Nuisance and Anti-Social Behaviour Sample Clauses

Nuisance and Anti-Social Behaviour. ‌ 5.1 Harrogate Borough Council is firmly opposed to anti-social behaviour. You must take all reasonable steps to prevent anyone living at or visiting the property, including lodgers and sub-tenants, from causing any nuisance, annoyance, offence or harm to any:‌ a) Neighbour‌ b) Other tenant of Harrogate Borough Council c) Businesses or services operating in the locality d) Officers of Harrogate Borough Council or any of its agents or contractors e) Other person living, visiting or being in the locality 5.2 You, members of your household, or any visitors to your home must not do anything or cause anything to be done which is likely to cause nuisance, annoyance or harassment to others residing in, visiting or within the locality.‌ 5.3 This includes, but is not limited to the use of any words, or the performance of any acts (including graffiti and damage to property), which are likely to be abusive or insulting on any grounds including colour, race, nationality, sexual orientation, age, gender, religion or disability.‌ 5.4 If anyone living in or visiting the property causes nuisance, annoyance, offence or harm you will be held responsible as if you had committed it yourself. You must ensure that no damage is caused by you or anyone living in or visiting your home.‌ 5.5 You or any member of your household or visitors to your home must not undertake any of the following activities:‌ a) Using your home or any other council property for illegal or immoral purposes. In particular, the Council will not tolerate the property being used in connection with the possession, use, supply of, dealing or growing illegal drugs or substances. b) You must not use the property, or the locality of the property, for the supply of any controlled drug or other substance that is illegal under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971 or any other part of the criminal law. You must make sure that no member of your household, or any lodger, sub tenant or visitor carries out such an act. If they do you will be responsible as if you had committed it yourself. c) Keeping illegal weapon(s) on the property. d) Threatening behaviour at the property or in the local area with or without an offensive weapon. e) Causing malicious damage, including drawing graffiti, to your property or any public property in the locality. 5.6 If you do undertake any of the activities listed in Part C Section 5.5, the Council may take immediate legal action against you as the tenant of the property.‌
Nuisance and Anti-Social Behaviour. 4.1 You are responsible for the conduct of all people (including children) living in or visiting your home, and you or any person living in or visiting your home must not do any of the following: • anything likely to cause a nuisance and/or an annoyance in the locality (this is defined as within1000 metres of the property); • harass, intimidate, threaten to use or use violence towards anyone in the local area; any of our employees, contractors or agents; or anyone living in or visiting your home; • use your home for any criminal, immoral or illegal purpose. 4.2 If you, or any other person (including children) living in or visiting your home, cause a nuisance and/or annoyance or behaves in an anti-social way, we may take legal action which could result in an injunction and/or possession proceedings. Nuisance and anti-social behaviour includes but is not limited to: • violence or threats of violence to any person; • racist behaviour; • abusive or insulting words or behaviour; • offensive behaviour; • damage or threat of damage to property belonging to another person or the Council; • writing graffiti; • making an unreasonable amount of noise (see paragraph 4.10 for examples). A more detailed list of examples of anti-social behaviour are shown in Appendix 2. 4.3 If you, or any person (including children) living in or visiting your home, use your home for immoral or illegal purposes, we may take legal action to evict you. 4.4 If you, or any person (including children) living in or visiting your home, are convicted of an indictable offence committed in your home or in the local area, we may take legal action to evict you. 4.5 You, or any other person (including children) living in or visiting your home, must not do anything that could cause a danger to anyone in your home or in the local area. 4.6 You, or any other person (including children) living in or visiting your home, must not tamper with any fire-fighting equipment, closed circuit television equipment, door entry or alarm system. You must take reasonable care to ensure that the people who live in or visit your property do not damage it and do not cause a nuisance to others. If we do repair any damage for which we are not responsible, you must pay for this. We will give you reasonable prior notice of our intention to carry out such repairs. 4.7 Drugs and drug dealing You, your family and your visitors must not use your home, communal areas or local areas, for the taking, supply, cultivating and/or manufa...
