Number of Evaluations. All teachers shall be evaluated at least once before March of each year. Non-tenured teachers should be evaluated at least twice before March. If the teacher disagrees with the evaluator’s comments, he/she has the option to write a response to the evaluation. These comments should be submitted and attached to the evaluation documents within two (2) weeks of his/her receipt of the evaluation. A teacher may request an evaluation by an evaluator other than that selected by the Board. However, the selection of evaluators is at the sole discretion of the Board.
Number of Evaluations. 1. Evaluation will continue regularly throughout the teacher's service, although the supervisory burden will naturally be greater in the early years of teaching service.
a. Nontenure teachers shall receive the formal evaluation instrument at least twice yearly with the first one being completed prior to Christmas vacation and the second one completed prior to the April school board meeting.
b. Tenure teachers shall receive the formal evaluation instrument at least once every three years prior to May 1st.
c. Informal observations (IEP meetings, parent meetings, interaction with other staff and students, attendance at meetings, meeting deadlines, parent feedback, classroom management, instructional strategies, etc.) should be done on a regular basis with feedback given to the teacher.
2. No teacher shall be evaluated on professional performance except after fair and reasonable observations of the work of the teacher by the administrator charged with the responsibility of evaluating that teacher.
Number of Evaluations. Each non-certified employee shall be evaluated no less than one (1) time every other year if work performance warrants. All employees will receive a copy of their job description on or before their first day of employment.
Number of Evaluations a. Evaluations shall continue regularly throughout the employee's service. Twelve (12) month employees shall receive annual evaluations on or before their anniversary dates. School term employees shall receive annual evaluations by May 1 of each year. A school term employee who has received an overall satisfactory probationary evaluation earlier in the year will not need an additional evaluation May 1. The schedule of annual evaluations for employees does not preclude additional evaluations by the District when deemed necessary.
b. An employee whose annual evaluation is due ninety (90) days or less from the date on which the immediate supervisor gives notice of his/her intended transfer or resignation may request the supervisor to complete an evaluation before the supervisor's departure. Such an evaluation may be considered in lieu of the annual evaluation by the District. The supervisor, in his/her discretion, may elect whether to grant such a request.
Number of Evaluations. Non-tenured teachers shall be evaluated at least twice per school year. Tenured teachers shall be evaluated at least once every two (2) school years, provided, however, that any teacher whose performance is rated as “needs improvement” or “unsatisfactory” shall be evaluated at least once in the school year following the receipt of such rating.
Number of Evaluations. Non-tenured teachers shall be evaluated at least three times in every school year, with at least two of the observations being formal. Tenured teachers shall be evaluated at least twice every two (2) years, with at least one of the observations being formal. A principal shall not be prohibited from evaluating any teachers within a school during his/her first year as principal of such school. Any teacher whose performance is rated as “needs improvement” or “unsatisfactory” shall be evaluated at least three times during the school year following the receipt of such rating, with at least two being formal.
Number of Evaluations. Evaluations may take place at any time or a number of times during the school year.
Number of Evaluations. A. Non-tenured certificated Employees shall be evaluated at least once per semester during the first year of their employment and shall be evaluated at least once every year prior to their consideration for re-employment. Tenured certificated Employees shall be evaluated at least once every two (2) years. Evaluations are not required for resigning Teachers in their last year of employment. Evaluations are not required for retiring Teachers in their last (2) two years of employment.
B. ESP Employees shall be evaluated at least once per year. Evaluations will be cycled throughout the school year so that Administrators are not trying to do all ESP evaluations at the end of the school year. Evaluations are not required for retiring ESP Employees in their last year of employment.
Number of Evaluations. There shall be a minimum of one (1) evaluation per year for all tenured teachers, and a mimmum of three (3) per year for all non-tenured teachers employed for the full school year plus one (1) annual evaluation.
Number of Evaluations. A. A teacher’s performance shall be assessed based on the Ohio Educator Standards and rubrics for teaching and the criteria set forth in the evaluation instrument as found in Appendix U.
B. Staff members new to the Mansfield City School District shall have a complete (all 10 sections) the 1st phase, and shall have a complete (all 10 sections) the 2nd phase, by one person (No third party evaluators shall be used) for not less than thirty (30) continuous minutes on each occasion during their first year of employment.
C. Staff members new to an assignment shall be observed by one person (No third party evaluators shall be used) for both observation phase for not less than thirty (30) continuous minutes on each occasion.
D. Beginning with the 2015-16 school year, the Board will not conduct an evaluation of a teacher who meets one of the following requirements:
1. Staff member who are on leave for 50% or more of the school year,
2. The teacher has submitted notice of retirement and that notice has been accepted by the Board not later than the first (1st) day of December of the school year in which the evaluation is otherwise scheduled to be conducted.
3. Staff members who received a rating of “Accomplished” shall have one complete evaluation cycle (both phase 1 & phase 2) every three years as long as the teacher’s student academic growth measure of the most recent school year for data is available, is average or higher. In the “off years” the teacher shall have two walkthroughs, one in fall, one in the spring (following the timeline outline in 401 (B) 3) which shall constitute an evaluation cycle.
4. Staff members who received a rating of “Skilled” shall have one complete evaluation cycle (both phase 1 & phase 2) once every two years as long as the teacher’s student academic growth measure of the most recent school year for data is available, is average or higher. In the “off years” the teacher shall have two walkthroughs, one is fall, one in the spring (following the timeline outline in 401 (B) 3) which shall constitute an evaluation cycle.