Cooperation Committee. The organisations agree that employees and management in the individual enterprise shall cooperate to modernise the enterprise and promote its production. Where - regardless of the reason – a cooperation committee has not been established in accordance with the Collective Agreement between the central organisations in force from time to time, management shall call in the trade union representative 6 times a year at the request of the union representative to discuss production engineering and similar matters and provide information on the financial prospects and the future employment situation of the enterprise. Extraordinary meetings may be held whenever a request is made by either party, specifying the matters to be discussed.
Cooperation Committee. 1. For the purposes of this Chapter, the Parties hereby establish a Cooperation Committee (“the Committee”) comprising representatives of each Party.
2. The Committee shall be coordinated and co-chaired by:
(a) in the case of Australia, the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, or its successor; and
(b) in the case of Chile, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the General Directorate for International Economic Affairs and the Chilean Agency for International Cooperation, or their successors.
3. In order to ensure the proper functioning of the Committee, each Party will designate a contact person no later than 6 months from the date of entry into force of this Agreement. Each Party will notify the other Party promptly of any change of contact person.
4. The Committee shall meet in or shortly after the first year of entry into force of this Agreement, and thereafter as agreed by the Parties.
5. The Committee shall:
(a) adopt the Committee’s operating procedures;
(b) discuss cooperative activities which might be undertaken under this Chapter;
(c) review where appropriate the implementation of cooperative activities;
(d) maintain and update information on cooperation between the Parties, including implementing arrangements; and
(e) undertake such other functions to xxxxxx cooperation including establishing working groups under this Chapter as the Parties may agree.
6. The Committee may interact, where appropriate, with relevant entities to address specific matters.
7. The Committee shall report periodically to the Joint FTA Committee the results of its meetings.
Cooperation Committee. A Cooperation Committee (the “CC”) will be formed and remain in existence throughout the Term in order to manage and oversee the seeking, obtaining and maintaining of Regulatory Approvals and Commercialization.
Cooperation Committee. 1. For the purpose of this Agreement, the Parties hereby establish the Cooperation Committee comprising representatives of each Party.
2. The Cooperation Committee shall be coordinated and co-chaired by:
(a) in the case of Chile, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the General Directorate for International Economic Affairs, or its successor; and
(b) in the case of Thailand, the Ministry of Commerce through the Department of Trade Negotiations, or its successor.
Cooperation Committee. The cooperation committee (the “Cooperation Committee”) established by the Parties following the execution of the Original Agreement shall be responsible for the coordination work regarding the relevant cooperation matters set forth herein during the Cooperation Term. The respective representative of the Parties in the Cooperation Committee shall be XXXXXX XXXXX and XXXX Jun as of the date hereof. The Cooperation Committee shall hold meetings regularly (monthly or bimonthly) to discuss how to improve the working results of cooperation by the Parties.
Cooperation Committee. 1. The Parties hereby establish a Cooperation Committee (hereinafter referred to as "the Committee"), composed of representatives of each Party.
2. For the purposes of this Article, the Committee shall be coordinated:
(a) In the case of Chile, by the Directorate General of International Economic Relations, or its successor, and
(b) In the case of Uruguay, by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the General Directorate of International Cooperation, or its successor.
3. In order to facilitate communication and ensure the proper functioning of the Committee, the Parties shall designate a contact point no later than three (3) months after the date of entry into force of this Agreement.
4. The functions of the Committee shall be:
(a) Facilitate the exchange of information between the Parties in areas including, but not limited to, experiences and lessons learned through cooperation and capacity building activities carried out under the terms of this Agreement;
(b) Discuss and consider issues or proposals for future cooperation and capacity building activities;
(c) Initiate and carry out collaboration, as appropriate, to improve donor coordination and explore possible public-private partnerships in cooperation and capacity building activities;
(d) Coordinate with national cooperation agencies the invitation, as appropriate, of international donor institutions, private sector entities, non-governmental organizations, or other relevant institutions, to support the development and implementation of cooperation and capacity building activities;
(e) Establish in conjunction with national cooperation agencies ad hoc working groups, as appropriate, which may include both governmental and non-governmental representatives;
(f) Coordinate with other committees, and in coordination with national cooperation agencies, working groups, and any other subsidiary bodies established under this Agreement, as appropriate, in support of the development and implementation of cooperation and capacity building activities
(g) Review the implementation or operation of this Chapter, and
(h) Participate in other activities that the Parties may agree upon.