Nuisance and Anti-Social Behaviour. 8.1 The Tenant will not cause by either Himself or His agents nor allow members of His household or visitors to cause, or be likely to cause, a nuisance or annoyance to any other persons in the locality including neighbours or to any tenant, agent, employee, Councillor or contractor of the Council. 8.2 The Tenant will not cause or commit or allow anyone living with the Tenant or the Tenant’s visitors to cause or commit, or to cause any act likely to cause, any form of harassment or other anti-social behaviour. Harassment and anti-social behaviour is any act or omission which interferes with the peace and comfort of or which may cause nuisance annoyance or injury or offence to any other persons in the locality including neighbours or to any tenant, agent, employee, Councillor or contractor of the Council and includes (but is not limited to):- (a) harassment on the grounds of Age, Disability, Gender reassignment, Marriage and Civil Partnership, Pregnancy and maternity, Race, Religion or belief, Sex, Sexual orientation (b) violence (including domestic violence) or threats of violence to any person; (c) use of abusive or insulting words or behaviour either in person or by way of any social media; (d) offensive drunkenness; (e) damage or threat of damage to property belonging to another person including damage to any part of a person’s home; (f) writing graffiti and in particular graffiti which is abusive, threatening or insulting; (g) making unnecessary or excessive noise by any means whatsoever including arguing, door slamming, or the playing of loud music (h) using or allowed use of the Premises for prostitution; (i) the taking of, cultivation or storing of, or dealing in or the illegal use of, any controlled drugs; (j) keeping un-licensed firearms at the Premises;
Nuisance and Anti-Social Behaviour. (a) You are responsible for the behaviour of every person living in or visiting your home. This includes your children, visitors, occupants and lodgers. You are responsible for their behaviour in your home, on surrounding land, in communal areas (stairs, lifts, landings, entrance halls, paving, shared gardens, parking areas) and in the locality around your home. (b) You, other residents of your home, lodgers or visitors must not behave in a way that causes or is likely to cause a nuisance, annoyance or disturbance to any other person in the locality of your home. • Playing loud music at any time of the day or night (see point (c) below) • Having the television too loud at any time of the day or night (see point (c) below) • Loud arguing and door slamming • Carrying out DIY or other noisy household activities late in the evening or during the night • Dogs barking • Dogs or other pets fouling in gardens, public spaces and streets • Installing outside lighting that is likely to cause a nuisance to others • Littering, or allowing your litter, (including cigarette stubs) to blow into another person’s garden or communal area • Foul and abusive language • Rowdy or inconsiderate behaviour • Setting fires in the garden of the property that cause heavy smoke or noxious fumes or odours • Selling, possessing or distributing drugs; including prescription drugs that are not intended for you or members of your family; or allowing the property to be used for the cultivation of cannabisDumping rubbish on non-official ‘dump it’ sites (fly-tipping) • Playing ball games close to someone else’s home or vehicle and causing them annoyance • Using or allowing the use of unlicensed motorbikes and scooters at the property • Malicious communications e.g. nuisance perpetrated over social media networks This is not an exhaustive list. (c) Loud music or having the television/radio too loud is when it is audible to other households outside the boundary of your property or garden, or in shared communal areas; and is causing or is likely to cause a nuisance. (d) You, other residents of your home or your visitors must not harass any other person in the locality of your home. • Racist behaviour or language that offends other people • Using or threatening to use violence, including domestic violence • Using abusive or insulting words or behaviour • Using animals to threaten, intimidate or harass other people • Damaging or threatening to damage another person’s home or possessions • Writin...
