Jury Duty and Court Appearances Sample Clauses
Jury Duty and Court Appearances. Leave of absence without loss of pay and benefits will be provided to an employee summoned to serve on a jury or when subpoenaed or summoned as a witness in a criminal or civil proceeding not occasioned by the employee's private affairs, or when the employee accompanies a dependent child when the child is subpoenaed or summoned to appear as a witness in a criminal or civil proceeding. An employee in receipt of pay or benefits under this Article has the responsibility to reimburse the employer all monies paid to him/her by the Court, except travelling and meal allowances not reimbursed by the employer.
Jury Duty and Court Appearances. (1). An employee who is summoned as a member of a jury panel or subpoenaed as a witness in a matter not involving the employee's personal interests, shall be granted leave with pay and any jury or witness fees shall be retained by the employee; leave granted hereunder shall not affect an employee's annual or sick leave balance.
(2). An appearance as an expert witness for which an employee receives professional compensation falls under Article 19 and the University's policies and rules relative to outside employment/conflict of interest. Such an appearance may necessitate the employee requesting annual leave or, if a non-annual leave accruing employee, may necessitate the employee seeking an adjustment of the work schedule.
(3). If an employee is required, as a direct result of the employee's employment, to appear as an official witness to testify in the course of any action as defined in Section 92.142(2), Florida Statutes, such duty shall be considered a part of the employee's job assignment, and the employee shall be paid per diem and travel expenses and shall turn over to the University any fees received.
(4). An employee involved in personal litigation during work hours must request annual leave or, if a non-annual leave accruing employee, must seek an adjustment to the work schedule.
Jury Duty and Court Appearances. (a) Leave of absence without loss of pay and benefits will be provided to an employee summoned to serve on a jury or when subpoenaed or summoned as a witness in a criminal or civil proceeding not occasioned by the employee’s private affairs, or when the employee accompanies a dependent child when the child is subpoenaed or summoned to appear as a witness in a criminal or civil proceeding.
(b) When a faculty member is required to appear in court in his/her own defence he/she shall receive a leave of absence with or without pay. The leave of absence shall be with pay unless the faculty member has been suspended without pay under Article 17.05.
(c) An employee in receipt of pay or benefits under this article has the responsibility to reimburse the Employer all monies paid to him/her by the Court, except travelling and meal allowances not reimbursed by the Employer.
Jury Duty and Court Appearances. 1. An employee who is summoned as a member of a jury panel or subpoenaed as a witness in a matter not involving the employee's personal interests, shall be granted leave with pay and any jury or witness fees shall be retained by the employee; leave granted hereunder shall not affect an employee's annual or sick leave balance.
2. An appearance as an expert witness for which an employee receives professional compensation falls under the BOT-UFF Policy on Conflict of Interest and Outside Activity and the University's policies and rules relative to outside employment/conflict of interest. Such an appearance may necessitate the employee requesting annual leave or, if a non-annual leave accruing employee, may necessitate the employee seeking an adjustment of the work schedule.
3. If an employee is required, as a direct result of the employee's employment, to appear as an official witness to testify in the course of any action such duty shall be considered a part of the employee's job assignment, and the employee shall be paid per diem and travel expenses and shall turn over to the University any fees received.
4. An employee involved in personal litigation during work hours must request annual leave or, if a non-annual leave accruing employee, must seek an adjustment to the work schedule.
Jury Duty and Court Appearances. 9.10.1 Leave of absence without loss of pay and benefits will be provided to a faculty member • summoned to serve on a jury, or • when subpoenaed or summoned as a witness in a criminal or civil proceeding, or • when appearing in defence after being charged with a crime or traffic offence if acquitted there-from, or • when the faculty member accompanies a dependent child when the child is subpoenaed or summoned to appear as a witness in a criminal or civil proceeding.
9.10.2 In order to qualify for permission from the Division Chair to be absent with pay, the faculty member shall produce a summons or subpoena or submit such other evidence as will show the necessity of attendance at court. A faculty member in receipt of pay or benefits under this article shall also provide a statement from an official of the court of the time taken and the fees (if any) paid, and has the responsibility to reimburse the College all monies paid to him/her by the Court, except travelling and meal allowances not reimbursed by the College.
Jury Duty and Court Appearances. The District Superintendent shall be permitted to attend, without loss of pay or benefits, jury duty and court and other appearances for any proceeding in which he is subpoenaed to appear.
Jury Duty and Court Appearances. 47.7.1 Leave of absence without loss of pay and benefits shall be provided to an employee summoned to serve on a jury or when subpoenaed or summoned as a witness in a criminal or civil proceeding not occasioned by the employee’s private affairs, or when the employee accompanies a dependent child when the child is subpoenaed or summoned to appear as a witness in a criminal or civil proceeding.
47.7.2 If an employee requires leave to attend court or another legal proceeding as a plaintiff or defendant in matters not related to OC business, such leave may be with pay or without pay at the discretion of OC, or at the discretion of the employee charged against vacation leave.
47.7.3 An employee granted leave with pay shall remit to OC all monies paid to him or her except travel and meal expenses not reimbursed by OC.
Jury Duty and Court Appearances. Leave with pay shall be granted to a teacher who has been summoned for jury duty or issued a subpoena to appear as a witness in court proceedings. The leave shall be for those days in which the teacher is required by a subpoena to attend. Any remuneration, other than reimbursement of expenses, received by the teacher shall be paid to the District.
Jury Duty and Court Appearances. (1) A faculty member who is summoned as a member of a jury panel or subpoenaed as a witness in a matter not involving the faculty member's personal interests, shall be granted leave with pay and any jury or witness fees shall be retained by the faculty member; leave granted hereunder shall not affect a faculty member's annual or sick leave balance.
(2) An appearance as an expert witness for which a faculty member receives professional compensation falls under Article 19 and the university’s policies and rules relative to outside employment/conflict of interest. Such an appearance may necessitate the faculty member’s requesting annual leave or, if a non-annual leave accruing, faculty members may necessitate the faculty member seeking an adjustment of the work schedule.
(3) If a faculty member is required, as a direct result of the faculty member's employment, to appear as an official witness to testify in the course of any action as defined in Section 92.142(2), Florida Statutes, such duty shall be considered a part of the faculty member's job assignment, and the faculty member shall be paid per diem and travel expenses and shall turn over to the university any fees received.
(4) A faculty member involved in personal litigation during work hours must request annual leave or, if a non-annual leave accruing, faculty member must seek an adjustment to the work schedule.
Jury Duty and Court Appearances. (1) A faculty member who is summoned as a member of a jury panel or subpoenaed as a witness in a matter not involving the faculty member's personal interests will be granted leave with pay and any jury or witness fees will be retained by the faculty member;leave granted hereunder will not affect a faculty member's annual or sick leave balance.
(2) An appearance as an expert witness for which a faculty member receives professional compensation falls under Article 21 (Conflict of Interest/Outside Activity) and the University's policies and rules relative to outside employment/conflict of interest. Such an appearance may necessitate the faculty member requesting annual leave or, if a non-annual leave accruing faculty member, may necessitate the faculty member seeking an adjustment of the work schedule.
(3) If a faculty member is required, as a direct result of his or her employment, to appear as an official witness to testify in the course of any action as defined in section 92.142(2), Florida Statutes, such duty will be considered a pa11of the faculty member's job assignment, and the faculty member will be paid per diem and travel expenses and will turn over to the University any fees received.
(4) A faculty member involved in personal litigation during work hours must request annual leave or, if a non-annual leave accruing faculty member, must seek an adjustment to the work schedule.