Cooperation Committee. (a) Elan, Acorda and Biogen shall establish a committee (the “Cooperation Committee”) to provide for sharing of information, and where required, the oversight, review and coordination of activities provided under the Elan Agreements by the parties with respect to (i) the progress of development of Product in the Sublicensed Territory, (ii) the manufacture and supply of Product for the Sublicensed Territory, and (iii) the commercialization of Product in the Sublicensed Territory. Where necessary and appropriate and mutually agreed by all three parties, the Cooperation Committee may also organize and delegate working groups to resolve operational issues. Unless otherwise agreed by all three parties, (i) the Cooperation Committee shall be comprised of six members, two from each Party, and (ii) the members shall meet once a calendar quarter, in person, by phone or otherwise as may reasonably necessary for such purposes.
(b) The Parties agree that, to the extent Acorda so authorizes and it is operationally feasible for the parties to do so, Biogen (on behalf of Acorda) and Elan shall coordinate directly with respect to forecast, ordering, batch review, acceptance and rejection of the Product in the Sublicensed Territories under the Elan Supply Agreement (“Supply Communications”). In such case, Acorda shall be kept fully informed by Biogen of all of the Supply Communications. The Parties may also discuss supply issues through the Cooperation Committee. If Elan so requests, Biogen shall enter into a quality agreement with Elan, to be negotiated in good faith by Biogen and Elan.
(c) The foregoing obligations are in addition to and not in substitution for the obligations of Elan and Acorda under Article 10 of the Elan License Agreement.
Cooperation Committee. A Labour-Management cooperation committee shall be established consisting of up to three (3) representatives of the Union and of up to three (3) representatives of the employer. Either party may be accompanied by a fourth person who shall act the position of observer and/or advisor. The committee shall enjoy the full support of both parties to this collective agreement in the interest of maximum to the public. FUNCTION OF THE COMMITTEE The committee shall concern itself with matters of the following general nature: Considering constructive criticism of all activities so that good relations be maintained between the employer and employee; Increasing operating efficiency by promoting cooperation in effecting economy moves; Improving the service to the public; Reviewing suggestions from employees, questions of working conditions and service; Correcting of conditions making for grievances and misunderstandings; Promoting education and training of staff Promoting ways and means of eliminating and reducing pollution, including consideration of re-cycling and other anti-pollution methods Promoting ways where employees be given the opportunity for constructive input at the planning stage of any construction, new or remedial; The committee shall meet at least once a month at a mutually agreeable time and place, unless the parties agree to do otherwise; An employer and Union representative shall be designated as joint chairpersons and shall alternate presiding over meetings; The Management shall supply secretarial assistance for the taking of minutes and shall furnish copies of said minutes within five (5) working days following each meeting.
Cooperation Committee. Due to the high level of interfaces between the Nordic RCC and the Participating TSOs, the Participating TSOs will in order to support such interfaces establish a cooperation committee (the "Cooperation Committee"). The Cooperation Committee shall have an advisory role only and shall solely work to support the operational inter- faces between the Nordic RCC and the Participating TSOs and will, thus, not interfere with the daily operations of the Nordic RCC or the work of the Chief Executive Officer. The Cooperation Committee shall provide recommendations to the Nordic RCC on operational matters, including in particular the following operational matters:
(a) the operational interfaces between the Nordic RCC and the Participating TSOs;
(b) the development and implementation of IT systems relating to the interface and exchange of information with the Participating TSOs; and
(c) the development and implementation of new tasks to be performed or services to be delivered by the Nordic RCC to the Participating TSOs which necessitates an operational interface between the Nordic RCC and the Participating TSOs. In its work the Cooperation Committee shall consider how the Nordic RCC will work to best support the Participat- ing TSOs in their implementation of coordinated actions and recommendations issued by the Nordic RCC. The recommendations provided by the Cooperation Committee shall be taken into consideration by the Nordic RCC, however, the Nordic RCC is not obliged to follow the recommendations and can, thus, in its discretion devi- ate from the recommendations. For the avoidance of doubt, the Cooperation Committee shall not replace the consultation with the Participating TSOs as described in section 7.2 below.
Cooperation Committee. The Training and Orientation Committee shall recommend a budget and DHS shall ensure all 8 expenditures are made in accordance with DHS policies and state law.