Matters Appropriate for Consultation.
1. Matters appropriate for consultation between the Union and the District include items of mutual concern. For the purpose of this agreement, consultation is defined as mutual discussion of matters appropriate for consultation in an effort to reach mutual understandings, receive clarification and/or information affecting employees in the bargaining unit. Consultation should involve Union issues as opposed to individual complaints. Both Parties agree that the language of this section and article do not expand the Scope of Negotiations as defined in Article 4.
2. Consultation meetings between Union representatives and the District shall be arranged by the Department of Labor Relations or designated representative upon the request of either Party.
3. Arrangements for any consultation meeting shall be made five (5) calendar days in advance, whenever possible, and an agenda of matters related to the meeting shall be presented, in writing, at the time a consultation meeting is requested. Matters taken up on consultation meetings shall be included in the agenda and Union representatives shall be limited to no more than four (4) at any one meeting.
4. When contact is required by the Union President or local Union Administrator with the District on matters within the scope of this section, the point of contact is the Department of Labor Relations. Where contact is required by the District with SEIU/FPSU, the point of contact is the Union President, local Union Administrator or designee.
Matters Appropriate for Consultation. Section 1. Matters appropriate for consultation between the parties include wages, hours and working conditions under the terms and conditions of this labor agreement and areas of mutual concern for the FPSU. For the purpose of this agreement, consultation is defined as a discussion of matters which are within the discretion of a Department. Consultations may be held in an effort to reach mutual understandings, receive clarification and/or information affecting employees in the various City operations that comprise Bargaining Units.
Section 2. Consultation meetings between Union representatives and Management, shall be arranged by the Labor Relations Manager or his designated representative upon the request of either party. Consultation meetings may be called by the City consistent with confidentiality, or other legal restrictions to advise the Union of any anticipated major changes affecting the working conditions of employees in the Bargaining Units. Arrangements for any consultation meeting shall be made five (5) working days in advance whenever possible and an agenda of matters to be taken up at the meeting shall be presented in writing at the time a consultation meeting is requested. Matters taken up in consultation meetings shall be those included in the agenda and Union representatives up to a maximum of five (5) may attend any one meeting.
Section 3. When contact is required by the Union President with Management on matters within the scope of this Article, the point of contact is the Labor Relations Manager. Where contact is required by Management with the Union, the point of contact is the Union President, or designee.
Section 4. If the Union requests consultation, it shall bear the cost of expenses and compensation for its own representatives and/or employees. If the City requests consultation, it shall bear the cost of expenses and compensation for employee Union representatives and/or employees for time spent in consultation.
Section 5. Prior practice that has been established on the basis of verbal agreements between the Union and the City or written agreements between the Union and individual Departments, but which has not subsequently been incorporated within this agreement, shall be subject to discussion and possible modification by the City and the Union, in accordance with the rights and privileges accorded each party by the terms of both this agreement and applicable
Matters Appropriate for Consultation.
A. Matters appropriate for consultation between the Union and the District include items of mutual concern. For the purpose of this agreement, consultation is defined as mutual discussion of matters appropriate for consultation in an effort to reach mutual understandings, receive clarification and/or information affecting employees in the bargaining unit. Consultation should involve Union issues as opposed to individual complaints. Both Parties agree that the language of this section and article do not expand the Scope of Negotiations as defined in Article 4.
Matters Appropriate for Consultation. Matters appropriate for consultation between the parties include wages, hours, job descriptions, bulletin board postings, working conditions under the terms and conditions of this Labor Agreement, and areas of mutual concern. For the purpose of this Agreement, consultation is defined as mutual discussion of matters appropriate for consultation which are within the discretion of the department and/or the City. It is understood the FOP may also request consultation on subject matters they wish to raise. Consultation is an effort to reach mutual understandings, receive clarification and/or information affecting employees in the Bargaining Unit. Neither party shall have any rights modified due to such consultation discussions.
Matters Appropriate for Consultation. (cont’d)
B. Consultation meetings between Union representatives and the District shall be arranged by the Department of Labor Relations or designated representative upon the request of either Party.
C. Arrangements for any consultation meeting shall be made five (5) calendar days in advance, whenever possible, and an agenda of matters related to the meeting shall be presented, in writing, at the time a consultation meeting is requested. Matters taken up on consultation meetings shall be included in the agenda and Union representatives shall be limited to no more than four (4) at any one meeting.
D. When contact is required by the Union President or local Union Administrator with the District on matters within the scope of this section, the point of contact is the Department of Labor Relations. Where contact is required by the District with SEIU/FPSU, the point of contact is the Union President, local Union Administrator or designee.
SECTION 12 SEIU/FPSU Representation
A. SEIU/FPSU, as representative of the employees covered in this agreement, shall have the right to present, at reasonable time, its views to the District on matters of employment either orally or in writing. While it is agreed that the views presented shall have no binding effect on the District, it is believed that this process could produce a more efficient work process and improve employer-employee relations.
