Management’s Reserved Rights. (a) Except as expressly limited by the terms of this Agreement, the Medical Center retains and shall have the sole and exclusive right to manage and operate the Medical Center in all of its operations and activities. Among the rights of management, included only by way of illustration and not by way of limitations, is the right to determine all matters pertaining to the services to be furnished and the methods, procedures, means, equipment and machines required to provide such service; to determine the nature and number of facilities and departments to be operated and their location; to establish classifications of work and the number of personnel required; to direct and control operations; to maintain order and efficiency; to make judgments as to the ability and skill of its employees; to continue and maintain its operations as in the past, to study and use improved methods and equipment; and in all respects to carry out the ordinary and customary functions of management. All such rights are vested exclusively in the Employer and shall not be subject to arbitration procedure established in this Agreement.
(b) The Employer shall also have the right to hire, promote, assign, transfer, suspend, discipline, discharge for just cause, layoff and recall personnel; to establish reasonable work rules; to determine work loads; to use outside assistance (subcontracting) either in or out of the Employer, provided however, that these rights shall not be exercised in violation of any specific provision of this Agreement and as such, they shall be subject to the Grievance and Arbitration Procedure established herein.
(c) The Union hereby agrees that the Employer retains the sole and exclusive right to establish and administer without limitation, implied or otherwise, all matters not specifically and expressly limited by this Agreement.
Management’s Reserved Rights. Except as otherwise limited by the terms of this Agreement, the management and direction of the operations of the Department are retained by the City. This includes but is not limited to the City’s rights and responsibilities to:
a. Determine matters of inherent managerial policy which include, but are not limited to areas of discretion or policy such as the functions and programs of the public employer, standards of services, its overall budget, utilization of technology, and organizational structure;
b. Direct, supervise, evaluate, or hire employees;
c. Maintain and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of governmental operations;
d. Determine the overall methods, process, means, or personnel by which governmental operations are to be conducted;
e. Suspend, discipline, demote, or discharge for just cause, or lay off, transfer, assign, schedule, promote, or retain employees;
f. Determine the adequacy of the work force;
g. Determine the overall mission of the employer as a unit of government;
h. Effectively manage the work force;
i. Take actions to carry out the mission of the public employer as a governmental unit.
Management’s Reserved Rights. The management of the County and its Sheriff’s Department is expressly reserved to the Employers and shall include by way of illustration and not by way of limitation, the right to determine all matters of management policy; to determine the services which shall be provided and the organization, location and operation of each department and facility; to determine the methods, processes, means, equipment and material utilized to provide its services; to determine the number and classifications of employees employed; to direct the working force, including without limiting the right to hire, discipline, suspend or discharge for just cause, promote, demote, transfer or lay off employees, or to reduce or increase the size of the working force, or to make judgments as to qualifications and skill; to establish reasonable rules, regulations and policies not inconsistent with this Agreement; to determine work schedules and hours of employment and to maintain its operations as in the past but it shall also have the right to study and use improved methods or equipment and outside assistance either from within the County organization or from without as necessary for the advancement of the County. It is understood that except as expressly limited in this Agreement the Employers shall have all of the customary rights and functions of management and the Constitutional powers of the Sheriff shall not be diminished.
Management’s Reserved Rights a. The Union hereby recognizes and agrees that the County of Allegan, acting through its elected Board of Commissioners, is charged with certain powers, rights, authority and duties which are conferred upon the County by law and cannot be delegated. Except as in this Agreement otherwise specifically and expressly provided, the Employer retains the sole and exclusive right to manage and operate the County of Allegan in all of its operations and activities. Among the rights of management, included only by way of illustration and not by way of limitation, is the right to determine all matters pertaining to the services to be furnished and the methods, procedures, means, equipment, machines and facilities required to provide such service; to establish classifications of work and the number of personnel required; to determine the nature and number of facilities and departments to be operated and their location; to direct and control operations; to determine hours of work, work schedules and assignments of work; to maintain order and efficiency; to study and use improved methods and equipment including subcontracting; and in all respects to carry out the ordinary and customary functions of County government. The Union acknowledges that unless the Employer has expressly agreed otherwise in a specific provision of this Agreement, all rights and powers as provided by law and not limited by express provision of this Agreement are reserved by the Employer and shall not be subject to arbitration provided therein.
b. The Employer shall also have the right to hire, promote, demote, assign, transfer, suspend, discipline and discharge for just cause; to layoff and recall personnel; to establish work rules and regulations and penalties for violations thereof; to make judgments as to ability and skill; and to provide and assign relief personnel; and as such to the extent of express provisions in this Agreement, these rights shall be subject to the grievance and arbitration procedure provided therein.
c. The Employer retains the sole right to discipline and discharge employees for just cause, provided that in the exercise of this right it will not act in violation of the terms of this Agreement. The Employer agrees not to consider discipline older than 24 months in determining an appropriate penalty for a current infraction, provided that the employee has not been disciplined within the past 24-month period.
d. In the event any discipline is imposed against any employee beca...
Management’s Reserved Rights. 401 The right to hire, assign duties, promote, classify, reclassify, lay off, recall, demote, transfer, discharge, suspend or otherwise discipline for just cause employees who have completed their probationary period, to maintain order, discipline and efficiency, to determine complement and the number of employees required from time to time, to schedule working hours, to extend, curtail or cease operations, and to establish and enforce rules and regulations governing the conduct of the employees, is the exclusive function and responsibility of the Employer, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. All matters concerning the operations of the Employer not specifically dealt with herein shall be reserved to the Employer and be its exclusive responsibility. Management agrees to exercises its rights in a reasonable and fair manner.