Nuisance and Anti-Social Behaviour. The Landlord shall not tolerate behaviour which causes or is likely to cause nuisance or annoyance or damage to neighbouring, adjoining or adjacent premises or to any person. Such behaviour includes (by way of example) but is not limited to: A) Excessive noise such as loud music which may cause a disturbance; B) Offensive drunkenness; C) Threats of violence such as bullying and abuse; D) Violence or violent behaviour to anyone; E) Damage to the Property such as breaking fixtures and fittings; F) Allowing the Property to become dirty and/or unhygienic or become infested; G) The use, cultivation, or storage of illegal drugs whether for the Tenant’s own purposes or for supply to another; H) The use of the Property for illegal or immoral activities; I) Graffiti and/or vandalising property; J) Using abusive or offensive language; K) Making false or malicious complaints about any other person in the locality of the Property, any of the Landlord’s Tenants, agents, employees, contractors or anyone acting on the Landlord’s behalf.
Nuisance and Anti-Social Behaviour. Not to cause or allow household members, or visitors to cause a nuisance or annoyance to the landlord, other tenants, or neighbours within the locality. (Anti-social behaviour includes minor problems with dogs, children, untidy gardens and lifestyle cases through to serious noise problems, violent and criminal behaviour, domestic abuse, the supply and use of controlled drugs, and intimidation, harassment or victimisation on the grounds of a persons’ race, sex (gender), sexual orientation, disability, age, religion or belief, pregnancy or maternity status, socio-economic status) Not to use the Property or allow others to use the Property in a way which causes noise which can be heard outside the Property between 10pm and 8am or a nuisance annoyance or damage to any neighbouring, adjoining or adjacent property or the owners or occupiers of them.
Nuisance and Anti-Social Behaviour. 6.1 You must act reasonably and have consideration for your neighbours. We will not tolerate anti-social behaviour, harassment, or domestic abuse and we will take firm action to deal with those carrying out this unacceptable behaviour. 6.2 As a tenant you will be held responsible for any form of unacceptable behaviour carried out by you, your family, and any other people living at your home, and, friends or visitors to your home. You will also be held responsible if you incite instruct allow or encourage anyone to act for you. 6.3 You must make sure that you, your family, any other people living at your home, friends or visitors to your home do not: a) Cause, or behave in such a way as is likely to cause, harassment, alarm, distress, a nuisance, an annoyance, or disturbance to anyone within Bolsover District, including people in the locality of your Property and other tenants or residents, either directly or indirectly. This includes but is not limited to any direct or indirect communication by letter, telephone, text message, email or social media (such as Facebook or Twitter). b) Cause or behave in such a way as is likely to cause harassment, alarm, distress, a nuisance, annoyance, or disturbance to anyone within Bolsover District including people in the locality of your Property, because of colour, race, ethnic origin, sexuality, disability, health, age, religion, culture, immigration status, gender, or for any other reason. c) Engage in conduct which is detrimental to vulnerable individuals or groups of individuals including, but not limited to, the elderly, those with physical or mental health disabilities, or children. d) Be violent or abusive either physically or emotionally towards anyone else in the locality. e) Make threats, harass, be violent or abusive towards any Council employee, any contractor or anyone working on our behalf, any consultant or Councillor by any means either directly or indirectly, by letter, telephone, text message, email or social media (such as Facebook or Twitter) or any other electronic messaging service. This includes when you telephone or visit any Council office or office of Bolsover District Council, if you are visited at your home, or in any other situation. f) Use your home or neighbourhood for any activity which is unlawful including, but not limited to drug dealing, drug production, use of illegal drugs, storing stolen goods or contraband, benefit fraud, obtaining goods fraudulently, for sexual offences, or for t...
