Excessing. When a School or Department must reduce the number of employees at that School or Department due to declining student enrollment, budgetary restrictions, reorganization or other reasons as determined by the District, the following provisions will apply:
(a) Employees will be excessed by seniority based on the employee’s length of continuous employment with the District, including approved leaves of absence, and not based on the length of time the employee has been in a particular position.
(b) Excessing will be by job code with the least senior employee being excessed unless a more senior employee in that same job code at that work location volunteers to be excessed. In such cases, the volunteering employee will be excessed and the less senior employee in that job code will not be excessed.
(c) The only exception to this provision is when a less senior employee has received specialized training such as in ESE, Pre-K, etc. and if the more senior employee within that job code at the School or Department declines to be trained in that area. In these cases, the more senior employee who declines to be trained will be excessed and the less senior trained employee will not be excessed.
(d) Employees to be excessed will be notified at least five (5) working days prior to the effective date of excessing.
(e) For those excessed employees who are unable to secure another position through the transfer process, the District will list all unplaced excessed employees and place those employees in positions for which they are qualified.
(f) When placing an excessed employee, consideration shall be given to the individual’s prior year work location, assignment, workday, and work year.
(g) When an employee is excessed and placed in a new job classification, said employee’s seniority shall be determined pursuant to the provisions of Section 5(a) above.
Excessing. Unassigned Educational Support Professionals are excessed pursuant to this Article 19, Reduction in Force.
Excessing. Excessing exists whenever it becomes necessary to reduce personnel and/or hours of employment.
Excessing. If the need should arise to excess employees from one location to another, the employee or employees selected for that action will be the employee or employees with the least seniority in the job classification in the Office Area. When two or more employees with an identical seniority date in the bargaining unit may be subject to excessing, a lottery drawing shall be held to determine selection of the employee to be excessed. A Union representative shall be present at the lottery drawing. Only one such lottery drawing shall be necessary to determine seniority for the list.
Excessing. 18.6.1 Excessing exists when a position is abolished or decreased staff is required due to a reduction in workforce or a department/site reorganization.
18.6.2 When excessing exists, the Human Resources Department is advised as to the amount of the departmental excessing by classification and determines through seniority the employee(s) who is excessed.
18.6.3 The excessed employee is the person with least District seniority in that classification assigned to the school, program or department where the excess exists provided that all temporary or detailed employees will be excessed first. Written notice of excessing will be given to the employee at their current work assignment at least ten (10) business days prior to the effective date of the excess.
18.6.4 When a position is reduced in hours per week or weeks per year or both, the following steps will be taken:
a. The incumbent is offered the option of retaining the reduced position on a voluntary basis.
b. If incumbent declines the reduced position, the old position will be canceled; thereby, excessing the incumbent and the regular excessing rules and procedures will be applied so that the least senior employee of like status be affected.
c. The established rules to fill a new position would then be applied to the reduction.
18.6.5 For the purposes of this section, seniority is defined as in Article 3.8 of this Agreement.
Excessing. Consistent with the National Agreement, section 12, section 5, C.4.a the identification of assignments for the purpose of reassignments within an installation of employees excess to the needs of a section shall be:
1. Clerk craft
a. window/distribution positions b. other clerk positions
2. Maintenance craft a. custodial positions
Excessing. (1) If the need should arise to excess employees from one location to another, the employee or employees selected for that action will be the employee or employees with the least seniority in the district, or in the case of high schools or District 75, in the borough, from the group of employees in the location where the excessing is to take place.
(2) When two or more employees with an identical seniority date in the bargaining unit may be subject to excessing, a lottery drawing shall be held to determine selection of the employee to be excessed. A Union representative shall be present at the lottery drawing. Only one such lottery drawing shall be necessary to determine seniority for the list.
(3) The determination of employees' qualifications for changes in personnel status of employees shall be made by school supervisors or the head of the school.
Excessing. An employee is to be given thirty (30) calendar days' notice in the event it is necessary to excess such employee.
Excessing. 1). If the need should arise to excess from one location to another, the employee/employees selected shall be the junior School Aide/Aides Level II (Supervising School Aide/s) at the work location. A junior School Aide Level II (Supervising School Aide) who would otherwise be excessed, may be retained only if and so long as he/she is performing duties which no other more senior qualified employee is able to perform.
Excessing. Before excessing an appointed teacher, non-appointed teachers in the license are discontinued, in inverse seniority. Before applying the Rules for involuntary excessing, the senior teacher within license who volunteers will be excessed from the work site to a vacancy within the same region. If no senior teacher volunteers, the following excessing rules shall be applicable to regularly appointed teachers in adult education licenses:
Rule 1. When an excess condition in a license exists at a work site or in a region the appointed teacher in that license with the least seniority shall be excessed, but probationers shall be excessed before those who have completed probation.
Rule 2. Unless a principal denies the placement, an excessed teacher will be placed by the Board into a vacancy within his/her district/superintendency; or if such a vacancy is not available, then in a vacancy within his/her region. The Board will place the excessed teacher who is not so placed in an ATR position in the school from which he/she is excessed, or in another school in the same district or superintendency.
Rule 3. Upon request a teacher who has been excessed to another work site or region shall be afforded the opportunity to return to the work site or region from which he/she was excessed, if within a year a vacancy in his/her license should occur at that work site or region, before any other teacher is assigned to the vacancy. Such return shall be effectuated at the start of the next cycle.
Rule 4. As used herein, an excess condition exists when a position is eliminated or when the hours are reduced below 15 hours and 25 minutes per week.
Rule 5. Teachers identified as being at risk of being excessed at the commencement of the following school year will be informed of this no later than June 15, or as soon as is practicable if identified as being at risk of excess after June 15. The deadlines for excessing teachers will continue to be governed by applicable law.