LABOR MANAGEMENT FORUM. A committee comprised of equal number of management and labor shall meet for the purpose of reviewing on a bi-annual basis problems, market share discussions and/or issues confronting the industry and developing resolutions for same.
LABOR MANAGEMENT FORUM. The District and the NOEA may maintain a labor-management committee which shall meet monthly from September through May. The committee shall meet for purposes as prescribed in Sections and 32.3.2 of the agreement. Dates shall be mutually determined by the District and the NOEA and placed on the District Calendar. The Superintendent, the Treasurer and the NOEA President and the NOEA President-elect shall be members of the committee. Additional members may be appointed by the NOEA President and the Superintendent upon mutual agreement.
LABOR MANAGEMENT FORUM. The administration and representatives of OAPSE will agree to form a labor management forum.
A. PURPOSE: This Article addresses the National and Local Level Labor Management Forums to be used by the Parties to discuss the conditions of employment of the bargaining unit consistent with TSA’s mission.
LABOR MANAGEMENT FORUM. (a) There is hereby established a Labor/Management Forum, which shall be comprised of an equal number representing the Union and the Association, for the purpose of reviewing on a quarterly basis (or as needed) basic problems, market share discussions, and/or issues confronting the industry and developing resolutions for same.
(b) In addition, the Labor Management Forum will meet at least 90 days prior to the effective date of the negotiated future increase to review the financial status of the respective fringe funds and make recommendations to the various fringe fund trustees on allocation and benefit plan revisions.
a. Meetings will be held at least quarterly, and at other times as mutually agreed to by the Parties.
b. Each Party will designate three (3) representatives and three (3) alternates to the Forum no later than thirty (30) days following the effective date of this Agreement. The representatives and the alternates will be capable of fully representing their organizations. The Parties recognize that resource persons may be necessary to assist in a specific matter scheduled for the discussion during the meeting. To the extent possible, the Parties will name such resource persons in advance.
c. The Forum will establish its own procedures and methods of operation concerning agendas, meeting dates and locations. Agendas will be exchanged by the Parties ten (10) working days before the meetings. Matters not on the agenda may be added if either Party notifies the other no less than 24 hours before the meeting.
d. Grievances properly related to Article 21, Negotiated Grievance Procedure, of this Agreement will not be discussed by the Parties during the LMF.
e. Discussions on implementation of regulations dealing with conditions of employment or the contract will be a Forum function and may include investigations, studies, reports and recommendations. The consultation or informal discussions that take place during these meetings shall not prejudice either Party from exercising its bargaining rights should the consultation or informal discussion cover a mandatory subject of bargaining.
LABOR MANAGEMENT FORUM. In addition to the above, the parties agree to meet once per quarter to discuss work-related and staff relations issues. Meetings will be limited to two (2) hours unless extended by mutual agreement, and will be held at previously agreed to times and locations.
LABOR MANAGEMENT FORUM. SECTION 1: The Parties recognize that improving upon the relationship between labor and management is important in transforming the USNA NAFIs into more efficient and effective organizations that will better serve the needs of our customers. The creation of a Labor- Management Forum involves the open sharing of information at the earliest pre-decisional stage thereby engendering mutual trust and respect to better serve the Employer’s mission.
1.1. Desired objectives of these Forums may include :
a. Identify labor-management problems and jointly develop solutions to better serve mission requirements and employee needs;
b. Work to continuously improve the quality and satisfaction of the USNA NAFIs work force by providing a work environment that is safe and healthy, and one that encourages creativity and joint problem solving at all levels.
SECTION 2: In achieving these goals the representatives of labor and management understand and agree that:
2.1. Labor-management cooperative efforts should promote trust and require open and honest sharing of information.
2.2. Legitimate differences between labor and management may continue to exist, and that both labor and management must continue to respect and understand those differences while working to find common ground.
2.3. Alternative Dispute Resolution will be utilized as appropriate and agreed upon by the representatives. To that effect, prior to the filing of any unfair labor practice charge with the Federal Labor Relations Authority (“FLRA”), either party will first notify the other party of its intention to do so, and will afford the other party five (5) workdays to attempt to resolve the underlying dispute. It is recognized that this requirement shall be waived if it would adversely impact a filing deadline.
SECTION 3: Forum meetings shall in no way nullify or take away the right of the Union to bargain negotiable matters. These meetings will not circumvent established grievance and negotiation procedures/meetings set forth in this Agreement, nor any other procedure provided for in law or regulations for the resolution of disputes. Such meetings will be conducted during regular duty hours. Union employee representatives in attendance are authorized duty time without charge to leave or loss of pay if they are otherwise in an active duty status.
SECTION 4: The Parties agree that there will be an Executive Level Forum and an Operational Level Forum. The operating agreement for the Executive Level Forum is an a...
A. The Labor-Management Forum shall have as its primary purpose to establish a cooperative and productive form of labor-management relations throughout the Agency by: developing metrics for the evaluation and effectiveness of the Forum; collecting and disseminating information regarding improvements made by the Forum; training of agency personnel and bargaining unit members regarding dispute resolution and cooperative methods; developing recommendations for innovative ways to improve delivery of services and products to the public.
B. The Labor-Management Forum shall have as its secondary purpose to serve as a venue for addressing and resolving systemic failures between the Agency and its bargaining unit employees. The Labor-Management Forum shall give consideration to such matters as: the interpretation and application of this Agreement; the interpretation and applicability of rules, regulations, and policies; the correction of conditions causing grievances with merit and misunderstandings; the encouragement of good human relations in employer-employee relationships; the promotion of needed job-related education and training; the improvement of working conditions including safety matters; and the strengthening of morale. It is agreed that individual employee grievances will not be considered at such meetings; however, the Forum shall not be limited to the above- listed matters.
LABOR MANAGEMENT FORUM. The Parties agree that good relations and Union participation is promoted by regular meetings of a Labor Management Forum. The meetings may involve such matters as personnel policies and practices and matters affecting working conditions, so far as may be appropriate under applicable laws, regulations, and published policies. The forum will meet quarterly and exchange agenda items at least one week prior to meeting. By mutual agreement, the Parties may choose to forego the scheduled forum meeting. It is agreed these meetings will not be used to resolve individual grievances or complaints and the meetings will be conducted during regular duty hours.