Management’s Reserved Rights. Except as otherwise provided by the terms of this Agreement, the management and direction of the affairs of the Employer are retained by the Employer, including the right to determine how many employees it will employ or retain in various capacities and the size and composition of working forces. This includes but is by no means limited to the selection, transfer, assignment and layoff and discipline, demotion or discharge for just cause of employees, the exercise of all functions of government granted to the Employer by the laws of the State of Ohio, the determination from time to time as to what services the Employer shall perform, the method of performing said services, and the size and composition of the work force. Except where specifically and expressly provided to the contrary in this Agreement, the provisions of the Riverside City Personnel Manual, enacted April 4, 1996, and as amended from time to time, is recognized as an appropriate exercise of the Employer's reserved rights. Except as specifically modified by this Agreement or any supplementary agreements that may hereafter be made, all of the rights, powers and authority the Employer had prior to the signing of this Agreement are retained by the Employer and remain exclusively and without limitation within the rights of management.
Management’s Reserved Rights. The right to hire, assign duties, promote, classify, reclassify, lay off, recall, demote, transfer, discharge, suspend or otherwise discipline for just cause employees who have completed their probationary period, to maintain order, discipline and efficiency, to determine complement and the number of employees required from time to time, to schedule working hours, to extend, curtail or cease operations, and to establish and enforce rules and regulations governing the conduct of the employees, is the exclusive function and responsibility of the Employer, subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. All matters concerning the operations of the Employer not specifically dealt with herein shall be reserved to the Employer and be its exclusive responsibility. Management agrees to exercises its rights in a reasonable and fair manner. 402
Management’s Reserved Rights. 1. The Association acknowledges that unless the Employer has expressly agreed otherwise in a specific provision of this Agreement, all rights and powers as provided by law and not limited by express provision of this Agreement are reserved by the Employer.
2. The Employer shall also have the right to hire, promote, demote, assign, transfer, suspend, discipline and discharge; layoff and recall personnel; to establish work rules and regulations and penalties for violations thereof; to make judgments as to ability and skill; to provide and assign relief personnel. To the extent of express provisions in this Agreement, these rights shall be subject to the grievance procedure provided therein.
3. The Employer retains the sole right to discipline and discharge Employees provided that in the exercise of this right it will not act in violation of the terms of this Agreement.
4. In the event any discipline is imposed against any Employee because of an infraction of Employer work rules, neither the Association nor the Employee shall challenge the reasonableness of these rules, but shall only challenge their application through the grievance procedure provided for in this Agreement.
5. Should any Employee be disciplined for causes not covered by the aforesaid work rules, then the Association and/or Employee(s) shall be permitted to challenge the reasonableness of such cause through the grievance procedure provided for in this Agreement.
Management’s Reserved Rights. 1. ACAP hereby recognizes and agrees that the County of Allegan, acting through its elected Board of Commissioners, is charged with certain powers, rights, authority and duties which are conferred upon the County by law and cannot be delegated. Except as in this Agreement otherwise specifically and expressly provided, the Employer retains the sole and exclusive right to manage and operate the County of Allegan in all of its operations and activities. Among the rights of management, included only by way of illustration and not by way of limitation is the right to determine all matters pertaining to the services to be furnished, the methods, procedures, means, equipment, machines, and facilities required to provide such service; to establish classifications of work and the number of personnel required; to determine the nature and number of facilities and departments to be operated and their location; to direct and control operations; and in all respects to carry out the ordinary and customary functions of County government. ACAP acknowledges that unless the Employer has expressly agreed otherwise in a specific provision of this Agreement, all rights and powers as provided by law and not limited by express provision of this Agreement are reserved by the Employer and shall not be subject to arbitration.
2. The Prosecuting Attorney is the one elected official in the State of Michigan identified in law as the “chief law enforcement official of the County.” The Prosecuting Attorney is directly accountable to the citizens of the County and is ultimately responsible for every discretionary decision rendered by him or any member of his professional staff. This Agreement, based on the discretionary nature of the Employees’ positions, recognizes the high levels of trust and confidence that are necessary to maintain a sound working relationship between the Prosecuting Attorney and the Employees covered under this Agreement.
3. The Prosecuting Attorney, on his own behalf and on the behalf of the people of the County, herein retains and reserves unto himself and his office, without limitation, all powers, rights, authority, duties, and responsibilities conferred upon and vested in such office by the laws and Constitution of the State of Michigan, and of the United States. These rights specifically include the right to the executive management and administrative control of the Prosecuting Attorney’s office. The exercise of these powers, rights, authority, duties, and resp...
Management’s Reserved Rights. 1. The Association acknowledges that unless the Employer has expressly agreed otherwise in a specific provision of this Agreement, all rights and powers as provided by law and not limited by express provision of this Agreement are reserved by the Employer.
2. The Employer shall also have the right to hire, promote, demote, assign, transfer, suspend, discipline and discharge; layoff and recall personnel; to establish work rules and regulations and penalties for violations thereof; to make judgments as to ability and skill; to provide and assign relief personnel. To the extent of express provisions in this Agreement, these rights shall be subject to the grievance procedure provided therein.
3. The Employer retains the sole right to discipline and discharge Employees provided that in the exercise of this right it will not act in violation of the terms of this Agreement.