Job Evaluation Appeals Sample Clauses
Job Evaluation Appeals. Where an employee believes her/his job has not been properly evaluated under the Plan, the employee shall have the right to appeal the evaluation of her/his job through the Union. Such an appeal shall be in accordance with the provisions of this Article. Where an employee believes that the duties she/he performs are more properly characterized by a job profile other than her/his own, such a dispute shall be processed as a grievance under Article 3.06.
(a) New job classifications prepared, evaluated, and assigned a pay grade by the Corporation, pursuant to Articles 10.02 and 10.03, may be subject to appeal within sixty (60) calendar days of confirmation of the salary group by Compensation Services. In such instances, the appeal will be initiated at paragraph (e) following.
(b) For current job classifications, if an employee believes that the job she/he occupies has been materially modified since the most recent evaluation and is not properly evaluated, she/he shall complete and forward Part 1 of the Job Evaluation Review Form to her/his immediate manager and to the Union, requesting written classification information (job profile, job evaluation factor analysis, and job questionnaire as appropriate) describing duties and responsibilities. The Corporation shall provide such information within seven (7) days of the request.
(c) The employee and her/his immediate manager shall meet to discuss the current work performed and compare it with the duties performed at the time of the most recent evaluation. The Job Xxxxxxx may attend this meeting at the employee’s request.
(d) Following the discussion in point (c) above, if the employee still believes that the job she/he occupies is materially different and has not been properly evaluated, the employee shall complete Part 2 of the Job Evaluation Review Form and forward it to Compensation Services and the Union within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of the written classification information, or within fifteen (15) calendar days when the response was due under Article 10.14(b) above. The Corporation shall respond with written job evaluation rationale within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of Part 2 of the Job Evaluation Review Form.
(e) If there remains a dispute respecting job level, the Union Job Evaluation Appeal Officer will complete Part 3 of the Job Evaluation Review Form and submit completed Parts 1, 2 and 3 of the form to the Corporation within fifteen (15) calendar days of receipt of the Corporatio...
Job Evaluation Appeals. The Procedure to be used by employees appealing against the job evaluation results arising from Single Status will be in accordance with the existing Council’s appeals process for job evaluation. Following exhaustion of the local procedures reference may be made to the GLPC Joint Secretaries in accordance with the GLPC Constitution for resolution.
Job Evaluation Appeals. (a) The Union may appeal new or existing Job Evaluations within sixty (60) calendar days from the date the Union is notified of the completed Job
i) Position/Job Code being appealed;
ii) Reasons for appeal including the relevant job factors being appealed; and
iii) If an existing position, the material change to the applicable job factors being appealed.
Job Evaluation Appeals. The purpose of the Job Evaluation Appeals process is to provide a method of challenging the evaluation results of positions Article 15 (Job Evaluation). An appeal may be submitted by an incumbent or a Department Head. It is not the intent of the Appeals process to address minor changes to job duties or concerns relating to job content. All of the time limits referred to in this Article will be exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, paid holidays or official University-wide days off.
Job Evaluation Appeals. (a) An employee or Supervisor who disputes the evaluation of a job may send a letter giving the reasons for challenging the evaluation to the compensation area of Human Resources requesting an appeal.
(b) The appeal will be heard by the Job Evaluation Steering Committee. Those involved in presenting the appeal will be excluded from the presence of the Committee during its deliberations. The Committee hearing the appeals shall at all times have an equal number of Employer and Union representatives. The Job Evaluation Steering Committee shall communicate their decision to the employee and their Supervisor.
Job Evaluation Appeals. The purpose of the Job Evaluation Appeals process is to provide a method of resolving appeals relating to the evaluation of positions and/or the allocation of positions to job families under Article It is not the intent of the Appeals process to address minor changes to job duties or concerns relating to the content of job An appeal may be submitted where an employee or Department Head believes an evaluation does not reflect current job duties or the allocation of a position to a job family is in Appeals by an employee or Department Head will be initiated in writing within days from the date of the most recent evaluation of the position. Appeals will be submitted to the Director, ES, with copies to the immediate supervisor, employee and the Department Head (as the case may The Director will forward a copy of the appeal to the Chair of the Job Evaluation Committee The written appeal will include the reasons for the appeal and any corroborating information. The Director, ES (or designee), will, within days from the date of submission of the appeal, reply in writing to the appellant. The reply will state either the reasons for success or failure of the appeal, or the name of the job analyst with whom the appellant is to meet on the matter. The job analyst will tender a report within days of receipt of the appeal. The report will be submitted to the Director, ES. Within 5 days of receipt of the job analyst’s report, the Director, ES, will write to the parties to the appeal, stating the reasons for the success or failure of the appeal.
Job Evaluation Appeals. (a) An employee or Supervisor who disputes the evaluation of a job may send a letter giving the reasons for challenging the evaluation to the compensation area of Human Resources requesting an appeal.
(b) The appeal will be heard by the Job Evaluation Steering Committee. Those involved in presenting the appeal will be excluded from the presence of the Committee during its deliberations. The Committee hearing the appeals shall at all times have an equal number of Employer and Union representatives. The Job Evaluation Steering Committee shall communicate their decision to the employee and their Supervisor.
(c) Should the decision of the Job Evaluation Steering Committee fail to resolve the matter, a grievance may be filed at the arbitration step of the grievance procedure. Final resolution may be arbitrable before a single arbitrator. The cost of the arbitrator shall be shared equally between the Employer and the Union.
(a) A Job Evaluation Steering Committee comprised of three (3) representatives chosen by the Employer and three (3) chosen by the Union shall be established. Each party shall designate one (1) alternate representative. The Committee shall be co-chaired by an Employer and Union representative and two (2) representatives from each party shall constitute a quorum.
(b) The Job Evaluation Steering Committee shall meet as required for the purpose of:
(1) Hearing job evaluation appeals and making determinations related thereto;
(2) Reviewing quarterly job evaluation summaries and initiating series reviews if deemed necessary;
(3) Reviewing issues related to the job evaluation process and forwarding recommendations to the Employer and Union;
(4) Reviewing evaluation of benchmark jobs;
(5) Reviewing the pay structure for expansion as may be deemed necessary.
(c) Job Evaluation Steering Committee members and alternates shall be appointed for two (2) year periods and may be re-appointed. Members shall be given training on the job evaluation plan and will be provided with all relevant documentation and any other necessary information.
(d) The Job Evaluation Steering Committee work shall be considered as time worked.
(e) The Job Evaluation Steering Committee may submit issues to an arbitrator. The costs of the arbitrator shall be shared equally between the Company and the Union.
Job Evaluation Appeals. Purpose Job Evaluation Appeals Procedure
Job Evaluation Appeals. (a) Any individual employee or group of employees shall have the right to appeal their job evaluation. When a job is occupied by more than one (1) employee, the majority of the employees in the job must agree in writing to appeal the job.
(b) An employee shall be employed for a minimum of twelve (12) months before they can appeal their job.
29.02 Each employee shall be entitled to receive a copy of their current Job Description.
(a) Employees may submit an appeal following any Job Evaluation Session. The Employer shall send a “Last Call” notice to all bargaining unit employees during the last five
Job Evaluation Appeals