Board Initiated Transfers Sample Clauses
Board Initiated Transfers a. Employees may be transferred by the Board:
i. to relocate staff due to enrolment changes;
ii. to staff a new school or program;
iii. in compelling circumstances, based on sound educational reasons, and in consultation with the Association and the employee.
b. When a Board initiated transfer is being recommended, the Superintendent or designate shall meet with the employee to inform them of the nature of the transfer, and the reasons for it. Whenever practicable, such meeting shall take place at least one (1) month prior to such recommendation being placed before the Board. The employee may be accompanied by a representative of the Association. The employee shall have the opportunity to consider the matter and reply within three (3) instructional days before the recommendation is placed before the Board.
c. At, or subsequent to, such meeting the employee shall have the opportunity to inform the Board official of any retraining requirements, in-service release time, or support which they believe necessary to adequately prepare for the proposed transfer.
d. The Board may transfer an employee to a position involving a significantly different grade level or significantly different subject area, only if:
i. there remain no vacancies at the employee’s school in their existing grade level or subject area for which they have the necessary qualifications; and
ii. the employee has the least district wide seniority in their existing grade level or subject area; in which case:
iii. the Board acknowledges the need for retraining and shall provide appropriate resources in this area; and
iv. the employee shall be given priority for transfer to future vacancies in the grade level or subject area from which they were transferred under this paragraph.
e. Any employee who has been transferred without agreement shall not be transferred again without agreement for three (3) years except in cases where it would result in a layoff of the transferee, and with mutual agreement between the Association and the Board.
f. Transfers initiated by the Board shall be confirmed no later than May 31st in a school year for the next school year, save when these are necessitated by circumstances not reasonably known to the Board before that date.
g. An employee who is transferred for reasons of projected enrolment decline, position reduction or other such factor, shall have the opportunity of returning to the position previously held in the event the projected factors do not materialize. If,...
Board Initiated Transfers. If it becomes necessary for the Board to transfer an employee for a valid reason, the Board will endeavour to place the transferee in a position which is mutually acceptable to the Board, the employee and the Bargaining Unit. Reassignment of an employee during the school year as a result of the movement of a special education student or students shall be considered a valid reason for the purpose of this clause. The employee(s) reassigned shall be the most junior in the work location except in extenuating circumstances when the staffing need cannot be met without the transfer of a more senior employee. Nothing in this Article prevents a more senior employee in the work location from volunteering to move with a student to a new location.
Board Initiated Transfers. 1. The Board may transfer a teacher for:
a. fair and reasonable educational reasons; or
b. reasons of program or course elimination; or
c. reasons of enrollment decline.
2. A Board official intending to recommend a transfer shall:
a. give consideration to the teacher’s qualifications, teaching preferences and, wherever possible, obtain the teacher’s agreement to the transfer;
b. meet with the teacher prior to the recommendation being placed before the Board. At this meeting, the nature of the proposed transfer and the reasons for it shall be communicated to the teacher and the ATU.
c. advise the teacher recommended for transfer of the purpose for the meeting outlined in Article E.29.2.b and advise that teacher of their right to representation by the ATU.
3. When the decision to transfer a teacher has been made, the transferred teacher shall be notified, in writing, of the decision and the reasons for it. A copy will be forwarded to the ATU.
4. Transfers initiated by the Board shall be completed no later than May 15 in a school year save when they are necessitated by circumstances not reasonably known to the Board by April 30 in such year.
Board Initiated Transfers. 1. Transfers shall not be initiated by the Board for arbitrary or capricious reasons. Except for extraordinary circumstances, transfers shall only be initiated for the reasons jointly agreed to by the Board and the CCTA.
2. Where the board intends to transfer a teacher, the Superintendent or designate will meet with the teacher to explain the nature of the proposed transfer and the reasons for it. The teacher shall be accompanied by a member of the Association. The teacher shall have at least five (5) working days to consider the matter and reply before the transfer is effected.
3. The Board may transfer a teacher to an assignment involving a significantly different grade level or significantly different subject area only if there remain no suitable vacancies in the teacher’s existing grade level or subject area. The Board agrees to provide suitable funding for any professional retraining required by the Board and commensurate with the degree of change.
