General Purpose Leave. (a) A general purpose leave may be granted for a period of up to one (1) year, subject to the recommendation of the Superintendent and approval of the Board. The granting or non-granting of such leave on a request-by-request basis will not be construed to constitute past practice.
(b) Teachers granted a general purpose leave will inform the Board of their intent to return by March 1 of the school year following his/her leave request. Upon written application to the Superintendent, an extension of the general purpose leave may be granted by the Board of Education. No fringe benefits, including but not limited to, sick leave, hospitalization, insurance, disability insurance, dental insurance, life insurance, vision insurance, etc., shall be provided during the leave period. Seniority shall not accrue during an unpaid leave of absence.
General Purpose Leave. A general-purpose leave may be granted for up to a full semester or school year.
General Purpose Leave. An employee who has completed two (2) consecutive years of service with the district shall be granted a leave of absence for personal reasons excluding other employment. This leave will be without pay or increment or loss of previously earned seniority, for a period of up to one (1) year. Leaves may be extended for up to one (1) additional year upon request of the employee and with the approval of the Superintendent or his designee.
General Purpose Leave. A general purpose leave will be granted for a period up to one year to Adult and Community Education teachers (excluding summer school and driver education). Such leave shall expire at the beginning of the next school year. A request for an extension may be granted for an additional school year. Teachers accepting teaching positions outside of the district will not be granted a general purpose leave.
General Purpose Leave. Except for the purpose of accepting employment elsewhere, a General Purpose Leave will be granted for one complete school year if such a request is made in writing to the Human Resources Department prior to July 1 of that school year. After July 1, General Xxxxxxx Leaves may be granted for an entire school year or the balance thereof, at the discretion of the Board, upon receipt of a timely written request for such. All General Purpose Leaves shall end on the first working day of the school year following the year of the Leave. A request for a one school year extension of a General Xxxxxxx Leave may be granted, at the discretion of the Board.
General Purpose Leave. A leave of absence may be granted to permanent employees for one (1) semester or one (1) year for reasons other than those stated elsewhere in Article 13. At the sole discretion of the District such leave may be extended. To be eligible for consideration of additional unpaid leaves beyond this, the unit member must return to service in the District for one (1) full contract year. A general purpose leave shall constitute an interruption in service. The year spent in general purpose leave status shall not be credited towards salary advancement, longevity, nor vacation. There shall be no financial reimbursement of the employee by the District for any purpose during the period of a general purpose leave. This does not preclude the individual's returning to work as a day-to-day or long-term substitute.
General Purpose Leave. A General Purpose Leave may be granted to an employee upon request subject to the approval of the Superintendent and the Board of Education.
General Purpose Leave. General purpose leaves, for non-probationary employees, may be granted for up to one (1) year and may be extended for up to one additional year. Seniority, however, shall be granted only for the first twelve (12) months of any combined leave period. Within thirty (30) days of an employee’s request to return from a general purpose leave of absence, the employer shall provide employment to the employee.
General Purpose Leave. An employee may be granted a general purpose leave once during his/her employment. Request for a general purpose leave must be made in writing to the Department of Human Resources at least sixty (60) days prior to the start of the leave. A general purpose leave will be granted for periods of no less than six (6) months and no more than one (1) year. An employee scheduled to return to work from a general purpose leave must submit his/her intent to return to work at least thirty (30) days prior to the termination date of the leave. An employee returning from a general purpose leave may only return to work through the bidding process into a vacancy that is posted at the time the employee is eligible to return to work due to termination of the leave per Article VIIC. Employees on general purpose leave will not accrue seniority while on such leave. Return from Leave of Absence 34 7. 47 G. 2 An employee returning from an approved leave of absence of one year or less will be 3 restored to an equivalent position in the employees same classification. A request for 4 early return from such leave shall be made thirty (30) calendar days in advance. Early 5 return from such leave shall be at the discretion of the Board. It shall be the 6 responsibility of the employee to contact the Human Resources Director as soon as 7 possible but no later than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the scheduled expiration 8 date of the leave if the employee intends to request an extension of the leave. Return 9 from approved leave of more than one year shall be to the first vacant position for 10 which the employee is qualified. Failure of the employee to report to work at the 11 expiration of the leave shall constitute separation on the part of the employee. 12 The above notwithstanding, return from military leave will be as provided by the law. 13
General Purpose Leave a. An unpaid general purpose leave may be granted to permanent employees only, for reasons other than those specified in the other Sections of this Article. An employee shall be eligible for a maximum of only two (2) semesters (or three (3) trimesters for elementary teachers) of such leave during their career in the District.
b. Requests for general purpose leaves of absence must be received by the Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the commencement of the leave. Before consideration is given to such a requested leave, the District must have determined that a suitable certificated employee is available as a replacement.
c. A leave for general purposes may be granted only for a minimum of one (1) semester (or one (1) trimester for elementary teachers) or a maximum of two (2) semesters (or three (3) trimesters for elementary teachers). No other types of leaves, except unpaid health or maternity, will be granted immediately subsequent to a general purpose leave.