Classroom Discipline. An employee may impose customary classroom discipline (except corporal punishment) where necessary in cases of minor infractions and may use such force as is necessary in protection from attack or to prevent injury to himself/herself or another person. The use of reasonable force necessary to isolate the disruptive student from the classroom shall not constitute corporal punishment as defined in accordance with Section C above, and shall not be used as a basis for the suspension of an employee nor for holding an employee liable for such an act unless the force used is degrading or unduly severe as to its nature. The Administration shall, within five (5) days, accurately code student discipline actions in the Discipline Management System.
Classroom Discipline. Teachers are responsible for the maintenance of discipline in the classroom through the use of appropriate instructional activities and materials, classroom management techniques, human relations skills, and referrals to available resources. However, there may be times when a student’s behavior is disruptive to the educational program, and in such situations the teacher may remove the student from the classroom and refer the student to the Principal or his designee. The student will not be returned to the referring teacher’s classroom until the principal or his designee has discussed the student’s misbehavior with the teacher at the earliest mutually agreed upon time.
Classroom Discipline. The Board recognizes its responsibility to give all reasonable support and assistance to bargaining unit member with respect to the maintenance of control and discipline in the classroom.
Classroom Discipline. Each teacher shall be responsible for the teacher’s own classroom discipline and only the more serious problems will come to the attention of the principal. The principal will take the position of backing the teacher to the limit where the circumstances show the pupil in error. Any treatment of a disciplinary case which fails to improve the individual should be considered unsatisfactory. Good discipline should be considered a product of good teaching, rather than an end which requires the primary energy of the teacher. Each teacher must assume responsibility for student conduct in the building and on the school grounds, as well as in the classroom. The general procedure for taking care of students who the teacher feels should be sent from the class is as follows: Whenever it is necessary to dismiss a student from class, the teacher will send a note with the student giving reasons for dismissal and confer with the principal before leaving the building or as soon as possible. Any further disciplinary action will be determined after teacher-principal conference.
Classroom Discipline. The Association recognizes the teacher's responsibility to maintain order and control in the classroom through effective teaching and leadership techniques and, in cases of minor infractions through imposition of customary classroom discipline.
Classroom Discipline. Section 1 The responsibility for student discipline is jointly shared by the teachers, administrators and the parents.
Section 2 A teacher may send a student to the principal for disciplinary action if such action is warranted according to the District disciplinary procedures and/or the disciplinary procedures established in each school. According to the School Code 105 ILCS 5/24-24, teachers may remove a student from the classroom for disruptive behavior after the teacher has exhausted reasonable means of classroom management strategies. Students dismissed from a teacher’s class for disciplinary reasons may be sent to the administrative offices for the duration of the period if such action is in compliance with the disciplinary procedures established in each school and approval has been received from the administration.
Classroom Discipline. A. The District and the Association are committed to ensuring the right of each student to have equitable opportunities to achieve their academic goals by minimizing barriers and limitations. Student success will not be predicted nor predetermined by national origin, race, culture, ethnicity, sex, language, socio-economic status, mobility, sexual orientation, disability, and/or religion. The parties agree that maintenance of discipline within the classroom is an important priority, and each further agrees to assist the other in their mutual efforts to resolve difficult discipline issues. The emphasis will be on employing a range of supports and interventions that are culturally responsive and include restorative practices, and will consistently implement the accommodations and modifications reflected in 504, IEP, and behavior plans in accordance with the law. The building principal will provide the member with a written building discipline procedure and a copy of the student rights and responsibilities code at the beginning of each school year. The building principal or designee will schedule a meeting annually with members to review building disciplinary standards and procedures to ensure appropriate support for building standards. Members shall adhere to the procedures.
B. All members and administrators are expected to accept a share in the responsibility for the control and discipline of the students in the environment, including those students who demonstrate aggressive or combative behaviors.
C. Disruptive Students
1. When in the judgment of a member, a student is by their behavior disrupting the instructional program to the detriment of other students, the member may send the student to the principal/designee. At that time the member will provide to the administrator or designee a brief verbal or written explanation why the student is being removed. When the member requests, and the principal or designee concurs, a student may be withheld from class for a set period of time before returning to the classroom. Students will not return to class without an administrator or designee communicating with the classroom teacher.
2. When either the member or principal/designee requests, a conference will be scheduled not later than the conclusion of the following school day to discuss the problem and to decide upon appropriate steps for resolution. The principal/designee may involve a parent in the conference if deemed necessary.
3. Any member referring a stude...
Classroom Discipline. Recognizing that student discipline is the joint responsibility of the classroom teacher, the principal and the appropriate administrator, the parties agree as follows:
1. Each school shall have a written policy on classroom control and discipline developed with faculty participation. Said policy shall be made available to all members of the school faculty.
2. Adequate referral procedures, conferences, and guidelines shall be included in such policy to provide appropriate actions to assist in the resolution of disciplinary problems.
3. The central office staff shall continue to support and assist in the implementation of the established discipline policy.
4. Teachers shall be notified of the action taken in response to the referral. Such notification shall occur prior to a student's readmission to the classroom except when unusual circumstances do not permit such prior notification.
5. Teachers shall use the established referral procedures.
6. Each school's discipline policy shall be reviewed each year, upon request.
Classroom Discipline. Recognizing that student discipline is the joint responsibility of the classroom teacher, the principal and the appropriate administrator, the parties agree as follows:
1. Each school shall have written guidelines on student discipline that are developed with faculty participation in accordance with COMAR, the Maryland Guidelines for a State Code of Discipline, and the ACPS local Code of Conduct. Said policy will be made available to all members of the school faculty.
2. Adequate referral procedures, conferences, and guidelines shall be included in such policy to provide appropriate actions to assist in the resolution of disciplinary problems.
3. The central office staff shall continue to support and assist in the implementation of the established discipline policy. Any student discipline decision made at the central office level will be communicated in a timely manner to any unit member that has supervisory responsibility for the student in question provided such communication is not a violation of the law, privacy requirements or ACPS policy.
4. Teachers shall be notified of the action taken in response to the referral. Such notification shall occur prior to a student's readmission to the classroom except when unusual circumstances do not permit such prior notification. Wherever possible, administration will communicate with any unit member that has supervisory responsibility what the disposition of the referred student is.
5. Teachers shall use the established referral procedures.
6. Each school's discipline policy shall be reviewed each year, upon request.
7. A district workgroup that is comprised of school-based administrators, central office staff, and a representative from the Association will develop a Local Code of Conduct that meets the requirements of COMAR and the Maryland Guidelines for Code of Discipline.
Classroom Discipline. The parties agree that the employee has the primary responsibility for the maintenance of discipline within the classroom; however, the Board and the administrators recognize their responsibility to assist the employee. The Board and the administrators will also assist with discipline problems that occur while the employee is serving a duty period or with incidences which involve students not directly under their control.