B. The District recognizes the right of SEIU/FPSU to designate stewards and chief stewards from among the regular full-time employees of the District. SEIU/FPSU shall furnish written notice to the Department of Labor Relations of such designated stewards and chief stewards prior to their assuming office. SEIU/FPSU shall also furnish to the Department of Labor Relations a list of its current officers.
C. Non-employee Union representatives shall also be certified, in writing, to the Department of Labor Relations. The Union agrees that the activities of both Union stewards and non-employee Union representatives shall be carried out in such a manner as not to interfere with the normal operations of the School District. Non-employee Union representatives shall not contact employees, including stewards, during regular working hours, except as provided for in Article 6, Section 5 B.
Matters Appropriate for Consultation. Section 1. Matters appropriate for consultation between the parties include wages, hours, performance evaluation systems, the Employee Drug Free Workplace Administrative Guidelines, and working conditions under the terms and conditions of this Labor Agreement and areas of mutual concern. For the purpose of this Agreement, consultation is defined as mutual discussion of matters appropriate for consultation which are within the discretion of the department in an effort to reach mutual understanding, receive clarification and/or information affecting employees in the bargaining unit.
Section 2. All rights, privileges, work rules, regulations, policies, and procedures of the Fire Department which are not included in this Agreement shall remain in full force unless and except as modified or changed by the specific terms of this Agreement, or by mutual agreement of the parties during the term of this Agreement.
Section 3. A written rule, regulation, policy or procedure in conflict with this Labor Agreement may be resolved by modification, as it affects bargaining unit employees, of such rule, regulation, policy or procedure to be compatible with this Agreement through consultation between the parties.
Section 4. Consultation meetings between Union representatives and Management shall be arranged upon the request of either party. Consultation meetings shall be called by the City consistent with confidentiality, or other legal restrictions, to advise the Union of any anticipated major changes affecting the working conditions of bargaining unit employees. Arrangements for intermittent consultation meeting shall be made five (5) calendar days in advance, whenever possible, and an agenda of matters to be taken up at the meeting shall be presented in writing at the time a consultation meeting is requested.
Section 5. When contact is required by the Union President with Management on matters within the scope of this Article, the point of contact is the Director of Human Resources or his designee. Where contact is required by Management with the Union, the point of contact is the local Union President or his designee.
Section 6. If the Union requests consultation, it shall bear the costs of expenses and compensation for its own representatives. If the City requests consultation, it shall bear the costs of expenses and compensation for employee Union representatives for time spent in consultation.
Matters Appropriate for Consultation.
A. Matters appropriate for consultation between the Union and the District include items of mutualconcern. For the purpose of this agreement, consultation is defined as mutual discussion of matters appropriate for consultation in an effort to reach mutual understandings, receiveclarification and/or information affecting employees in the bargaining unit. Consultation should involve Union issues as opposed to individual complaints. Both Parties agree that the language of this section and article do not expand the Scope of Negotiations as defined in Article 4.
B. Consultation meetings between Union representatives and the District shall be arranged by the Department of Labor Relations or designated representative upon the request of either Party.
C. Arrangements for any consultation meeting shall be made five (5) calendar days in advance, whenever possible, and an agenda of matters related to the meeting shall be presented, in writing, at the time a consultation meeting is requested. Matters taken up on consultation meetings shall be included in the agenda and Union representatives shall be limited to no more than four (4) at any one meeting.
Matters Appropriate for Consultation. Section 1. Matters appropriate for consultation between the parties include wages, hours, and working conditions under the terms and conditions of this Labor Agreement and areas of mutual concern for the Bargaining Unit and Management. For purposes of this agreement, consultation is defined as a discussion of matters which are within the discretion of the Authority. Consultations may be held in an effort to reach mutual understandings, receive clarification and/or information affecting employees in the various operations that comprise the Bargaining Unit.
Section 2. Consultation meetings between Union Representatives and Management shall be scheduled by the appropriate department head upon the agreement of both parties to meet and discuss a matter of mutual benefit.
Section 3. When contact is required by the Union President with Management on matters within the scope of this Article, the point of contact is the Chief Operating Officer (COO) or the appropriate department Director. Where contact is required by Management with the Union, the point of contact is the Local Union President.
Matters Appropriate for Consultation. (cont’d)
B. Consultation meetings between Union representatives and the District shall be arranged by the Department of Labor Relations or designated representative upon the request of either Party.
C. Arrangements for any consultation meeting shall be made five (5) calendar days in advance, whenever possible, and an agenda of matters related to the meeting shall be presented, in writing, at the time a consultation meeting is requested. Matters taken up on consultation meetings shall be included in the agenda and Union representatives shall be limited to no more than four (4) at any one meeting.
D. When contact is required by the Union President or local Union Administrator with the District on matters within the scope of this section, the point of contact is the Department of Labor Relations. Where contact is required by the District with SEIU/FPSU, the point of contact is the Union President, local Union Administrator or designee.
Matters Appropriate for Consultation. 35 It is agreed and understood that matters appropriate for consultation and negotiation between the District 36 and the Association are those relating to or affecting hours, wages, grievance procedures and general 37 working conditions of employees in the bargaining unit subject to this Agreement.