NON-LOCAL EMPLOYEES. 16.1 A non local employee is an employee who does not ordinarily live in Townsville / Thuringowa and suburbs or within 50km by road from the Project :
(a) north - all areas north of and including Bambaroo;
(b) south – all areas south of and including Storth; and
(c) west - all areas west of and including Woodstock.
16.2 The parties will ensure that each employee makes a declaration as set out in Appendix 7. The Employer shall brief each employee on the consequences of this declaration. The status of each employee as local or non-local shall be included in each employee's written contract of employment.
16.3 Time reasonably taken by a non-local employee for mobilisation and demobilisation will be paid for at single time (other than on a Sunday or public holiday when one and a half times shall be payable). A minimum payment of four hours shall apply.
16.4 A non-local employee travelling to or from the locality for the purpose of mobilisation or demobilisation shall be entitled to be paid by the employer an amount equal to a coach fare irrespective of the means by which such person travels to the locality. Where the employer provides the means of transport to the locality, the coach fare shall not be payable. A payment of $12.00 per day to cover expenses shall be paid to the employee while travelling.
16.5 An employee shall not be entitled to return fares and travelling time on demobilisation unless the employment with the employer continues for a period of at least three months or the completion of the work for which the employee was transferred or sent to the Project locality whichever is shorter.
16.6 A non local employee shall be entitled to one of the following:
(a) to be provided with free board and accommodation of a satisfactory standard; or
(b) if the above is not available, to be provided with free accommodation of a satisfactory standard and paid either:
(i) a daily allowance of $32.15 per day for seven days of each week; or
(ii) supplied with meal vouchers of equivalent value; or
(c) if the above is not available, by agreement between the Employer, the employee and the relevant union party to this Agreement, to be paid an allowance of $375.00 per week.
NON-LOCAL EMPLOYEES. A non local employee will mean an employee who is required to work at a distance from their usual place of residence that is unreasonable to return home to each day. A non local employee will be entitled to the board and accommodation provided by the employer as a project specific camp for the project. Applicants will be advised that their declaration will determine their eligibility, or otherwise, as a non local employee. Such determination will not alter during the employee’s employment on the project. Employees residing in the towns/localities listed below and any towns/localities or residences that fall within the distance of the boundaries from the project to the towns/localities listed below will be considered local employees for the purposes of this clause and not entitled to board and accommodation: • Tully; • Cardwell; • Innisfail; and • Babinda.
NON-LOCAL EMPLOYEES. A non local employee is a person engaged at a place other than the Gladstone locality to work on the Rio Tinto Aluminium site for the Company. A non local employee who has signed a living away from home declaration supported by appropriate proof of usual place of residence shall be entitled to either board and accommodation provided by the employer or be paid an allowance of $70.00 per day or $490.00 per week.
NON-LOCAL EMPLOYEES. 4.8.1 The point of hire for this Agreement is Perth, Western Australia.
4.8.2 Where a non-local Employee is engaged, they will undergo all necessary training and inductions in order to be able to safely carry out the work as prescribed in their respective classification.
4.8.3 Non-local Employees will not be required to work away from home for more than four consecutive weeks without returning home. Shorter or longer periods may be mutually agreed between the Employer and the Employee.
4.8.4 The Company will pay for all reasonable travel costs (return economy airfares, taxi fare, train or bus fare) associated with a non-local Employee travelling from their usual place of residence to the point of hire.
4.8.5 The Employee must ensure they are at their designated accommodation or work location prior to the commencement of their rostered working week and they are ready, willing and able to commence work as rostered.
NON-LOCAL EMPLOYEES shall be allowed a reasonable amount of baggage (to the maximum allowed in economy air travel) in addition to toolboxes where required. Any excess or non- suitcase articles must be agreed with the Company prior to travel. Where appropriate transport by bus from the designated point of hire to the site/accommodation may be provided at the commencement of employment and return at the conclusion of employment.
NON-LOCAL EMPLOYEES. A non local employee will mean an employee who is required to work at a distance from their usual place of residence that is unreasonable to return home to each day. A non local employee will be entitled to reasonable board and accommodation or be paid a living away from home allowance of $60.00per day or $420.00 per week. Applicants will be advised that their declaration on residence at the point of engagement will determine their eligibility, or otherwise, as a non local employee. Such determination will not alter during the employee’s employment on the project. Employees residing in the towns/localities listed below and any towns/localities or residences that fall within the distance of the boundaries from the project to the towns/localities listed below will be considered local employees for the purposes of this clause and not entitled to board and accommodation: • Xxxxx • Townsville
NON-LOCAL EMPLOYEES. 4.5.1 An Employee who has to relocate to the Gladstone area will be reimbursed for the costs of moving personal effects from their usual place of residence up to a maximum of $3500.00 each way. Payment will be made on the basis of receipts for removal costs.
10.1 Living Away From Home Provisions 16 10.2 Mobilisation and Demobilisation 17 10.3 Project closure at Christmas 17 12.1 Definitions 17 12.2 Allocation to Classification Groups 17 12.3 Classification Groups 18 13.1 Weekly Wage/Base Hourly Rate 21 13.2 Summary of Allowances 21 13.3 Payment of wages 23 13.4 Overtime Rates 24 17.1 Annual Leave 25 17.2 Personal Leave 26 17.3 Compassionate Leave 27 17.4 Public Holidays 27 17.5 Other Leave 28
NON-LOCAL EMPLOYEES. By agreement between the employer and the employee, a non-local PPW employee will provide a tenancy agreement to validate payment for the living away from home allowance (XXXX). This shall be paid weekly and pro rata. The maximum amount per week is $420.00. This payment will cover all costs of accommodation and meals. The allowance shall be increased if the employee satisfies the employer that he/she reasonably incurred a greater outlay than that prescribed. In the event of disagreement the matter shall be settled in accordance with the Disputes Procedure at Clause 8.1 of this Agreement. This clause is exclusive to the meal allowances in clause 5.8 and 5.