Obligations of the Project Partners. 1. The PPs shall respect all the rules and obligations set forth in the Subsidy Contract.
2. The PPs shall comply with EU regulations and programme level regulatory documents – as referred in the Subsidy Contract – and the relevant national legislation.
3. Each PP commits itself to implement its own project part according to the approved Application Form, Partnership Agreement and the programme documents.
4. The PPs shall respect the time schedule of the project, including the completion of the activities foreseen for each reporting period as agreed among the PPs and the financial performance in relation to the project implementation, and shall contribute to the achievement of outputs and results of the project.
5. The PPs shall have their expenditures incurred and paid in the given reporting period validated by the designated Controller of their Partner State and submit the Control Certificate issued by the Controller to the LP.
6. The PPs shall be responsible for the sound financial management of the funds allocated to their project part, including the repayment of the contributions from the EU Funds (ERDF/IPA) unduly paid to the LP, and, where applicable, the repayment of the state co- financing to the relevant national body.
7. Each Project Partner shall maintain either a separate accounting system or an adequate accounting code for all transactions relating to the project.
8. The PPs shall support the LP to fulfil its tasks according to the Subsidy Contract. In particular, each PP shall:
a) provide the LP without any delay with any information needed to draw up the Progress Reports, to react on any request by the MA/JS, or provide with any further information needed by the LP;
b) inform the LP immediately about any circumstance that could lead to a temporary or final discontinuation of the project;
c) inform the LP before the submission of the first Application for Reimbursement on the details of the bank account where the contribution from the EU Funds of the given PP shall be transferred.
Obligations of the Project Partners. (1) The PP are obliged to respect all rules and fulfil all obligations set forth in the present agreement and the conditions under which the programme grants subsidies to the selected projects.
(2) They commit themselves to do everything in their power to contribute to the implementation of the project as set out in the project AF.
(3) The PP shall support the LP to fulfil its tasks according to the subsidy contract.
(4) In particular, each PP shall: ensure the quantitative and qualitative delivery of its planned project activities, outputs and results, as stated in the approved AF, provide the LP, without any delay and within the deadline set by the LP, with any information needed to coordinate and monitor the implementation of the project, for reporting purposes and to react on any requests of the programme, ensure timely reporting on its activities and costs in accordance with the time schedule of the project, inform the LP immediately about any circumstance that may adversely affect the implementation of the project in accordance with the project application, only implement changes in its approved budget if they comply with the flexibility rules stated in the Programme rules and if prior approval from the LP or the programme bodies has been provided, as appropriate, carry out appropriate information and communication activities under the coordination of the LP (see also Article 11 of this agreement) as stated in the approved AF, be committed to take part in any evaluation activity (e.g. by providing project information and answers to evaluators commissioned by the programme), comply with the relevant regulations of the European Union, the Programme rules and the applicable national legislation, especially European Structural and Investment funds regulations and regulations concerning equal opportunity, environment, state aid and public procurement, be responsible for the correct use of the ERDF funds received for the project, support the LP to fulfil all obligations as set out in the subsidy contract.
Obligations of the Project Partners. 1. Each PP shall comply with the relevant legal and other requirements under the law which applies to it, especially with the European Union´s and national legislation as set out in § 1 of the Subsidy Contract (Annex II) and its annexes. Furthermore each PP shall ensure that all necessary approvals have been obtained. In particular each PP shall ensure for the part of the project for which it is responsible:
a) that it is in compliance with the relevant EU Regulations - especially ERDF and regulations concerning equal opportunities, protection of environment, cost efficiency, publicity rule, public procurement and State Aid discipline, other applicable rules as reported in the documentation listed in Annex II of this Agreement (in particular the Control & Audit Guidelines) - and the applicable national legislation
b) in case de minimis for state aid applies, that all administrative requirements necessary to ensure the implementation of Regulation (EC) No 1998/2006 are respected; when necessary, this respect shall also be ensured by those actors/institutions benefitting of the PPs actions implemented within the project;
c) that the national eligibility rules, national public procurement rules and programme requirements are strictly respected.
2. Each PP confirms that data contained in the application documents and which are acquired in the project implementation shall be used by the Managing Authority according to the Law on Data Protection 2000, Austrian Federal Law Gazette No 165/1999.
3. Furthermore each PP shall give access to the relevant authorities (Joint Technical Secretariat, Managing Authority, Certifying Authority, Audit Authority, Commission Services and national and EU controlling institutions) to its business premises for the necessary controls and audits.
4. Each PP shall ensure that its part of activities to be implemented in the approved project is not fully or partly financed by other EU Programmes and that double- financing does not occur also with reference to other national or regional public subsidies.
5. Each PP shall ensure that the following project management conditions are fulfilled:
a) To implement the part of the project for which it is responsible in due time according to the descriptions of the work plan (Application Form, Section 3) as defined in Annex III of the present Agreement and to start the project implementation at the latest within two months after the entering into force of the Subsidy Contract or at a later date ac...
