Official Personnel Records Sample Clauses
Official Personnel Records.
A. Materials in File. Initial minor infractions, irregularities, or deficiencies shall first be privately brought to the attention of the employee and, if corrected, shall not be entered into the employee’s official personnel record.
B. An oral reprimand shall not become part of the employee’s official personnel record. Investigations which do not result in disciplinary actions shall not be entered into the employee’s official personnel record.
C. A written record of all disciplinary actions other than oral reprimands shall be entered into an employee’s official personnel record.
D. All discipline entries shall state the corrective action expected of the employee.
E. Each employee shall be furnished with a copy of all evaluative and disciplinary entries into the official personnel record and shall be entitled to have the employee’s written response attached therein. Documentation regarding any wage garnishment action against any employee shall not be placed in the employee’s official personnel record. Disciplinary action shall only be referenced in disciplinary entries.
Official Personnel Records. The County Human Resources Department shall keep the official personnel records of all employees.
Official Personnel Records. A. Materials in File. Initial minor infractions, irregularities, or deficiencies shall first be privately brought to the attention of the employee and, if corrected, shall not be entered into the Employee's or Employer's official personnel file.
B. An oral reprimand shall not become part of any Employer record. Investigations which do not result in disciplinary actions shall not be entered into the Employer record. A written record of all disciplinary actions other than oral reprimands shall be entered into an employee's official personnel record. All disciplinary entries in the Employer record shall state the corrective action expected of the employee.
C. Each employee shall be furnished with a copy of all evaluative and disciplinary entries into any Employer record and shall be entitled to have the employee's written response attached therein. Documentation regarding any wage garnishment action against any employee shall not be placed in the employee's official personnel record.
Official Personnel Records. The Office of Human Resources must keep the County’s official personnel file for each employee. The official personnel file must not contain any information about an employee’s physical or psychological condition. Investigatory files are not personnel records. The documents in the official personnel file are limited to:
(a) application for employment or promotion that resulted in appointment or promotion;
(b) employment history, including personnel action documents affecting appointment, promotion, transfer, salary change, or other personnel action;
(c) employee identifying information and emergency contact information;
(d) payroll withholding documents;
Official Personnel Records. The official personnel records of employees are contained in official personnel folders maintained by the Department, which also maintains copies of employee performance appraisals, and records of disciplinary and adverse actions.
Official Personnel Records. 1. The official personnel records of OO employees are contained in Official Personnel Folders (OPFs) maintained by the Servicing Personnel Office (SPO). The SPO also maintains a copy of employee performance appraisals for the most recent three years in separate folders established for that purpose. Records of disciplinary and adverse action proposals including the documentation, upon which such proposals are based, are maintained by the SPO. If the proposed adverse action is sustained, a copy of the final decision memo is retained in the Employee and Labor Relations files, while the SF-50 documenting the action is filed in the OPF. Letters of reprimand are also filed in the OPF for no longer than two (2) years; however, the employer may remove the reprimand from the OPF at any time consistent with Article 29, Disciplinary and Adverse Actions. Employees may have access to all of these records under the conditions set forth in Article 2, Employee Rights.
Official Personnel Records. Section 1: Employees can review their official personnel records by logging into the AFPC webpage and viewing their Electronic Official Personnel File (EOPF). Union representatives may review the records of individual Employees who designate the Union in writing to represent them, or upon written permission, the records of other Employees which are relevant to a particular need established for representational purposes.
Section 2: The computerized Supervisor's Employee Brief is the Supervisor's record of Employees. Employees will be allowed to review this record upon request to the Supervisor. Supervisors will allow Union representatives to review records of Employees who have designated them as their representatives, or the records of other Employees, with their permission, which are relevant to a particular need established for representational purposes. When disciplinary entries are made to the record and presented to the employee, the employee may request Union representation in writing, for assistance in responding with rebuttal documents for entry in the record.
Section 3: Employees will be given an opportunity to initial all entries in their Supervisor’s Record of Employee. All unfavorable entries will be discussed with the Employee, in the presence of a Union representative, if requested, annotated in pencil and removed within one year unless otherwise required by regulation to be retained longer.
Official Personnel Records. Official personnel records of employees are electronically maintained by the Department and may be accessed by employees or their designated representatives by contacting the Director of Administration and Resource Management for the Agency. Official Personnel Folders shall be retained in accordance with law and regulation.
Official Personnel Records. The Medical Center and the Lodge agree that employees may review all disciplinary records, evaluations, and common materials in accordance with all State and Federal statutes at the discretion of the employee. Employees upon request shall have the opportunity, once each quarter, to review their official Medical Center personnel file. All materials except references provided by other employers in confidence shall be subject to such review. If an employee so requests, he/she may receive without charge, one (1) copy of any document in his/her official personnel file. Personnel files should be reviewed with the Associate Vice Chancellor of Human Resources or designate and may not leave the office without specific authorization of the Associate Vice Chancellor of Human Resources. In addition, the department may maintain a personnel file on each employee in their department, provided that such file shall also be subject to review and discussion once each quarter upon request of the respective employee. Such departmental file is not the official personnel file of such employee. Supervisors may maintain a supervisor's log or notes to assist them in the discharge of their duties as supervisors. Such logs/notes shall be subject to discussion with employees but not open for review. The Medical Center agrees that notes or documents taken from a supervisors file will not be offered as evidence in disciplinary matters except to support the occurrence of oral counseling of an employee.
Official Personnel Records. 1. Personnel files and personnel records maintained by building administrators or supervisors are exempt from disclosure under ORS 192.502(2), ORS 192.501(12) and by agreement of the Association and the District. Personnel files for each employee shall be kept in a central location; such files are confidential.
a. Employees will have the right, upon request, to review the contents of their personnel file and to obtain a copy of any documents contained therein.
b. The employee shall not have the right to view confidential letters of reference received by the District prior to the employee being hired.
c. An employee will be entitled to have a representative accompany him or her during such review of the employee’s personnel file.
d. The employee will have the right to attach a written statement to any written material placed in the employee’s personnel file.
e. The employee will acknowledge the opportunity to review material to be included in the personnel file by signing the copy to be filed, with the express understanding that such signature does not signify agreement with the content of the material. No information that reflects critically upon an employee shall be placed in an employee’s personnel record that does not bear either the signature of the employee indicating that he/she has been shown the material or a statement by the employee’s supervisor that the employee has been shown the material and has refused to sign it, or that the supervisor has attempted to show the material to the employee and the employee has refused to review the material. A copy of such material shall be furnished to the employee upon request.
f. Each employee’s personnel file shall contain the following minimum items:
1. Performance evaluation reports
2. Correspondence relating to employment
3. An employment application
g. Current annual notice of employment and current job descriptions will be kept on file in the Silver Falls School District Office.