Board Initiated Transfers a. Transfers initiated by the Board shall be for sound educational reasons.
b. Prior to initiating a transfer of a teacher, the Superintendent or designate shall:
i. Discuss with the teacher the nature of the transfer, the reasons for it, and the situation at that time in the district. The teacher may be accompanied by a representative of the RTA.
ii. Give consideration to the teacher’s professional and personal goals, and wherever possible, attempt to obtain the teacher’s agreement to the transfer.
c. Transfers initiated by the Board shall be completed no later than June 10th in a school year except when they are necessitated by circumstances not reasonably known to the Board. The teacher shall be notified in writing of the transfer.
d. When the Board assigns a teacher to a significantly different grade level or subject area, the Board and the teacher shall jointly determine, and the Board shall provide the necessary financial and district staff resources to ensure adequate professional retraining.
e. The Board may transfer a teacher to an assignment involving a significantly different grade level or significantly different subject area, only if there remain no vacancies in the teacher’s existing grade level or subject area for which they have the necessary qualifications.
f. Except in the most unusual circumstances, teachers will not be transferred more frequently than once every three (3) years.
g. A teacher who is transferred for reasons of projected enrolment decline, position reduction or other such factors shall have the opportunity of returning forthwith to the position previously held in the event that the projected factors do not actually materialize.
h. Any grievance concerning a transfer initiated by the Board shall be referred directly to Step 2 of Article A.6.3.
Board Initiated Transfers. Transfers may be carried out at any time during the school year. If it becomes necessary to transfer a member, the Board will endeavour to place the transferee in a position which is mutually satisfactory to both parties. The following steps shall apply:
a) Members shall be advised of the right to seek advice and assistance of a Bargaining Unit representative in transfers under this Article not initiated by the member.
b) Members involved in these transfers shall be informed five (5) school days in advance of the transfer.
c) Should a vacancy occur in the school from which the member was transferred, the member may request to be returned to that school.
d) A member transferred from one worksite to another or from one work assignment to another in the same worksite, after September 1st, effective within the same school year, will receive one preparation day to facilitate the change in location.
Board Initiated Transfers a) No Teacher shall be transferred from more than 75 km without his or her consent, except for 34.02(b).
Board Initiated Transfers. Board Initiated Transfer is a process initiated by the Principal, designed to provide a professional growth opportunity for a teacher in a school different from the one the teacher is presently teaching. The intention of the process is to provide mobility for individual teachers. It is not intended to produce large scale movement.
a) The process is not available to teachers who have received a “Below level” rating or who are ‘Under Review’ under the Teacher Performance Appraisal Process.
b) The initial discussion between the Principal and the teacher being considered for a Board Initiated Transfer shall occur no later than December 15. Formal notification to the teacher and the Union will follow no later than the end of February.
c) No teacher shall be obligated to transfer to a work location or school that is greater than 40 kilometers from their current work location unless mutually agreed upon.
d) These teachers will be placed by seniority during the Assignment meeting.
Board Initiated Transfers. 1. The Board may transfer a teacher from one assignment to another at any time by giving at least seven (7) days notice in writing. Such notice shall include the reasons for the transfer.
2. In the interests of employer-employee harmony, the Board shall endeavour to limit notification of such transfers to the periods May 1 - June 15, and September 15 - October 31.
3. Within seven (7) days of receiving notice of the transfer the teacher may request a meeting with the Superintendent to appeal the decision.
4. In the event that a teacher initiates a grievance with regards to a transfer, and the decision resulting from this process upholds the transfer order, the teacher upon written or verbal notification, may immediately resign.
5. In the event that the Board initiates a transfer involving a change of community of residence, the teacher shall be granted leave of absence with full pay and benefits to complete the move, providing the transfer does not occur during the summer vacation. Such leave shall not exceed five (5) days and may be appended to Christmas and Spring Breaks.
6. Any teacher who has been transferred pursuant to this Article shall not be subject to a further Board initiated transfer for two school years.