Obligations of the Project Partners. The PP are obliged to respect all rules and fulfil all obligations set forth in the present agreement and the conditions under which the programme grants subsidies to the selected projects. They commit themselves to do everything in their power to contribute to the implementation of the project as set out in the project AF. The PP shall support the LP and the ERDF-LP to fulfil their tasks according to the subsidy contract. In particular, each PP shall: ensure the quantitative and qualitative delivery of its planned project activities, outputs and results, as stated in the approved AF, provide the LP and the ERDF-LP, without any delay and within the deadline set by them, with any information needed to coordinate and monitor the implementation of the project, for reporting purposes and to react on any requests of the programme, ensure timely reporting on its activities and costs in accordance with the time schedule of the project, inform the LP and the ERDF-LP immediately about any circumstance that may adversely affect the implementation of the project in accordance with the project application, only implement changes in its approved budget if they comply with the flexibility rules stated in the programme manual and if prior approval from the LP and the ERDF-LP or the programme bodies has been provided, as appropriate, carry out appropriate information and communication activities under the coordination of the LP (see also Article 11 of this agreement) as stated in the approved AF, be committed to take part in any evaluation activity (e.g. by providing project information and answers to evaluators commissioned by the programme), comply with the relevant regulations of the European Union, the programme rules and the applicable national legislation, especially European Structural and Investment Funds Regulations and regulations concerning equal opportunity, environment, state aid and public procurement, be responsible for the correct use of the ERDF funds received for the project, support the LP and the ERDF-LP to fulfil all obligations as set out in the subsidy contract, ensure that undertakings, in case they participate in or benefit from the project activities (e.g. trainings) and/or operate/maintain the project outputs and results, are selected in a non-discriminatory and transparent way (same conditions for all).
Obligations of the Project Partners. 1. Project partners are responsible for carrying out specific project activities to deliver outputs in the manner and scope as indicated in the ERDF Subsidy Contract annexed to this agreement.
2. According to the present Agreement the project partners are obliged to: - appoint a contact person for the implementation of the parts of the Project under their responsibility and authorise the contact person to represent the project partner; - assure the implementation of the part of the Project they are responsible for in accordance with the ERDF Subsidy Contract and the project work plan or otherwise agreed; - guarantee a sound financial management of funds, including the separate project accounting and the documents storage system; - guarantee that reported costs have incurred for the performance of the operation and correspond to the activities agreed upon among Project Partners, so as to assure the correspondence between the activities and the financed operation; - ensure the validation of reported costs by the national controllers, prior their forwarding to the Lead Partner according to the deadlines strictly linked to the requests for payment, reports and final executive report to be presented by the LP to the MA; - present to the LP, using the forms provided by the LP himself, his technical-financial progress reports certified by his national controllers, according to the deadlines set by the LP for the submission of the requests for payment and the final executive report, including a copy (in paper or electronic version) of all supporting documents for expenditure and activities; - guarantee the timely performance of the Project according to the work plan and in particular that expected outputs are actually delivered; - notify the Lead Partner immediately of any event that could lead to a temporary or final discontinuation of the project or any other deviation of the implementation of the project, including any variations to his part of Project budget or his Project work plan;
Obligations of the Project Partners. 1. Each project partner undertakes to comply with the body of rules and regulations referred to in Article 1 of the subsidy contract as well as relevant national regulations and all other rules applicable to the project partner. That means in particular:
a) complying with the rules on eligibility of expenditure as stipulated in Article 3 of the subsidy contract and laid down in the Programme Manual,
b) completing all activities, deliverables and outputs as set out in the detailed work plan (cf. Article 7 of this agreement),
c) respecting the rules on ownership, title, industrial and intellectual property rights, as well as the use of deliverables and outputs laid down in Article 8 of this agreement,
d) guaranteeing sound financial management of its budget as indicated in the project data,
e) in accordance with Article 11 of this agreement, following the reporting procedures defined in the Programme Manual and submitting partner progress reports in time and via BAMOS+,
f) complying with the Programme’s communication and visibility rules as outlined in Article 12 of this agreement,
g) assuming responsibility in the event of any irregularity in the expenditure it has declared,
h) repaying the lead partner any amounts xxxxxx paid and complying with any request for recovery by the XX.XX and/or the lead partner based on Article 11 of the subsidy contract and Article 16 of this agreement,
i) keeping available all its documents related to the project in line with the requirements of the Programme Manual. This obligation shall persist even if the project partner is excluded from the project or the project partner has withdrawn from the project (cf. Article 14(1), 17(1) of this agreement).
2. By signing this agreement, each project partner declares that it:
a) is familiar with and adheres to the content of the subsidy contract and the provisions it bases on and refers to; this includes the rules defined in Articles 2(5), 11 and 12 of the subsidy contract, which entitle the XX.XX to reduce the amounts of Programme co-financing awarded to the project, to terminate the subsidy contract, to withhold payments, to recover Programme co-financing unduly paid and/or to suspend payments,
b) is familiar with and adheres to the project data,
c) undertakes to inform the lead partner immediately about all circumstances that delay, hinder or make impossible the realisation of the project as well as all circumstances that mean a change of the disbursement conditions or which would ...
