Options in Lieu of Layoff Sample Clauses
Options in Lieu of Layoff. Regular and cyclic employees who have completed their probationary period and who are designated for layoff will be given the option to move to one of the following positions in lieu of layoff, if that position is available:
(a) Full-time, regular positions in a class(es) in which the employee has held permanent status; or
(b) Full-time, regular positions in a lower class(es) in the same series for which the employee is qualified. As an alternative to full-time, regular positions, employees may elect to have access to positions that are project, part-time or cyclic by making such a request in writing.
Options in Lieu of Layoff. Any employee who is given notice of layoff may file a written request to exercise an option in lieu of layoff with the Appointing Authority within five (5) work days of receipt of such notice. The employee’s options shall be as follows:
a. Any employee notified of layoff may opt to displace the least service credit person in the functional unit in the same classification provided the employee can perform the specific requirements of the position within approximately two (2) weeks. Time may be extended by mutual agreement.
b. If an opening exists within another functional unit, an employee may accept that, provided the employee can perform the specific requirements of the position within approximately two (2) weeks. Time may be extended by mutual agreement.
Options in Lieu of Layoff. Regular and cyclic employees who have completed their probationary period and who are designated for layoff shall be given the option to move to an available comparable position or to an available position in a lower class in lieu of layoff.
Options in Lieu of Layoff. Any employee who is given notice of layoff may file a written request to exercise an option in lieu of layoff with the Appointing Authority within five (5) work days of receipt of such notice. The employee's options shall be as follows:
a. Any employee notified of layoff may opt to displace the least service credit person in the geographic area in the same classification provided the employee can perform the specific requirements of the position within approximately two (2) weeks.
b. Any employee notified of layoff may elect to demote within the functional unit to a lower classification for which the employee is qualified provided the employee can perform the requirements of the position within approximately two (2) weeks, if a position exists which is not protected from layoff and where the incumbent has the least seniority.
c. If no such option exists within the functional unit, the employee may elect to displace the least senior undesignated person in the geographic area in a lower classification for which the employee is qualified, provided the employee can perform the requirements of the position within approximately two (2) weeks.
Options in Lieu of Layoff. 17.7.1 Upon approval of the District, unit members who are unable or unwilling to exercise the rights to transfer or demote to a classification in which they previously served may request assignment to a vacant position in a related equal or lower classification for which the District has determined they are qualified.
17.7.2 Eligible unit members may elect service retirement in lieu of layoff through the Public Employees' Retirement System. If the unit member subsequently accepts reemployment in an appropriate vacancy, the vacant position shall be held until the Public Employees' Retirement System has processed the unit member's request to return to work.
Options in Lieu of Layoff. Any employee who is given notice of layoff may file a written request to exercise an option in lieu of layoff with the Appointing Authority within five (5) workdays of receipt of such notice. The employee’s options shall be as follows:
1. Any employee notified of layoff may displace the lowest seniority employee in the worksite provided the employee can perform the specific requirements of the position.
a. When an employee cannot displace the lower seniority employee in the worksite, the employee may displace the lowest seniority employee within the Metropolitan area of which the worksite is located. The employee must be able to perform the specific requirement of the position Metropolitan area is: Portland/Wilsonville, Salem, Umatilla/Xxxxxxxxx, and all others are considered independent.
b. If no positions are available under option 1a, the employee may displace the lowest seniority employee east or west of the Cascades, provided the employee can perform the specific requirements of the position.
c. If no positions are available under option 1b, the employee may displace the lowest seniority employee statewide.
2. Any employee notified of layoff may voluntarily fill any vacancy management intends to fill at any worksite provided the employee can perform the specific requirements of that position.
3. The employee may elect to be laid off. An employee who elects to be laid off shall be placed on the Agency recall list for the classification from which he/she was laid off. Recall will occur in reverse order of layoff unless special qualifications prevent this. Recall eligibility will continue for two (2) years from date of layoff. A laid off employee may displace a temporary employee if he/she can fully fulfill the specified requirements of the temporary appointee’s assignment.
