Professional Growth Leave. Upon application, a teacher may be given no more than one (1) year of leave, without pay, for the improvement of professional skills through advanced study, a teacher exchange program, service in public office, approved educational travel or work/study experience. If the professional growth experience requires additional time, the teacher may request an extension of this leave. Written notice to extend a professional growth leave for the following school year must be received on or before March 1. The Superintendent may grant this extension at his/her discretion. A teacher shall notify the Superintendent in writing of his/her desire to take such leave as soon as possible and shall make such application at least sixty (60) calendar days prior to the date on which the leave is to begin. Such application shall also state the time of the intended return to teaching. Teachers are encouraged to commence and terminate such leaves to coincide with the end of a grading period. A teacher who is on professional growth leave may request a vacant teaching position for which he/she is certified prior to the date of return originally stated. The Board may limit such leaves to one (1) percent of the certified Staff and, if more requests are received, make the final determination regarding which teachers shall receive such leaves.
Professional Growth Leave. To encourage and enable classified employees to enhance their value to the District through further job-related education, the upgrading of their skills, or retraining for a different needed position, a staff development leave is established. After five (5) years of service in the District, an employee is eligible to apply for a leave from one (1) year at fifty percent (50%) of full pay. An eligible employee may apply through the Committee for a leave to complete interrupted studies, learn by observing methods used in industry or other educational institutions, or get a substantial start on a goal of better education. The application in writing must present a detailed description of the proposed activities to the District. Applications that are accepted will be recommended to the Board of Trustees by the President. If the leave is granted, the employee must agree in writing, with CSEA as a witness, to render a minimum of one (1) year of service to the District upon returning from a leave. Failure to render this service will require the employee to refund salary paid during the leave. Upon returning from a leave, the employee shall submit a written report of the activities of the leave to the Board, emphasizing the value to the District. During the leave the employee will be entitled to all the benefits of classified contract employees, except that only fifty percent (50%) of service time will be credited by the Public Employee’s Retirement System. The employee may, however, arrange to make a contribution to the system to insure full service credit for the period of the leave. This contribution will consist of the balance of the contribution of the employee.
Professional Growth Leave. With prior approval of the Superintendent and the Board, teachers may be allowed school time and be reimbursed an approved amount for travel and lodging expenses to attend professional meetings pertaining to their department.
Professional Growth Leave. The District agrees to pay reasonable expenses incurred by teachers who attend assigned workshops, seminars, and conferences. At the beginning of each school year the Association and Management will meet to review and establish a recommended prioritized list of workshops, seminars, and conferences for teacher attendance. Any other special growth leave not recommended may be requested by a teacher or building principal.
Professional Growth Leave. A unit member granted a leave for professional growth shall return to duty within 45 days of cessation of such leave. A unit member granted leave of absence under this provision shall present documentation of work equivalent to at least 12 semester units in one year.
Professional Growth Leave. All certificated/licensed staff members are eligible to apply for professional growth leave days. The granting of these days is at the sole discretion of the Superintendent of Schools or designee.
Professional Growth Leave. The College may grant a faculty member an unpaid leave of absence of up to one (1) year for professional development which shall include, but shall not be limited to, additional schooling and/or training, involvement in research efforts, scholarly pursuits, and acceptance of long-term assignments to other higher education institutions, agencies, corporations, foundations, or governments. A faculty member may submit request for extension of professional growth leave.
Professional Growth Leave. Unit members may request in writing to the Superintendent leave without pay for professional improvement. Such request must be made at least sixty (60) days prior to the beginning of such requested leave. The application must be accompanied by an outline of the program of study to be pursued or the proposal for professional improvement. At least three (3) years of service with the District is required before such leave will be considered. Application for resumption of duties must be made at least sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the leave.
Professional Growth Leave. A short-term professional leave, without pay, up to a maximum of sixteen weeks may be granted for the purpose of completion of student teaching requirements for additional licensure, completion of a practicum or intern experience for additional licensure, or participation in a fellowship program or exchange experience. The purpose of the leave must be germane to a definite career plan in the field of education.
Professional Growth Leave. A leave of absence shall be granted for alternative employment, study or exchange teaching and other personal reasons.