Payment in Lieu of Vacation Sample Clauses
Payment in Lieu of Vacation a) If because of operating needs the Employer cannot grant an employee's request for vacation time within the twenty-four (24) month period after the expiration of the calendar year such time was earned, such vacation time shall be liquidated in cash at straight time provided the employee has made at least three (3) requests, each for different time periods, for such time within the calendar year preceding liquidation, or it may be accumulated indefinitely subject to the provisions of this Article.
b) No salary payment shall be made in lieu of vacation earned but not taken except as in (a) above and on termination of employment for eligible employees with at least six (6) months of continuous service in which case the effective date of termination shall not be extended by the number of days represented by said salary payment.
c) An employee who is indeterminately laid off pursuant to Article XX, Section 2, may receive lump sum payment in lieu of unused vacation under this Section at the request of the employee and with determination by the agency that funds are so available, otherwise the employee shall be paid from the regular payroll on a day-for-day basis until such accrued vacation is liquidated. Such liquidation of vacation benefits does not extend the effective date of layoff and no additional benefits shall be earned or granted during such period of liquidation of vacation benefits. In the event an agency specifies in the layoff plan approved in accordance with Personnel Rule 302.520 that the employee is to be recalled under Article XX, Section 5, Recall, on a certain date, the payment of salary in lieu of vacation may be withheld, with the payment becoming due on the date the employee is scheduled to return if in fact the employee is not recalled on that date. In the event an employee is returned to active employment in trainee, provisional, probationary, certified or exempt status during such period of liquidation of vacation benefits, payment shall cease and the unpaid balance credited to the employee's vacation account. If the return is to any other status, the liquidation shall be completed, unless the employee requests otherwise.
Payment in Lieu of Vacation. Members will be paid during vacation periods but there shall be no remuneration in lieu of vacation in the event that a Member chooses not to take her/his vacation allowance.
Payment in Lieu of Vacation. (1) Employees on a Leave of Absence as a result of (1) Public Political Office Leave, (2) Educational Leave of twelve (12) months or more, or
Payment in Lieu of Vacation. Any unused vacation at the end of June 30th annually will be paid to the employee at the employee’s regular rate of pay. Such payment will be made with the second pay of July. Prior to June 30th, an employee may elect, by notifying the Treasurer’s office in writing or via email, to carry over no more than ten (10) days. At no time shall the total allocation of unused vacation days to be carried over exceed ten (10) total days.
Payment in Lieu of Vacation. Employees shall be granted an opportunity to receive payment (instead of time off) for unused vacation in addition to their regular pay (at straight time) by requesting same, in writing, to the department head. Payment in lieu of vacation is limited to six (6) weeks per year and must be taken in at least one (1) week increments; provided, however, that the employee must retain at least one week of unused vacation after the vacation is to be paid by the City.
Payment in Lieu of Vacation. Subject to sufficient accrual of vacation leave, full-time employees may request payment in cash in lieu of vacation accrual on the books in excess of eighty (80) hours. Any such request and payment shall be in a block of eight (8) hours or multiples thereof, shall be no more often than twice per calendar year, and shall not exceed a total of eighty (80) hours per calendar year. Vacation pay in lieu of vacation shall be paid at the rate in effect at the time of the request for pay in lieu of vacation.
Payment in Lieu of Vacation. If because of operating needs, or other legitimate reasons (including leaves), the Employer cannot grant an employee's request for vacation time within a 12 month period after the expiration of the calendar year in which such time is earned, such vacation time may, upon recommendation of the department head, be carried over for one (1) additional year.
Payment in Lieu of Vacation a) Upon termination of employment by means of resignation, retirement, indeterminate layoff, or discharge, provided the employee is not employed in another position in state service within 4 calendar days of such termination, or upon movement from a position subject to the Personnel Code to a position not subject to the Personnel Code, an employee is entitled to be paid for any vacation earned but not taken or forfeited pursuant to Rule 303.270, provided the employee has at least 6 months of continuous service since the latest date of appointment. No other payment in lieu of vacation shall be made except as pro- vided by Rule 303.295.
b) The payment provided in subsection (a) above shall not be deemed to extend the effective date of termination by the num- ber of days represented by said payment.
c) The payment provided in subsection (a) above shall be comput- ed by multiplying the number of days (hours) of accumulated vacation by the employee's daily (hourly) rate as determined in accordance with 80 Ill. Adm. Code 310.520(a).
d) Effective January 1, 2016, employees newly-hired into the bar- gaining unit shall be entitled to a vacation payout of no more than 45 days.
Payment in Lieu of Vacation. Upon termination of employment, employees shall be paid for their accrued unused vacation. In the event of the death of an employee, the employee's estate shall receive payment for the employee's accrued unused vacation.
Payment in Lieu of Vacation. This rollover shall not be subject to the nine percent matching. Any employee who is going to retire and wants the amount rolled over into the Ohio Deferred Compensation System at one hundred (100%) must roll over thirty (30) days before leaving.