Bulletin Board Postings Sample Clauses

Bulletin Board Postings. Notice of job vacancies of the following types shall be posted on all bulletin boards for a period of five (5) working days: (i) When there is no qualified applicant in the department affected. (ii) When a new job is created within the purview of collective bargaining. Any employee desiring assignment to such job vacancy shall submit written application stating his qualifications for such assignment. All unsuccessful applicants shall be entitled to an explanation as to why they were not awarded the job. The Company will make every effort to promote from within before any consideration is given to hire from outside sources.
Bulletin Board Postings. Bulletin board space may be used for posting Union notices, but shall be restricted to: a) notices of Union recreational and social affairs; b) notices of Union elections and results of elections; c) notices of Union appointments and other official business; d) notices of Union meetings; e) minutes of Union meetings; and f) all other Union business.
Bulletin Board Postings. At the beginning of each month the Employer will post on the Personnel bulletin board a list of all vacancies posted during the preceding month which have not yet been filled. This posting is for informational purposes only. A copy of the list will be sent to the Union President.
Bulletin Board Postings. Bulletin board space may be used for posting official Union notices, including, but not limited to: A. Notices of Union recreational and social affairs B. Notices of Union elections and results of elections C. Notices of Union appointments D. Notices of Union meetings E. Minutes of Union meetings
Bulletin Board Postings. The Employer will provide reasonable space on present bulletin boards, which may be used by the Union for posting notices for the following types: (a) Notices of recreational and social events. (b) Notices of elections. (c) Notices of results of elections.
Bulletin Board Postings. The University shall post on all bulletin boards every six months a seniority list showing the continuous service of each employee. A copy of each list shall be forwarded to the Union Local President and Chief Union Xxxxxxx when it is posted. Any grievance based on the content of a posted seniority list must be filed within five (5) calendar days of the posting of that list. If such a grievance is not filed within that five day period, no grievance may subsequently be filed against the University based on action taken by the University consistent with, and in reliance upon, the posted seniority list.
Bulletin Board Postings. While there is significant discussion in the popular press about social networking sites, such as Facebook and MySpace, we have found that the vast majority of small-cap investors are not users of these sites. Instead, many active small-cap investors use stock bulletin boards to get information about potential investment opportunities. As part of our approach, we have been very successful at making effective use of turning these stock bulletin board sites into an investor’s social media tool. For the Clear Skies Solar campaign, we would post messages on various stock bulletin boards in order to create awareness among its investor following. As a side note here, because we do not believe it is ethical to post messages under fake names, we always use our real names and fully disclose that we serve in an investor relations capacity for our clients. Importantly, we have found this straightforward approach is readily accepted by investors and that they really appreciate our presence on these bulletin boards. Twitter Updates - We have been using Twitter as a very effective tool to disseminate information. Use of Twitter is still innovative and makes investors feel like they are part of a special group that receives timely information. We plan to expand the use of this powerful tool. Phone Support – Making direct phone and e-mail support available to small-cap investors is vital to a successful investor relations program. Small-cap investors simply will not latch onto a stock unless they have someone to hold their hand - this can be a management team member, an analyst or an IR person. The key here is to make sure questions are answered in a VERY timely manner. The person answering the questions and “holding the hands” must be very knowledgeable about the company under consideration. While e-mail is often the most efficient method of communication and answering questions, direct phone conversations with small-cap investors is the most effective. While this approach requires a lot of work, the rewards to the Company are possibly very large as the availability of person-to-person contact can have a significant impact among the small-cap investor community. Other Hard Work As Needed - As emphasized above, an effective investor relations program is fluid and dynamic, requiring a great deal of flexibility in order to tailor the program to meet the demands of the current situation as it unfolds in the marketplace. Thus, as our campaign moves forward, it is likely that ...
Bulletin Board Postings. Manager will assure that various written company communications are posted in a timely manner; and assure that employees read and understand and if required, sign the materials.
Bulletin Board Postings. If the Union desires to post notices on Company bulletin boards or on Company property, such notices shall be first submitted to a Company Vice President.
Bulletin Board Postings. The District agrees to provide adequate space on District bulletin boards to permit the posting of information and reasonable use of email to notify members of Union activities, policies and announcements of scheduled Union meetings. The Union will provide copies of the bulletin board postings and/or email notices to the Manager of Employee Relations. Notices posted by the Union on District bulletin boards and internal email notices should not contain anything which may reasonably be construed as maligning to the District or any of its employees and may not contain any political campaign recommendations or information. These privileges may be revoked in the event of repeated abuse after the Manager of Employee Relations consults with representatives of the Union.