Double Back Sample Clauses
Double Back. 1. In the event that employees are scheduled to work a full shift after "Doubling Back" without having had sixteen (16) hours free time between shifts they will be paid one hour extra at straight time.
Double Back. At any time the starting times of shifts worked by a Dog Handler/T.D.I.T. member are less than twenty (20) hours apart, the employee will receive one and one-half (1 1/2) times his/her hourly rate, including premium pay for the second shift worked except in local emergency situations. A shift worked immediately following a report-back will not be considered a double-back for pay purposes. Dog care related emergencies will not be subject to double-back pay.
Double Back. If the end of an employee’s scheduled shift and the beginning of the employee’s next scheduled shift are less than ten (10) hours apart, the employee shall be paid one and one- half times his/her total rate for all hours worked on the second shift. A shift worked immediately following a report back will not be considered a call-in under this Article. Overtime worked at the end of the first shift shall not be considered in determining the applicability of this Article.
Double Back. Employees with fewer than eight (8) hours of time off between scheduled shifts will be paid one and one-half (1 ½) times the employee’s regular rate (calculated the same as overtime), including shift differential, critical care premiums, and bonuses for all hours worked in the second scheduled shift. All double back must be approved by the Administrative Division Head.
Double Back. Employees shall normally have eight (8) hours off between shifts, except when emergencies occur.
Double Back. A. For employees working eight (8) hour shifts, all unit employees are to have a minimum of fourteen (14) hours between ending a shift with the Sheriff's Department and beginning a shift with the Sheriffs Department. Any employee required to return to work with the Sheriffs Department, less than fourteen (14) hours off after completing a shift shall receive time and one half (1-1/2) their regular rate of pay for all such hours after returning until completing that shift. Exception: The time and one-half (1-1/2) overtime will not apply on the following Wednesday exceptions:
1. Two afternoon shift road deputies doubling back onto the Wednesday day shift, one to work day road, the other to work day desk. They both shall have at least eight hours off since the end of their last tour of work.
2. Two midnight shift road deputies doubling back in on an earlier road shift. They both shall have at least eight hours off since the end of their last tour of work. All other double backs on Wednesday are to be paid at one and one-half the employees regular rate of pay.
B. Employees working twelve (12) hour shifts will have a minimum of ten (10) hours between ending a shift with the Department and beginning a shift with the Department. Any employee who is required to return to work with less than ten (10) hours between shifts shall be paid time and one-half their regular rate of pay for all hours after returning until completing that shift.
Double Back. Double back is defined as the condition when an employee is required to work a shift with insufficient down time between the last shift worked. Double back occurs when an employee is required to work without having had twelve hours off after working the previous shift. When an employee is required to double back he or she will be paid at double the time of regular rate for the hours worked up to twelve (12) hours after last punch out and regular rate for the work thereafter. When working overtime and a double back occurs, double back pay will apply. Double back applies to all departments.
Double Back. An RN who volunteered to work a shift in excess of the RN’s previously scheduled shifts that had also been designated as an eligible Double‐Time/Voluntary MOV shift, and who worked that additional shift so that the RN did not receive the rest period required under Section 9.2 of the 2021‐ 2023 CBA before a subsequent regularly scheduled shift, is eligible for Double Back pay for the subsequent shift in accordance with all the terms and conditions of Sections 9.2 and 9.2.1‐9.2.4 of the 2021‐2023 CBA. For example, when a scheduled shift followed less than eight hours after a Double‐Time/Voluntary MOV shift, the regularly scheduled shift will be considered eligible for Double Back pay provided all other terms and conditions of Sections 9.2 and 9.2.1‐9.2.4 were met.
a. As set forth in Paragraph 8, RNs who believe they did not receive Double Back pay in accordance with the preceding Paragraph 1 during the period of April 5, 2020 to November 5, 2023 will be able to claim Double Back compensation for identified shifts and OHSU will compensate such RNs for any Double Back compensation that was not paid in accordance with the preceding Paragraph 1 and the 2021‐2023 CBA.
Double Back. Double backs are discouraged. A “Double Back” occurs when an employee holds over on overtime for one shift, and then comes in early to work overtime on the subsequent shift. The overtime hours worked on the subsequent day are considered “Double Back” hours and are compensated at two (2.0) times the regular rate of pay. Examples OT Hours Worked Regular Hours Paid Leave Total Hours
Double Back. Employees who are required by the District to work the afternoon shift and then required by the District to work the next day shift shall be compensated with an additional hour of pay at time and a half. (For example, an officer whose base rate is $30.00 will receive an additional hour of pay at $45.00).