Staff in need of alternative work assignments related to the provisions above;
ii. Through posting as outlined in the collective bargaining agreement.
b. Placement of staff at the Virtual Academy as a result of an alternative work assignment or posting will be considered a permanent placement except as otherwise outlined in the collective bargaining agreement.
c. Nothing in this section shall prevent the district from making adjustments to staffing related to program need and balancing staffing allocations in compliance with the collective bargaining agreement.
d. Virtual Academy student loads will be 40 for the elementary and 150 for secondary.
Virtual Academy. Using technology to allow students and/or teachers to attend/work remotely.
Virtual Academy. Work by members of the Bargaining Unit on behalf of the Virtual Academy shall be in addition (supplemental) to a professional employee’s regular duties and responsibilities and performed outside of the professional employee’s seven and one half (7.5) hour work day. Position descriptions and a description of the professional expectations for the positions shall be committed to a formal position description and attached hereto and made part of this agreement.
1. Virtual Academy Course Planner or Developer
2. Virtual Academy Teacher