Administrative Leaves Sample Clauses

Administrative Leaves. Such Academic Administrators shall not be eligible for sabbatical leave during their terms of office but may be granted administrative leaves on such terms as may be determined by the Board of Governors. If such an administrative leave is taken at the end of the administrative term, no seniority towards a future sabbatical leave shall be carried into the unit on entering or re-entering it. If such an administrative leave is not taken, the service as Academic Administrator shall count as accrual for sabbatical leave. In addition, an Academic Administrator who has accumulated a number of years as a member prior to entering administration will be entitled to accrue those years toward a future sabbatical upon re-entering the bargaining unit.
Administrative Leaves. 21.4.1 There shall be two (2) kinds of administrative leaves: (i) half administrative leaves consisting of six (6) months at 100% of base salary; and (ii) full administrative leaves consisting of twelve (12) months at 100% of base salary. 21.4.2 The Member who is an academic administrator as defined in s. 21.1.2 shall have completed three (3) continuous years of service in such an appointment to be eligible for a half leave, and five (5) continuous years of service in such an appointment to be eligible for a full leave. Service in an “acting academic administrator” capacity shall only be recognized in determining the “continuous years of service” eligibility requirement. 21.4.3 The Member who is an academic administrator shall exchange three (3) research/study leave credits or eighteen (18) librarian credits for a half administrative leave. The Member shall exchange five (5) research/study leave credits or thirty (30) librarian credits for a full administrative leave. 21.4.4 Half administrative leaves shall normally begin on either January 1 or July 1. Full administrative leaves shall normally begin on July 1. If sufficient justification is given, initiation of an administrative leave on a date other than the above may be approved by the Xxxxxxx and Vice-President (Academic) if recommended by the appropriate xxxx/director. 21.4.5 The Member who receives a stipend related to administrative service in accordance with s. 31.1.1 and 31.1.2 and subsequently applies for and is granted an administrative leave, shall cease to be paid that stipend during the period of the administrative leave.
Administrative Leaves. An employee who has served not less than five (5) consecutive years of service as a Department Head or Assistant Xxxx shall be entitled to a twelve-month administrative leave at 100% of salary or a six-month leave at 100% of salary. An employee who has served not less than three (3) consecutive years of service as a Department Head or Assistant Xxxx shall be entitled to a six-month administrative leave at 90% of salary. The leave should be taken in the academic year following completion of the term of service as Department Head or Assistant Xxxx. The Department Head or Assistant Xxxx shall submit a plan of activities to the Xxxx by November 30 of the academic year preceding the administrative leave. The years of service as a Department Head or Assistant Xxxx shall count toward either administrative leave or sabbatical leave, but not both. A sabbatical leave nullifies all previous accumulated service for an administrative leave. Upon completion of the appointment and subsequent administrative leave of a Department Head or Assistant Xxxx, the years of service credited towards sabbatical prior to the appointment as Department Head or Assistant Xxxx shall be credited towards the next sabbatical leave. (i) If a sabbatical leave is taken immediately following an administrative leave, the maximum duration of the combined leaves will be twelve months. (ii) If a sabbatical leave is taken one year following an administrative leave, the year of deferral shall be credited as qualifying service toward a future sabbatical leave. The provisions of Article 20.11 (Sabbatical Leave Research Grant) and Article 22.13 (Sabbatical Travel Expenses) shall also apply to employees on administrative leave. An employee who takes administrative leave is expected to return to service at the University for a period equivalent to the duration of the leave and to submit to the Xxxx, not later than three months after the end of the leave, a report on the work done related to the leave.
Administrative Leaves. Teachers who are promoted to administrative positions in the LakeVille School District shall be granted leaves of absence for an amount of time to be determined by the Board. The teacher’s seniority will be frozen at the beginning of the administrative leave.
Administrative Leaves. Eligible employees may be granted administrative leave to participate in specified University and civic activities, or because of natural or other emergencies.
Administrative Leaves. Faculty members provided paid administrative leave shall not exceed forty (40) hours during the work week. Administrative leave shall not be accrued and shall also not affect accrued leave balances.
Administrative Leaves. 21.4.1 There shall be two (2) kinds of administrative leaves: (i) half administrative leaves consisting of six (6) months at 100% of base salary; and (ii) full administrative leaves consisting of twelve (12) months at 100% of base salary. 21.4.2 The Member who is an academic administrator as defined in s. 21.1.2 shall have completed three (3) continuous years of service in such an appointment to be eligible for a half leave, and five (5) continuous years of service in such an appointment to be eligible for a full leave. Service in an “acting academic 21.4.3 The Member who is an academic administrator shall exchange three (3) research/study leave credits or eighteen (18) librarian credits for a half administrative leave. The Member shall exchange five (5) research/study leave credits or thirty (30) librarian credits for a full administrative leave. 21.4.4 Half administrative leaves shall normally begin on either January 1 or July 1. Full administrative leaves shall normally begin on July 1. If sufficient justification is given, initiation of an administrative leave on a date other than the above may be approved by the Vice-President (Academic) and Xxxxxxx if recommended by the appropriate xxxx/director. 21.4.5 The Member who receives a stipend related to administrative service in accordance with s. 31.1.1 and 31.1.2 and subsequently applies for and is granted an administrative leave, shall cease to be paid that stipend during the period of the administrative leave.
Administrative Leaves. The Superintendent may grant leaves of absence with or without pay for meritorious reasons not otherwise included in this Agreement. The Superintendent may approve the use of accumulated sick leave for any such leave of absence together with such other terms as shall be mutually agreeable to the Superintendent and the teacher. 1. A teacher who is granted a health and hardship leave, professional growth leave, child care leave or administrative leave shall normally, upon return, be restored to the position held prior to such leave. A teacher (#1) who replaces a teacher on leave who has been guaranteed restoration to their prior position shall relinquish all claim to that position upon the return of the teacher (#2) from leave. Teacher #1 has the right to then return to the position held prior to being transferred. In cases in which the District will not guarantee restoration to prior position to a teacher requesting leave, the teacher shall be so informed and may withdraw the request for leave.
Administrative Leaves. 17.1 A staff member who renders not less than five (5) consecutive years of service as a Head of a teaching Department or Associate Xxxx of a Faculty at the University of Calgary shall be eligible for a 12-month administrative leave with maximum assistance based on 100% of the staff member's academic rank salary during the research and scholarship leave. A staff member carrying equivalent responsibilities to those holding appointments as Heads of teaching Departments or Associate Deans of Faculties may qualify for an administrative leave under this regulation; those who qualify will be determined in the discretion of the President and must be so advised in writing at the time of their appointment to the administrative position. 17.2 Notwithstanding any research and scholarship leave or other leave regulation to the contrary, all qualifying service credit for a research and scholarship leave will be carried forward following a research and scholarship leave awarded pursuant to Article 16, Clause
Administrative Leaves. 1565 (a) Jury Duty and Court Appearances. (1) An employee who is summoned as a member of a jury panel or subpoenaed as a witness in a 1567 matter not involving the employee's personal interests, shall be granted leave with pay and any jury or 1568 witness fees shall be retained by the employee; leave granted hereunder shall not affect an employee's 1569 annual or sick leave balance. 1570 (2) An appearance as an expert witness for which an employee receives professional compensation 1571 falls under the Conflict of Interest/Commitment Article and the University’s policies and regulations relative 1572 to outside employment/conflict of interest. Such an appearance may necessitate the employee requesting 1573 annual leave or, if a non-annual leave accruing employee, may necessitate the employee seeking an 1574 adjustment of the work schedule.