Flexitime. Flexitime agreements can be implemented in lieu of this provision, and DHB provisions for flexitime are scheduled in schedule 6.
Flexitime. Excluding hours due to force majeure, working hours (credits) exceeding the average weekly working time of 40 hours at the end of the reference period are considered as overtime insofar as they have not been able to be compensated for reasons of service and provided that those hours were worked at the request of the employer or its representative and in accordance with the internal rules of the companies. The maximum working time may not exceed 10 hours per day or 48 hours per week in accordance with Art. 211-12 of the Luxembourg Labour Code.
Flexitime. Overtime is in principle compensated during the following reference period by paid rest time of one hour plus half an hour of free time per additional hour worked (i.e. 1.5 hours per hour worked). The time of compensation is fixed in principle in accordance with the employee’s wishes unless the needs of the employer or the justified wishes of other employees run counter to this. In this case, overtime which has not been able to be compensated at the end of the reference period may be carried over to the next reference period. Overtime which at the end of that following reference period could not be compensated for reasons of service or the justified wishes of other employees shall be paid in cash plus 50% (remunerated at 150%). The provisions of Article L. 211-7 (2) of the Luxembourg Labour Code must of course be observed, in particular: “Save legal exceptions, working hours may not exceed ten hours per day or forty-eight hours per week.“
Flexitime. 1. If an enterprise practices flexitime, the flex limits of working time and accrual limits may be agreed locally in accordance to Section 40 of the Collective Agreement. In that case, the daily working hours may be extended or reduced by a maximum of four hours. The maximum of accrual shall not exceed +/-80 hours.
Flexitime. Flexitime working is the rule. This is determined by the bank in accordance with the needs of the business and the employees, taking local conditions into account. The normal working week of 42 hours must be achieved as an average over the year.
Flexitime. A method of establishing individual work schedules that allows employees some discretion with respect to their arrival/departure times. The "Gliding Schedule" flexible work schedule provided under this Agreement allows employees to vary their arrival and departure times each day, so long as they are on duty during the office's established core hours.
Flexitime. (a) A Non-Sessional Officer shall be eligible to enter into a flexitime arrangement for one or more flexitime cycles with the agreement of the Employer provided that the ordinary hours on any day the Non-Sessional Officer is required to work: are not less than three (3) per day; and not more than ten (10) per day. Notwithstanding paragraph (a) of this subclause, a Non-Sessional Officer can be required to work seven and a half (7.5) ordinary hours on any day. A Non-Sessional Officer cannot be directed to work more than, or less than, seven and a half (7.5) ordinary hours on any day. The Employer or the Non-Sessional Officer may terminate a flexitime arrangement at any time by providing one (1) week’s notice. Where the flexitime arrangement is terminated prior to the end of a settlement period, salary and/or annual leave will be adjusted to take account of any credit or debit hours.
Flexitime. Notwithstanding the provisions of this clause, flexitime may be worked by agreement between the Employer and employee(s). All provisions of the Agreement continue to apply except where inconsistent with these provisions.
(a) The working of flexitime arrangements will be subject to the following:
(i) The Employer will be responsible for authorising a flexitime roster. The roster will indicate minimum staffing requirements, any parameters relating to starting and finishing times, lunch break coverage and flexileave, the minimum operation parameters (MOPs).
(ii) The MOPs will be prepared after consultation with the employees to whom the roster applies.
(iii) Subject to subclause 12.10(a)(ii), MOPs may be varied to accommodate operational requirements.
(b) Subject to there being work available to be done and subject to the employee being capable of undertaking the available work, an employee may select their own starting and finishing times within the parameters from time to time specified by the Employer. In the absence of such specification the following parameters will apply:
(i) Commencement of shift: 0600 to 0930 hours.
(ii) Minimum lunch break of 30 minutes to be taken within 6 hours of commencing work on any day.
(iii) End of Shift: 1500 to 1930 hours.
(c) Hours of Duty The ordinary hours of duty may be an average of 8 hours and 30 minutes per day, which may be worked with flexible commencement and finishing times in accordance with this clause, provided that:
(i) an average of 38 hours per week will be worked;
(ii) the maximum number of hours that can be worked on any day will be 10 hours;
(iii) the minimum number of hours that can be worked on any day will be four hours;
(iv) at no point will credit hours exceed 76 hours;
(v) at no point will debit hours exceed 15 hours and 12 minutes;
(vi) the ordinary hours of duty will be worked on Monday to Friday, unless agreed otherwise from time to time; and
(vii) the settlement period will be four weeks, commencing at the beginning of a pay cycle.
(d) Credit Hours
(i) Credit hours worked in excess of the average of 38 hours per week to a maximum of 76 hours, are permitted at the end of each settlement period. Credit hours will be carried forward to the next settlement period.
(ii) Where an employee has credit hours in excess of 76 hours at the end of a settlement period, the employee will have one settlement period to reduce the credit hours to 76 hours. If the employee does not reduce the credit hours to at l...
Flexitime. Provisions do not apply to Tobacco and Processing
Flexitime. 1. Maximum accumulation of hours on flexitime can be agreed local- ly even in a manner that derogates from the Working Hours Act; however, the maximum accumulation of hours may not exceed 120 hours.
2. Should the work volume so require, the employer may order a sen- ior salaried employee to take accumulated surplus hours as time off and, if necessary, even as whole days off, by notifying the senior sal- aried employee in question one week in advance. Similarly, a senior salaried employee may, if the work volume so permits, take accumu- lated surplus hours as full days off by notifying the employer thereof one week in advance.
3. The length of a monitoring period referred to in the Working Hours Act in the context of flexible working hours, shall be six months. How- ever, monitoring periods of up to 12 months may be agreed locally.