Obligations of the Project Partners. 1. Project partners are responsible for carrying out specific project activities to deliver outputs in the manner and scope as indicated in the Subsidy Contract.
2. According to the present Agreement the project partners are obliged to support the Lead Partner to fulfil its tasks according to the Subsidy Contract, in particular with the following: - appoint a contact person for the implementation of the parts of the Project under their responsibility and authorise the contact person to represent the project partner; - assure the implementation of the part of the Project they are responsible for in accordance with the ERDF Subsidy Contract and the project work plan or otherwise agreed; - guarantee a sound financial management of funds, including the separate project accounting and the documents storage system; - contribute to overall project aims according to their part undertaken with due care and motivation, completing their activities foreseen for each reporting period; - guarantee that reported costs have incurred for the performance of the operation and correspond to the activities agreed upon among Project Partners, so as to assure the correspondence between the activities and the financed operation; - cooperate with the Lead Partner for the effective implementation of the project, actively take part in decision making during the project; - ensure the validation of reported costs by the designated national controllers, prior their forwarding to the Lead Partner according to the deadlines strictly linked to the requests for payment, reports and final report to be presented by the Lead Partner to the JTS; - present to the Lead Partner, using the forms provided the technical-financial progress reports certified by his national controllers, according to the deadlines set in Article 10.3 of this agreement for the submission of the requests for payment and the final executive report, including a copy (in paper or electronic version) of all supporting documents for expenditure and activities; - guarantee the timely performance of the Project according to the timeframes and deadlines of the subsidy contract and in particular that expected outputs are actually delivered; - to notify the Lead Partner immediately of any event that could lead to a temporary or final discontinuation of the project or any other deviation of the implementation of the project, including any variations to his part of Project budget or his Project work plan;
Obligations of the Project Partners. Each PP shall comply with the relevant European Union´s and national legislation as set out in Art. 1 of the SC.
Obligations of the Project Partners. (a) Each Project Partner shall undertake all actions necessary for full, timely and smooth implementation of its part of the project, in line with the latest approved version of the application form, and as set out in the project work plan or otherwise agreed, and in accordance with the description of tasks in the Subsidy Contract;
(b) Project partners agree to take all necessary steps enabling the (Main) Urban Authority to comply with its responsibilities as stipulated in the Subsidy Contract.
(c) All partners shall comply with the provisions of the Subsidy Contract, the UIA Guidance, and the latest approved version of the application form.
(d) All partners shall comply with the statutory rules under European law, national statutory regulations, orders, decrees and rulings, permits and exemptions which are relevant for the performance of the present agreement, specifically with respect to their own portion of the project. This includes inter alia, rules on public procurement, state aid, publicity, further rules on environmental protection and equal opportunities. In addition, they shall fulfil the following obligations:
(e) To nominate a project manager and a financial manager for the parts of the project for which it is responsible and give the (Main) Urban Authority the authority to represent the partner in the project.
(f) To provide the (Main) Urban Authority/ Initiative authorities/ other bodies involved in the Initiative implementation, with all the requested information. This includes those necessary for project coordination, monitoring, implementation and evaluation, and for reporting purposes, requests for payment, and other documents or information requested by the Permanent Secretariat. The information so requested will be provided on time and complete.
(g) To notify immediately the (Main) Urban Authority of any event or relevant circumstances that could lead to a temporary or final discontinuation or any other deviation of the project, or adversely affect implementation of the project in accordance with the work plan (correctness, timeliness, effectiveness or completeness of the actions). It shall also inform the (Main) Urban Authority of any change related to the name of the organisation, contact details, legal status or any other change concerning the partner’s legal entity which may have an impact on the project or on their eligibility to the Initiative.
(h) To make the partner contributions available as foreseen in the latest approved vers...
Obligations of the Project Partners. (1) Project partners are the organisations that are responsible for carrying out specific project activities in the manner and scope as indicated in the application form and the work plan;
(2) The project partners respect all the rules and obligations set forth in the present agreement and the conditions set out by the Grant Decision;
(3) They commit themselves to do everything in their power to contribute to the implementation of the project as set out in the project application form.
(4) The project partners shall support the LP to fulfil its tasks according to the subsidy contract.
(5) In particular, each PP shall:
a) ensure timely commencement and implementation of its project activities in accordance with the time schedule of the project,
b) provide the LP without any delay with any information needed to coordinate and monitor the implementation of the project, for reporting purposes;
c) inform the LP immediately about any circumstance that may adversely affect the implementation of the project in accordance with the project application,
d) ensure timely reporting on its activities and costs in accordance with the time schedule of the project,
e) ensure appropriate information and publicity measures under co-ordination of the LP