Options in Lieu of Layoff. The Agency shall give written notice to bargaining unit employees and the Union of impending Agency layoffs. The notice shall identify the number of positions in each classification which will be abolished by work unit/functional unit and geographic area. Before implementing the layoff process, the Agency will notify all employees in the bargaining unit in the affected classifications within the same geographic area that the Agency will be initiating the layoff process. The Agency shall solicit for volunteers to elect to be laid off by classification in the geographic area. If there are more employees that volunteer to be laid off than the number of employees that will be laid off, the order of layoff will be by service credit order with the highest service credit employee being granted the layoff. Unless the volunteer(s) occupied a position identified to be abolished, the vacated position shall be considered having zero (0) service credits for the affected employees to review as an option. The Agency shall begin the layoff process by notifying the affected employees and the equivalent number employees in the same classification with the lowest service credits in the geographic area of the potential for layoff and what options they will have available under this article. Employees shall be responsible to ensure their application is updated and will meet in a timely fashion with Agency representatives to discuss classifications for which they qualify in the layoff process. The Agency shall initiate the layoff process with the highest service credit score within the highest salary range classification in the geographic area. The employee shall exercise one (1) of the following options within five (5) workdays of receipt of final and official layoff notice as stated in paragraph 3 of Section 5:
a. (Greater Salem Area Only) The employee may displace the least service credit employee within the same classification within the greater Salem area as defined in this section of the article. The employee must possess the minimum qualifications for the position and be able to perform the specific requirement of the position within approximately thirty (30) calendar days.
b. Any employee notified of layoff may elect to displace the employee with the least service credit in the work site as defined in Section 11 of this article in the same classification provided the employee can perform the specific requirements of the position within thirty (30) calendar days.
c. Any ...
Options in Lieu of Layoff. Any employee who is given notice of layoff may file a written request to exercise an option in lieu of layoff with the Appointing Authority within five (5) work days of receipt of such notice. The employee’s options shall be as follows:
a) Any employee notified of layoff may opt to displace the least service credit person in the functional unit in the same classification provided the employee can perform the specific requirements of the position within approximately two
Options in Lieu of Layoff. Any employee who is given notice of layoff may file a written request to exercise an option in lieu of layoff with the Appointing Authority within five (5) work days of receipt of such notice. The employee's options shall be as follows:
a. Any employee notified of layoff may opt to displace the least service credit person in the geographic area in the same classification provided the employee can perform the specific requirements of the position within approximately two (2) weeks.
b. Any employee notified of layoff may elect to demote within the functional unit to a lower classification for which the employee is qualified provided the employee can perform the requirements of the position within approximately two (2) weeks, if a position exists which is not protected from layoff and where the incumbent has the least seniority.
c. If no such option exists within the functional unit, the employee may elect to displace the least senior undesignated person in the geographic area in a lower classification for which the employee is qualified, provided the employee can perform the requirements of the position within approximately two (2) weeks. A Department of Corrections/Board of Parole employee may elect to be placed into any vacancy in the employee's same or lower classification which the agency intends to fill (the Department regularly holds positions vacant with no intent to fill, a monthly list of these positions will be made available to the Union upon its request) where the employee meets the qualifications for the position and can perform the specific requirements of the position within approximately two (2) weeks.
Options in Lieu of Layoff. Employees in regular status affected by layoff will be offered, if available:
a) Demotions within the facility to positions in a lower class in the same occupational job series or in a lower class in which the employee previously held regular status. The granting of this option is determined by the service credit of the employee;
b) Transfer to positions of the same class at other facilities in the same division held by original or promotional probationary, emergency, provisional, temporary or limited temporary employees;
c) Transfer to vacant positions of the same class at other facilities in the same division which are intended to be filled.