PART-TIME ASSIGNMENTS. 5.9.1 Unit members who are required to work beyond their regularly assigned work hours, but fewer than eight (8) hours per day shall be compensated for all extra time worked at their regular rate of pay on a pro-rata basis of their regular salary, or the prevailing District approved hourly rate, whichever is greater.
5.9.2 When a part-time assignment is increased, the incumbent shall have the first opportunity to accept the additional assignment.
PART-TIME ASSIGNMENTS. (1) A part-time assignment is less than eight (8) hours a day. Part-time employees employed for four (4) consecutive hours per day shall have a fifteen (15) minute rest period. An employee working 75% of the workday, six (6) consecutive hours or more, shall be entitled to two (2) fifteen (15) minute rest periods. An unpaid lunch period shall be provided to part-time employees working more than four (4) hours per day. For employees working between four (4) and six (6) hours per day, an unpaid lunch period may be waived upon mutual agreement between the employee and the Employer.
(2) An employee who works a minimum of thirty (30) minutes per day in excess of his/her part-time assignment for a period of twenty (20) consecutive working days or more shall have his/her basic assignment changed to reflect the longer hours.
PART-TIME ASSIGNMENTS. Part-time assignments in secondary schools shall be scheduled in consecutive teaching blocks. Part-time assignments in schools having a rotating block schedule shall follow the scheduled rotation.
PART-TIME ASSIGNMENTS. 23.1 The Board may appoint part-time members according to the needs of the system.
23.2 A member of ETFO on part-time assignment is a member employed on a regular basis for other than full-time duty.
23.3 A member with a part-time assignment may, prior to March 1st, request a full-time assignment commencing the following school year, and shall be granted a full time assignment on the basis of seniority and qualifications.
23.4 A member with a full-time assignment may, prior to March 1st, request a part-time assignment commencing the following school year, and shall be granted a part- time assignment based on seniority, qualifications and program needs.
23.5 A member on part-time assignment shall be paid according to the salary schedule and allowances in this collective agreement prorated, for the time worked. Prorated will mean the proportion of the year worked by the member in relation to a full-time assignment. Notwithstanding the foregoing, members with an assignment of half time (.5) or greater will not have their area allowance prorated, except where the member has commenced work after the start of the school year.
23.6 A member on part-time assignment will receive all leaves including sick leave on a prorated basis. Prorated will mean the proportion of the year worked by the member in relation to a full-time assignment.
23.7 A member on part-time assignment shall have the right to participate in all benefit plans subject to insurance carrier approval. The Board’s contribution to benefit premiums will be made as if the member were on a full-time assignment.
23.8 A member on part-time assignment shall receive credit for teaching experience prorated based on the member’s part-time assignment.
23.9 For the purposes of seniority, a member on part-time assignment shall be deemed to be on full-time assignment.
23.10 A member on part-time assignment shall be assigned preparation time on a prorated basis. Prorated will mean the proportion of the year worked by the member in relation to a full time assignment.
PART-TIME ASSIGNMENTS. A co-curricular assignment may be filled on a less than full-time basis. When such assignments are approved for less than full-time, the stipend for the activity shall be paid on a prorated basis determined by the length of the season.
PART-TIME ASSIGNMENTS. Definition of Teacher on Part-Time Assignment
27.01 A Teacher on a part-time assignment is a Teacher employed on a regular basis for other than full- time duty.
PART-TIME ASSIGNMENTS. The Employer may grant part-time assignments to Employees who have met certain criteria for procedures as outlined below:
1. Each request for a part-time assignment will be considered on its individual merits.
2. The application shall be submitted in accordance with this Article.
3. The particular circumstances surrounding each part-time assignment will be reviewed by the Employer with the understanding that its decision will not establish a precedent. This will include a review of the number of part-time Employees by the district.
4. The decision of the Employer as to whether such part-time assignment shall be granted is final and not subject to the grievance procedure.
5. The Non-Teacher Employee may return to a full-time assignment only when there is a vacancy. Application of a part-time Non-Teacher Employee to return to a full-time position shall be considered on a priority basis over external applications when an opening is available. The Employer’s decision shall be final.
PART-TIME ASSIGNMENTS. 1. A teacher with a full-time appointment to the teaching staff of the district may, without prejudice to that appointment, request a part-time assignment, specifying the percentage and length of time requested.
a. Requests for part-time assignments shall be submitted in writing to the Superintendent of Schools by March 31.
b. Each part-time assignment shall be granted for a specified term of up to one (1) school year.
c. A teacher wishing to continue with a part-time or job-sharing assignment must re- apply under C.22.1 or they will return to full-time employment at the conclusion of the term of the part-time appointment.
2. When a request for part-time is granted by the Board, the teacher shall be considered to be on leave of absence with respect of the time not worked.
a. The teacher shall be entitled to return to a similar full-time assignment at the expiration of the part-time assignment.
b. The Board may permit the teacher to return to a full-time assignment at an earlier date or may extend the period of part-time teaching.
3. Two teachers employed full-time by the Board may jointly request a job-sharing assignment.
a. Requests for job sharing assignments shall be submitted in writing to the Superintendent of Schools by March 31.
b. Salary shall be pro-rated according to the percentage of time worked by each teacher.
c. When one of the teachers agrees to work due to the temporary absence or illness of the other teacher, that teacher shall receive payment at full pro-rata scale placement for all such work;
d. Each job sharing assignment shall be granted for a specified term of up to one
(1) school year.
PART-TIME ASSIGNMENTS. 31.01 A part-time teacher is one whose full-time equivalent status is less than 1.0. A part-time teacher shall be subject to the Articles of this Collective Agreement.
31.02 A part-time teacher shall receive salary and allowance pro-rated according to the part-time teacher's full-time equivalent status.
31.03 Both instructional and non-instructional time for the part-time teacher shall be pro-rated by means of the ratio of the assigned time of the part-time teacher to the assigned time of a full-time teacher.
31.04 A part-time teacher whose status is half-time or greater shall be eligible for all benefits with premiums paid as set out in Article 18. A part-time teacher whose status is less than half-time shall be eligible for all of the benefit plans set out in Article 18 with the Board paying one-half of the cost of benefit premiums.
31.05 All sick leave credit, accumulation and deductions under this plan shall be pro- rated accordingly for part-time employees.
31.06 Recognition of teaching experience will occur in accordance with Article 10.06.
31.07 Full seniority shall be accumulated without regard as to whether employment is full-time or part-time.
31.08 Part-time teachers who have requested an increase in employment status shall be considered for available vacancies prior to external hiring.
PART-TIME ASSIGNMENTS. Part time employees shall be paid on a pro-rated schedule. Calculation of pay for a member teaching a partial day shall be the daily rate of pay multiplied by the fractional number of actual instructional minutes taught divided by the total instructional minutes of the regular day. Example: $108 x 60 = $108 x 1 = $18 360 6