Exceptions to Progressive Discipline. In some extreme instances, the employer may elect to move directly to Article 19: Dismissal. Extreme instances may include but are not limited to illegal use or distribution of drugs, or use of legal drugs inconsistent with college policy or safety on or near campus or at any campus-sponsored event or activity, theft, vandalism, arson, assault, sexual harassment, or serious misuse of state electronic systems. This also may include violence or threats of violence on campus or in electronic form toward a member of the campus community.
Exceptions to Progressive Discipline. 1. Serious breaches of conduct or failure to meet job responsibilities may lead to instant suspension leading to dismissal.
2. In addition, incidents of which may accumulate within a given period of time may lead to suspension and dismissal.
3. The employment of any unit member who is absent for three (3) consecutive work days and fails to make a report of his/her absence to his/her immediate supervisor is terminated as a voluntary resignation.
4. It is understood, however, that nothing is intended to prevent Administration and Supervisors from bypassing the progression of "disciplinary offenses" outlined in Section B for more serious offenses subject to review through the grievance procedure.
Exceptions to Progressive Discipline. With “sufficient cause” as outlined by Article XVII, Section B, the employer may elect to move directly to the dismissal process without taking corrective action at any point in the process described below.
Exceptions to Progressive Discipline. The Union and the Employer agree progressive discipline should apply to those cases where the employee’s conduct or performance does not warrant a more severe level of discipline, including immediate discharge. Possible exceptions to the progressive discipline: (1) violation of the Employer’s non-discrimination policies, (2) harassment policies; (3) conduct threatening or endangering patient safety; (4) coworker abuse issues; (5) theft (6) falsifying records;
Exceptions to Progressive Discipline. In the case of gross misconduct, criminal activity, or a case involving imminent danger to clients or staff, or other conduct of a severe nature, discipline may be initiated at Step Three Disciplinary Probation or Step Four (Discharge), without first exhausting the lower steps of the Progressive Disciplinary process. NLSLA may suspend an employee with pay during an investigation of an allegation of misconduct.
15.2 All employees shall have the right to have a PULSE representative present at any meeting disciplinary in nature, including meetings, the purpose of which is to investigate circumstances in anticipation of possible disciplinary action against the employee. The employee shall be provided with 24 hours notice of any meeting under this Article, except in cases of gross misconduct, criminal activity, imminent danger to clients or staff or other conduct of a severe nature. *The meeting shall occur during work time whenever practical. An employee is entitled to copies of information relied upon by the Employer in issuing the discipline against him/her.
15.3 Written warnings for willful and intentional misconduct shall become void for disciplinary purposes after thirty-six (36) months, provided there has been no recurrence of the same or a related offense during that time. Written notices for less than intentional and willful misconduct shall become void for disciplinary purposes after twenty-four months.
15.4 In all instances in which a non‑probationary employee is discharged, the cause of the discharge shall be confirmed in writing to the employee within three (3) working days. The employee, within ten (10) working days of the discharge can invoke the grievance procedure at Step 2. If, prior to a discharge, an employee was scheduled for a day or days off during the 10 working day period for filing a grievance over the discharge, said day or days off shall not be counted in determining the 10 working day grievance period. Upon receipt of the Step 2 grievance, the Executive Director or his designee shall arrange with the appropriate PULSE representative for a Step 2 grievance meeting at the earliest possible convenience of all concerned, but in no event more than four (4) work days after receipt by the employer of the Step 2 grievance.
15.5 Whenever any written warnings are placed in an employee's official personnel file, the employee shall be given a copy at that time. The personnel file is the file maintained by Human Resources. If the paper(s) pertai...
Exceptions to Progressive Discipline. In some extreme instances, the employer may elect to move directly to Article 19. Extreme instances may include but are not limited to illegal use or distribution of drugs, or use of legal drugs inconsistent with college policy or safety on or near campus or at any campus-sponsored event or activity, theft, vandalism, arson, assault, sexual harassment, or serious misuse of state electronic systems. This also may include violence or threats of violence on campus or in electronic form toward a member of the campus community.
Exceptions to Progressive Discipline. With “sufficient cause” as outlined by Article XVII, Section B, the employer may elect to move directly to the dismissal process without taking corrective action at any point in the process described below. For all steps in the process, the faculty member has the right to have a union member attend any meetings with the appropriate administrator.
Exceptions to Progressive Discipline. 12 8.3.1……………………….……………………………………………………………………...…12 ARTICLE 9 - GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE 12
Exceptions to Progressive Discipline. The Union and the Employer agree progressive discipline should apply to those cases where the employee’s conduct or performance does not warrant a more severe level of discipline, including immediate discharge. Possible exceptions to the progressive discipline: (1) violation of the Employer’s non-discrimination policies, (2) harassment policies; (3) conduct threatening or endangering patient safety; (4) coworker abuse issues; (5) theft (6) falsifying records; (7) unlawful breach of confidentiality or other privacy violations; and, (8) violations of the Employer’s Substance Free Workplace policy.
8.3.1 Such disciplinary notices shall remain in effect for a maximum of three (3) years for purposes of progressive discipline.
Exceptions to Progressive Discipline. Nothing herein will be construed to limit SacRT’s ability to administer disciplinary action at any level, including termination from employment, for behavior that warrants a level of discipline outside the ordinary progressive steps. Examples of such behavior may include, but are not limited to, the following:
A. Possession, consumption, or being unfit for duty due to the use of any alcoholic beverage while on duty or subject to duty.
B. Possession without a prescription, consumption, selling or offering to sell, giving or offering to give any controlled substance as defined in the California Health and Safety Code Sections 1053 to 1058 inclusive, while on duty or subject to duty, whether in violation of the SacRT Drug and Alcohol Testing and Rehabilitation Policy.
C. Fighting (excluding for one’s defense) or engaging in acts that provoke a fight with another employee or member of the public while on duty.