Nuisance and Anti-Social Behaviour. 4.9.1. Not to cause, or allow household members, or visitors to engage in anti-social behaviour, which means any conduct causing or capable of causing a nuisance or annoyance to the landlord, other occupiers, neighbours or people engaging in lawful activity within the locality. (Examples of anti-social behaviour include failure to control dogs or children, leaving gardens untidy, not properly disposing of rubbish, inconsiderate use of the property, as well as more serious problems such as noise, violent and criminal behaviour, domestic abuse, the supply and use of controlled drugs, and intimidation, harassment or victimisation on the grounds of a person’s race, sex (gender), sexual orientation, disability, age, religion or belief, pregnancy or maternity status, socio economic status) 4.9.2. We will not tolerate behaviour which causes or is likely to cause nuisance or annoyance or damage to neighbouring, adjoining or adjacent premises or to any person. Such behaviour includes but is not limited to: • Making false and malicious complaints about another tenant, employee or contractor • Excessive noise such as loud music • Offensive drunkenness, threat of violence and violent behaviourDamage to the property such as breaking fixtures • Graffiti or vandalising the property • Using abusive, or offensive language • Allowing the property to become dirty or unhygienic preventing others from being able to use the space 4.9.3. Not keep or use drugs, the possession or use of which is prohibited by statute (including but not limited to the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971); 0.0.0. Xxxx quiet hours are from 11 PM to 8 AM, between these times we ask all tenants to ensure noise levels are to a minimum and you respect your neighbour’s rights to sleep during these hours
Nuisance and Anti-Social Behaviour. Not to cause, commit or allow anyone living with you, or your visitors to cause or commit any act or omission in your Home, in communal areas, on surrounding land or in the locality of your Home which is, or is likely to: • be a nuisance or annoyance to; and/or • interfere with the peace and comfort of; and/or • cause injury or offence to; and/or • disturb, frighten or intimidate any other tenant of the Trust, members of their household, their visitors, or anybody in the locality of your Home including (but not limited to) the Trust, staff, agents or contractors. Sample Examples of what you and persons living with or visiting you must not do, cause, commit or allow include (but are not limited to): • harassment on any grounds; • the use or threat of violence; • racist language or behaviour; • abusive or insulting words or behaviour; • damaging or threatening to damage property belonging to another person or their home; • writing graffiti and in particular graffiti which is abusive, threatening or insulting; • behaving in an offensive or irritating manner when drunk; • making noise which can be heard outside your Home including arguing, door slamming and loud music; • using or allowing your Home to be used for prostitution, dealing in or the use of any illegal drugs; • any nuisance or annoyance caused by pets including barking and fouling; • dumping rubbish at your Home or in the locality; and • playing ball games close to someone else’s Home.
Nuisance and Anti-Social Behaviour. 0.0.0. Xxx are responsible for the behaviour of anyone living in and/or visiting the Property. You, your household and visitors must not act in a way which causes, or is likely to cause, a nuisance or annoyance to: (a) anyone who lives in, is visiting or going about lawful activity at or in the vicinity of the Property and/or any Common Areas; or (b) any employee, agent or contractor of the Council (whether at or in the vicinity of the Property, any Common Area and/or elsewhere). Behaviour which may cause, or is likely to cause, a nuisance or annoyance includes harassment and criminal, illegal and/or immoral behaviour. Examples of such behaviour are set out below: • harassing, intimidating or prejudicing anyone because of their colour, race, nationality, religious or political beliefs, gender, sexuality, disability or any other personal characteristic; • being violent, using threatening, abusive, intimidating and/or insulting words, gestures or behaviour; • using or allowing the Property to be used for illegal or immoral purposes. This includes the use, production, supply, or possession of illegal drugs. • causing any damage to the Property or any damage or interference with anyone else’s property in the locality of the Property. This includes the Council’s property and any Common Areas; • leaving rubbish in any Common Areas or in the vicinity of the Property. • any act or behaviour that disturbs the peace, comfort or convenience of anyone who lives in the locality of the Property; • causing or allowing to be caused any noise nuisance by any means including arguing, shouting, screaming, slamming doors, dog barking, any audio, electrical or musical equipment or any other household item. Between the hours of 11 pm and 7 am particular care should be taken to limit the noise which can be heard outside of the Property; • allowing any pet or animal at the Property to cause a nuisance or annoyance to any person in the locality of the Property or to any of the Council’s employees, agents and contractors. This includes allowing your dog to foul the Common Areas without clearing it up immediately; • the consumption of alcohol when this behaviour becomes a nuisance or intimidating to others; and/or • inappropriate sexual behavior. 0.0.0. Xxx, your household and visitor to the Property must not cause, allow, threaten to cause or threaten to allow any type of harassment. Harassment is where someone intends to and/or does harm or intimidate another person, including the...