JOB RECLASSIFICATION. 1. A significant change in the duties and responsibilities of a job may necessitate reclassifying the job. Requests for job reclassification may originate from employees or supervisory personnel and shall be submitted to Compensation Administration.
2. The processing of Request for Reclassification shall not be delayed, deferred, or denied and shall not require the approval of the immediate supervisor or department head.
3. Upon receipt by Compensation Administration of the request for reclassification, Compensation Administration, within 90 working days, unless time is extended by mutual consent, shall render a decision.
4. An employee occupying a job that is reclassified and the classification is assigned to a higher pay grade shall meet the minimum qualification requirements, including minimum standard test or licensing requirements.
5. Reclassification requests will not be considered in the first half of the budget period (July 1 - December 31) and reclassifications denied may not be resubmitted in the same budget period. Where deemed appropriate, the Chief Officer, Human Resources is authorized to waive this Provision.
6. In reviewing Request for Reclassification, the Compensation Administration Administrator may recommend job, work unit, operational/structural, or staffing level changes as an alternative to job reclassification.
7. Salary increases for an employee whose job is reclassified and the classification is assigned to a higher pay grade shall be adjudicated in the same manner as salary increases for promotion.
8. In the event a job is reclassified and the classification is assigned to a lower pay grade and the incumbent cannot be placed in a job assigned to a comparable pay grade, the employee's rate of pay shall remain the same, unless the current rate of pay is above the maximum of the new grade. In which instance, the rate of pay shall be reduced to the maximum of the new grade.
9. Where a position is reclassified to a higher pay grade and the incumbent does not meet the M-DCPS requirements for the higher pay grade, the position shall be considered open and shall be advertised as a job vacancy. Incumbent not meeting the requirements will have 60 working days from the effective date of the reclassification to meet the job requirements. He/she may be placed in a position substantially equivalent to the one held prior to the reclassification.
JOB RECLASSIFICATION. 18.01 No jobs shall be downgraded during the term of this agreement. In the event of an apparent substantial increase in the responsibilities of any existing job, the Union may present a case for upgrading which shall be subject to negotiations.
JOB RECLASSIFICATION. When any position not covered by Schedule “A” is established or there is a significant change to an existing position, the Employer, employee or union may refer the matter to the Job Evaluation Committee by following the procedures set out in the attached Letter of Understanding “Job Evaluation Committee Maintenance Procedures”.
JOB RECLASSIFICATION. When the duties in any classification significantly change or when any position not covered by Appendix A is established during the life of this agreement, the rate of pay shall be subject to negotiations between the Board and the Union. If the parties are unable to agree as to the classification and/or rate of pay of the job in question, such dispute shall be submitted to arbitration. The new rate shall become retroactive to the time the position was first filled by an employee.
JOB RECLASSIFICATION. The UNIONS have the right to individually, by Craft, fill out the appropriate forms supplied by the CITY to request a review of their respective craft’s classifications, on a position by position basis. Blanket or all inclusive positions will not be accepted or considered. The UNIONS have the right to present any/all information during such process and will be afforded the opportunity to respond to any questions, as deemed necessary. The participating Craft will be notified, in writing, of the CITY’s decision and rationale.
JOB RECLASSIFICATION. If the Employee is classified in a lower salary scale as a result of the reclassification of the job, he/she shall be classified as much as possible in the equivalent or closest higher amount in the lower salary scale. If the maximum of the new lower salary scale is exceeded, the surplus must be allocated as a nominal personal allowance that shall not be indexed. When the salary is increased in some way that is not through the general Collective Agreement increases, the personal allowance shall be reduced by the same amount as this increase.
JOB RECLASSIFICATION. Employees changing from one classification to another classification shall move to the same step in the new classification if the change takes place during the work year. However, when an employee is reclassified at the end of the work year, he/she shall advance a step on the schedule effective July 1 provided the employee has worked more than half of the preceding year.
JOB RECLASSIFICATION. Ocean County College recognizes that job responsibilities may increase over time to the extent that a higher job classification is justified. Association job reclassifications shall be limited to the pay grades represented within this bargaining unit only.
JOB RECLASSIFICATION. All requests from individual employees in the bargaining unit for job reclassification or job evaluation will be directed to the Human Resources Department and the Chapter along with the necessary forms. All such requests will be acknowledged within ten (10) working days of receipt of the request. Reclass requests will be processed in a reclass hearing three times each year. These reclass meetings will occur once during the month of November, once during the month of February, and once during the month of May. Employees requesting a reclassification must file their request by the end of the first working day of the month of the reclassification hearing. Late submissions will be forwarded to the next scheduled meeting. Following the reclass meeting the answer shall be forthcoming from the Superintendent or designee within thirty (30) working days. The District and the Chapter will discuss the reclassification request prior to any determination. Prior to the District changing placement of any position on the salary schedule, this change will be brought to the Chapter’s attention and discussed. Annually ERC will discuss the reclassification process during the first ERC of the year to identify the reclass procedure to use during the current year. At any point the District makes a unilateral reclassification, OSEA Chapter 40 reserves the right to demand to bargain the reclassification under the provisions of ORS 243.698.
JOB RECLASSIFICATION. 22.01 When the duties of work in any classification are increased or decreased, or when any position not covered by Schedule “A” is established during the life of this agreement, the procedures as outlined in the Joint Job Evaluation Committee Letter of Understanding dated May 17, 2022 shall apply.